New Nation News Web Site Map New Nation News - web links
 Control Immigration, Crime and Corruption * Restore Constitutional Republic 

New Nation News
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Links to New Nation News

Isa 60:18 Isa 60:18 Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders

Web Links to New Nation News - updated May 2, 2017
(If you have a 'permanent' link to NNN and are not on this list - email NNN editor.)
Currently known links to New Nation News: (newest links added to bottom of page)
some links may have expired
...does not imply endorsement or association... but thanks - webmaster
oldest existing link to NNN updated 1 Jan 2003 KPS Reports
            (Prior websites named: Comments On The News - German-American - Teutonic History)
"Resist the devil, and he will flee from you"
California Coalition for Immigration Reform
"Welcome to California - the Illegal Immigration State"
Voices of Citizens Together * American Patrol - (past news item credits in archives)
The Daily Republican Newspaper  - (link to Impeach comments page)
"The Best Little Newspaper On The Web"
New Link noticed 3 November 2000The Southern Party of North Carolina
Southern Culture, History, Heritage and Moral Values
New Link4 November 2000EuroKnowledge (link updated 3/06/2002)
Culture and Politics for People of European Descent World Wide
link as of 19 Nov 2000 Poetry - Home Jew-ELS
Sharon Esther Lampert * Poet, Philosopher, Prophet & Princess (Central Park)
1 Jan 2000American Renaissance (link to Wichita page)
"There is not a truth existing which I fear or would wish unknown to the whole world."
2 Jan 2000Political Slants Exposed
"Future updates and links will expose the battle of Christianity against the forces of evil."
8 Jan 2000Southern Phalange Website
"The Southern Phalange is a number of persons banded together for the common purpose
of fighting for an Independent Southland which is the Confederate States of America."
link noticed 29 Jan 2001Nacionalistas Estrangeiras (Racialistas Também)
"Mare Nostrum has by main objective grouping links of Nationalistic content"

link noticed  5/09/2001The Way Everlasting
"Surely thou will slay the wicked O God; depart from me therefore ye bloody men."
link noticed  6/14/2001The Blue Knight - AWAKEN 'O' ISRAEL
"How long O Israel will you slumber?..."

link noticed 11/05/2001Skinheadz
"Working for unity and victory"

new link reported 17 Apr 2002German Cross
"The purpose of this site is to tell it like it is, or was, without apologies..."
new link noticed 16 June 2002Aryan Nations World Headquarters - Hayden, Idaho
"This Aryan Nations website is for the Education of the White Race ONLY!"
new link noticed 18 June 2002The Northern Alliance
Founded in 1997, the Northern Alliance is an advocacy group that is devoted to promoting freedom of speech and expression. We are also dedicated to the protection and advancement of the rights of Canadians of European descent.
new link noticed 23 June 2002The Church of the Sons of YHVH
Surely thou wilt slay the wicked O God: depart from me therefore, ye bloody men. - (link)
new link noticed 6 July 2002Aw, Shucks!
Southern News and Links

link noticed 21 August 2002New homepage link to NNN from Wolf J. Flywheel - Tennessee Valley, CSA

nw link noticed 27 Aug 2002Western Safeguards Initiative - (link updated 25 Feb 2004)"not kosher"swastika
  "If racial diversity makes America stronger, then America must have been a weak country in 1955." -
nw link reported 30 Aug 2002The American Journal
nw link reported 16 October 2002Crime Ads - "The more we see them the easier we find them!" - link
nw link reported 15 November 2002South Africa - The Truth - warning: graphic images
"The outside world needs to know the truth!" - link

new link noticed 10 Jan 2003KINSMEN RESCUE PROJECT
Every day more Whites are robbed and raped and murdered in southern Africa. Time is short.
 new link on 11 Jan 2003The Southern Outlaw - Southern Pride! - (problem with page loading 27 June 2004)
This page is dedicated to the preservation of Southern heritage, Southern history and Southern culture.
link noticed  21 Jan 2003White Nationalist Party - "FOR RACE AND NATION!"
new link as of 2 Feb 2003Aryan Nations Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
" fulfill the legacy left by General Nathan Bedford Forrest..." - link
link noticed 3 March 2003American National Conference - (link updated 12 June 2003)
The American National Conference (ANC) is a pro-European, pro-White political organization
link noticed 3 March 2003AltaColumbia - a Cascadia concepts site
"Cascadia" has lately become the term for the Can-Am border regional identity
that has resulted in attempts primarily in Washington, Oregon and British Columbia
to work cooperatively to promote their manifest destiny. - link

link notice posted 6 May 2003White Extinction
"Here lies a race of cowards. The White Race died by racial suicide" - link
link noticed 12 June 2003  - updated 24 Aug 2003Trumpet America - (no longer online)
"Heritage - Truth - Courage - A Forum for Civic Engagement"

link noticed 16 June  2003White Future - Celebrate Homogeneity!
       "It is not hate to defend your White race!" - link
link noticed 31 August 2003Stop the Invasion! - The activist website
"What part of the word 'illegal' don't you understand?" - link
link noticed 18 Sep 2003NuevOrdeN / Bienvenidos al siteswastica - Spanish web site links to Newnation - link

link as of 1 March 2004 American Nationalist Union
Founded in 1995, the American Nationalist Union is the largest nationalist political organization in the U.S. - link
link noticed 18 April
Congress supplies Cheap foreign Labor for Corporate America
Corporate America funds Congressional Campaigns - link
link noticed 9 July 2004White Free Speech is a library and resource page for articles, pictures, movies, sound bites,
and other items that may be of interest to White Nationalists or other pro-White people. - link
link noticed 10 July 2004 Heartland USA - (link expired as of 5/2011)
"The fate of Euro-American civilization rests with its children, for they are the ones who must build the mighty towers of cities yet unborn, explore the darkest depths of mysteries yet unknown, challenge the farthest frontiers of worlds yet unreached. Towards this Tomorrow they must forever struggle, if we as a people are to survive".
Ward Kendall - Founder of HEARTLAND - author of "Hold Back This Day"
link noticed 16 Sep 2004Prometheism
The First Sovereign Transhuman & Neo-Eugenic Libertarian Religious-State. - link
link noticed 10 Oct 2004 EXTREMISMUS UND DEMOKRATIE
"Kommunismus, Nationalsozialismus, Hitler, Stalin, ...Freiheit" - link
new link noticed 26 Oct 2004 Crime in the United States
        "This web site is dedicated to the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice
         while serving to protect the citizens of the USA" - link
New - link posted 8 Dec 2004News Headlines from Leaders Circle about South Africa
"The aim with this publication is to give inhabitants and outsiders a better, unbiased understanding of what is really going on inside our country..."
new link 2 Jan 2005Breaking All The Rules
"Conservative America First Populism - an uncommon site for the common man" - (link)

new link 24 Feb 2005"Mommy, How come they can call us honkies but we can't say n*gger?"
You are your Race and Nationality. Honor, Defend, Preserve your Heritage.

New 28 March 2005Brotherood of Klans
"a fraternal, patriotic organization promoting the ideas and ideals of Western Christian Civilization".  - (link)
New 18 May 2005Welcome to
" dedicated to promoting the ideals of Maltese and European culture, traditions, and Folkish orientated politics" - (link)
New link noticed 3 Nov 2005Zach Attack Blog
"News, articles and essays pertaining to White Christian Nationalism in America and around the world."
'The Race War Of Black Against White' by Paul Sheehan
link reported 3 July 2005Imperivm Europa
"A Europid bond forged through Spirituality closely followed by Race,
nurtured through High Culture, protected by High Politics, enforced by the The Elite." - (link)
Nation of the Aryan Union - N.A.U.
"The N.A.U. is a secret, international fraternal organization that promotes the interests and welfare of white Aryan people" "influenced by Adolf Hitler's National Socialism"  (antichristian)  nudity
- (link)
link noticed 10 Sep 2005Retaliator Skinheads - "Retaliate Forever - Surrender Never!" swastika
The Retaliator Skinheads are an elite organization created in 2004 by and for the white race. - (link)
link noticed 20 Sep 2005Russian site: Athenaeum Russian International Edition - (in Russian)
links to Von Hoffmeister Index - (link)

link noticed 12 Oct 2005.:Vigrid:. - apparently a Norwegian site
Link noticed 9 Dec 2005American Italian White Separatist Front (AIWSF)
"For American White Separatists who identify with Italian or Greek Heritage"  - (forum)  - (link)
Link noticed 7 Jan 2006Christian Revival Crusade - "In God we Trust"
"online Bible, message board, chat room, articles of interest and much more" - (link)
23 May 2006OCCIDENTAL ORIGIN  * Essays - Articles - Reviews * Links
"We are living in a world misled..."
15 July 2006BET (Blood, Bodem, Eer en Trouw) - (Blood, Soil, Honour & Loyalty) (site down 15 Oct 2006)
BBET is an independant Flemish nationalist website exclusively devoted to both the cultural as the biological preservation of European mankind and civilisation. We propagate an unlimited freedom of speech concerning all issues relevant to our struggle for existance. - (links)
link added 1 Sep 2006The RIGHT Perspective Podcast Blog
"NYC's Most Dangerous Callers to Talk Radio now take your calls and discuss issues from "The Right Perspective"! Featuring "Hello, Africa," shedding light on the Dark Continent! Live broadcast heard over shortwave radio station WWCR 3.215 MHz and the Internet every Friday night 10pm EST"

link added 1 Dec 2008Koinen's Corner - (various essays on race)

link added 21 March 2009News From The West
NFTW is America's most dynamic truthsite. It is a massive archive and a limitless library of valuable information exposing the truth about who runs our world. "The internet's Number One Source for accurate, non-apologetic, in-your-face TRUTH!" -CM

Sacred Nation link added 19 Jan 2012
Sacred Nation is a Christian Identity publication which promotes positive Christianity and pro-white unity - (link)

-----------------------------------> (links reviewed through here - 27 June 2004 - ed.)

(links to NNN Reparations page)
link noticed 19 June 2000Should Black Americans receive reparations for centuries of slavery?
"brought to you by Inner-City Software 100% Black owned, Black built and Black hosted"
link noticed  5 Dec 2000"Reparation" - View's on Reparation (for descendants of African slaves)
(links to NNN Aboriginal page) 
15 Sep 2004 Bora of Dalungbara - The Dalungbara Aboriginal People
         Our motto: Learn together, live together.
Negative Links... (removed to save space)

Editor email since 8/22/98 web site map