NNN Communications Center

Updated 13 June, 2009



The NNN Reporters Newsroom (forum) has moved to a new location and superior board software has been installed.
(The prior IPB forum software had several security bugs and a new bug has just come out that would require yet another version upgrade).

Ref: IPB 2.x.x Security Update (04-25-06)
Note: New registrations will be disabled for at least a week while the old database is updated.


Attention NNN Reporters Newsroom members: If you have not received your password for the new forum - email me with your posting name.
(from your last registered email address) - WB


Webmaster note: some problems with the forum host yesterday and today - try again later if links do not work.

  NNN Reporters Newsroom  

Check the NNN Reporters Newsroom for breaking news links not yet posted here...
(Views posted on NNN Newsroom are those of the individual reporter/commentators
and/or guests and not necessarily those of the editor of New Nation News)


  Whitebear wants you  

NNN Reporters Newsroom
Whitebear wants you to join the NNN Reporters Newsroom Team

if you have been a regular NNN reader and would like to post breaking news links
that might be of interest to other NNN readers.
Please read the Notice to new registered applicants and if you think you might qualify
for this unpaid but rewarding volunteer position as 'Cub Reporter' then you may 'try out'
by submitting a sample porfolio of your news posts after registering.

Preferred format for submitting news links to New Nation News.   - Also see: How to post here

From: (your email name/address) (Kept confidential except for 'hatemail' that contains profanity or personal threats.)
To: "news@newnation.org" [or 'email-editor' link at bottom of related page]
Subject: [Title of news article - or your title for news article]
Date: mm/dd/yyyy

[the link to the page as copied from Address bar in Internet Explorer
 or right mouse-click on headline in referring page and 'copy shortcut' to paste into note here]
[Note: make sure you are not inside of a 'frame' when copying link from address bar]

[the title: if not already given in Subject above]

[your optional comments for posting: your comments for posting with the article - may be edited by NNN editor] [note: if the link source may expire soon, you might include a copy of the text but I probably don't have room to reprint the whole thing]

[special directions: if you WANT your webname, name or email address posted, let me know - default is anonymous post. Any email addresses other than the source must be confirmed before posting.

[note: don't bother to attach full article unless you are not sure it's going to be there for a few days - for instance 'Oregon Live' items may expire same day, most 'AP wire' items may only be up for a couple of hours.]


Thanks to the NNN Reporters Newsroom Team - forum and email reporters that contribute to the content of this site.
Sorry, I just do not have time to acknowledge every email. - NNN Editor

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