New Nation News Editor's Desk

ARCHIVE for 2 March 2007




  • Utah Migrant Gunman's Body Shipped to Bosnia
    SALT LAKE CITY -- The parents of a teenager who killed five people in a shopping mall and died in a police shootout flew to their native Bosnia to bury him, still searching for a reason for the rampage. Suljo and Sabira Talovic left Utah shortly before midnight Wednesday and were expected to arrive in Bosnia on Friday. The body of Sulejman Talovic, 18, was on a different flight and was due in Bosnia the same day.

  • Indian man says he killed 19 children, women
    Surender Koli confessed to sexual assault of victims, many of whom were servants’ kin


A black man who took hostages in a bar and told the patrons that "white people are going to burn tonight"
Steven Johnson - NNN file photoAnne HubbardRobin Arzonwas convicted Thursday of attempted murder, assault and other crimes. AIDS-infected Steven Johnson, 39, showed no emotion after the jury, which deliberated a week, found him guilty of more than 50 crimes, some of them designated hate crimes that are punished more severely than other offenses. Johnson invaded Bar Veloce, in Manhattan'sEast Village area, while nine men and six women were inside early June 16, 2002. He was carrying three pistols, a samurai sword and a container of kerosene. He warned, "White people are going to burn tonight." He later told police he left the housing project in Brooklyn where he lived and took a subway train to the East Village, where he looked for "happy" white people to avenge the mistreatment of black people. He shot and wounded three people, including a police officer, and sprayed kerosene on several customers and threatened to set them on fire. Two women caught Johnson off guard and tackled him, and a policeman shot him. Sentencing was set for March 21.
- (Newsroom) - (crime) - (Black-on-white) - (Hatecrimes) - (Stormfront)

Ref: Victims Turn The Tables
"I guess we'd been there for like and hour and a half, and then heard a gunshot outside and the man who'd been shot walked in," recalls Robin Arzon. "The whole evening was just a bad made-for-TV movie in many, many ways," explains Anne Hubbard, who had just finished her shift as a waitress at another restaurant when she found herself a hostage.


Ref: "I wanted to kill as many white people as I could," Johnson told detectives
after the 40-minute siege, which left Johnson and three victims with bullet wounds.

    White Highschool Student Was Strangled; Bond Denied To Two Black Suspects - Video at link
Jermaine Nelson and Craig Lashoun McBeathShannon TorrenceStrangulation was the contributing cause of Shannon Torrence’s death, officials ruled late Tuesday night following an autopsy of the teen. The County Coroner said that preliminary results from the autopsy showed that Torrence died of “incomplete strangulation and terminal. Torrence was found nude with a garbage bag over his head. Duct tape was also on the outside of the bag over Torrence’s nose and mouth. “There were multiple scrapes and bruises and indications that he was dragged to the site where he was found.”
Two men are charged with capital murder in the slaying. Sheriff William Richardson says the suspects, 18-year-old Issac Jermaine Nelson and 19-year-old Craig Lashoun McBeath, knew Torrence. They were arrested Tuesday and denied bond after initial court appearance Wednesday. - (Newsroom) - (crime) - (Black-on-white)

    Mayor Frank Melton accused of 4 probation violations
Frank MeltonJackson Mayor Frank Melton is accused of staying out past his curfew, participating in unauthorized police raids, spending the night with minors and failing to notify his probation officer of his heart surgery, according to the warrant for his arrest. On today, The Clarion-Ledger obtained copies of the warrant and an affidavit sworn by Melton’s probation officer, Dennis Grant. The charges stem from an overnight visit Melton had in January with a single mother and her young children at Christian Brotherhood Homes in northwest Jackson, a police raid he led that shut down the Upper Level Bar and Grill in February and his heart surgery in Texas in late January. - (Newsroom)


    14-Year-Old Girl Arrested On Grand Theft Auto Charges -- For Fifth Time
Jatteria NixonA 14-year-old girl in Central Florida was arrested on grand theft charges Wednesday for the fifth time in five months. Jatteria Nixon, 14, was taken into custody Wednesday after being captured by Orange County's specialized auto trap unit. "This is her fifth grand theft auto arrest in five months," Orange County sheriff's Sgt. Carlos Espinosa said. - (Newsroom) - (crime)


Sports: Former NBA all-star Eddie Johnson arrested and charged with sexually assaulting an 8-year-old girl
Eddie JohnsonOCALA, Fla. — Former NBA All-Star Eddie Johnson has been arrested and charged with sexually assaulting an 8-year-old girl, authorities said Tuesday night. Johnson, 51, was charged Tuesday with sexual battery on a child under the age of 12 and residential burglary for entering the apartment where the girl was staying while her mother was out, said Sgt. Russ Kern of the Ocala police department. The girl told detectives Johnson ordered her into a bedroom, where he sexually assaulted her, according to the police report. He then told her "not to tell anyone about what just happened," and tried to kiss her in the kitchen before leaving the apartment. - (crime) - (Sports) - (Newsroom)

  • 'I’m no pervert,' Eddie Johnson says
    "Former All-Star allegedly sexually assaulted eight-year-old girl
  • Johnson accused of second rape
    Charges come day after arrest for alleged assault of a child

  • Not the same "Eddie Johson"?
    "One apology isn't enough for Eddie Johnson. He wants an apology every day of every week for the next year, if not for the rest of his life. The Chicago Tribune, a national radio show and a number of TV stations have smeared his fine name, mistakenly identifying the Chicago-bred basketball legend and former University of Illinois star as the Eddie Johnson charged last week with sexually assaulting an 8-year-old girl in Florida." - (reader link)
  • Chicago Tribune Condemns The Wrong Eddie Johnson
    The paper that last year managed to misidentify two Chicago men as mobsters two days in a row made another egregious mistaken ID last week. A former NBA player named Eddie Johnson was charged with sexual assault. But there are two Eddie Johnsons who played in the NBA, and the Tribune, rushing to get the news item in the paper before deadline, chose the wrong one. The mistaken Johnson told AP that it was the worst day of his life. "Devastating. Hard to explain," he told the news service. The day after its error, the Tribune ran an editor's note and a correction with the editor's note/apology:
  • "The Trib mistook former NBA player Eddie Johnson, a Chicago native "who was distinguished as much by good citizenship and charity work," with the other former NBA player Eddie Johnson, who "has been in and out of trouble with the law since he quit playing in 1987" and was recently arrested and charged with child molestation. The paper accompanied an Associated Press article about the arrest with a photo of the wrong Johnson".



  • Navy Ousts Chaplain for Public Protest
    The Navy had sought to dismiss Lt. Gordon Klingenschmitt since a military jury in September said he had disobeyed a superior officer's order for wearing his uniform to a political protest at the White House in March 2006. Klingenschmitt had argued that he was allowed to wear his uniform if conducting a "bona fide worship service." He said he believes he was punished for making a political speech in uniform because he prayed in Jesus' name.


Cost of Iraq war



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Norway: Somalian migrant rapist on the loose
black Afrian migrant rapistAll three women were attacked in Oslo's popular Grünerløkka district late Saturday night while on their way home. As in earlier cases, one of the women was attacked as she unlocked the entry door to her apartment building on Trondheimsveien. Her assailant, described by police as an "aggressive" man in his mid-20s, believed to be Somalian, drew a knife and forced her into the apartment she shared with several roommates. Police drawing of Somalian migrant who attacked three woman - (Newsroom) - (EU)

    Oslo rape statistics shock
Two out of three charged with rape in Norway's capital are immigrants with a non-western background according to a police study. The number of rape cases is also rising steadily.The study is the first where the crime statistics have been analyzed according to ethnic origin. Of the 111 charged with rape in Oslo last year, 72 were of non-western ethnic origin, 25 are classified as Norwegian or western and 14 are listed as unknown.

26 Feb 2007 archived - (click at left for full coverage)
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    Black rapes and murders White Eastern Michigan University co-ed
Orange Amir Taylor IIILaura DickinsonAn Eastern Michigan University student has been charged in the rape and murder of another student found dead in her dormitory room. Orange Amir Taylor III, 20 of Southfield, was arrested Friday, 10 weeks after the body of Laura Dickinson was found in her dorm room. The suspect was charged with homicide, home invasion, two counts of criminal sexual conduct and larceny. The university has been informing students and their families about the arrest. A university official says counseling will be available for students, staff and community members. - (Newsroom) - (crime) - (Black-on-white)
Ref: Student found dead in dorm

    Richfield man faces charges for raping a 14-year-old girl
Earl Christopher Terry Jr.A Negro arrested for raping a teen is still in jail after being picked up by police. Earl Christopher Terry Jr., 21, was arrested in connection with multiple rapes of a 14-year-old girl. The victim’s mother reported the crimes to police. Police did not elaborate on the exact nature of the incident or incidents due to the involvement of a minor victim. Officers took Terry into custody. He is charged with three counts of statutory rape or sex offense of a person 13, 14 or 15 years old. - (crime)

  • DNA Tests Ordered in Atlanta Murder Case
    Wayne WilliamsWayne Williams' lawyers say the DNA tests were not available when Williams went to trial in 1982. Williams was convicted of murdering Jimmy Ray Payne, 21, and Nathaniel Cater, 27, and sentenced to two consecutive life terms. Their killings were two of 29 black slayings, mostly boys, in the Atlanta area between 1979 and 1981. After the trial, officials declared Williams responsible for 22 other deaths, and closed those cases.

    UConn Student Recants Abduction, Rape Report
Daniella Edwards A 20-year-old girl who claimed she was kidnapped from the UConn campus in West Hartford and raped has changed her story, police said Monday. Daniella Edwards told investigators she was kidnapped from a parking lot on the university's campus, raped and then returned back to campus. Police said Edwards was arrested when she turned herself in and told investigators she was never raped. Edwards told police she lied about the incident to avoid being disciplined at home.

24 Feb 2007 archived - (click at left for full coverage)
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  "George W. Caligula"
George W. Caligula
by Séan Carroll © 9 Feb 2007

  Lemaricus Davidson Letalvis Cobbins George Thomas Eric Boyd

Tips on preventing carjack,
gang-rape and murder

by Boon Mammy

Channon Christian  and Christopher Newsom



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Bible  Psa 55:15 Let death seize upon them, [and] let them go down quick into hell: for wickedness [is] in their dwellings, [and] among them.

Poll: What is the best solution for racial problems?
Ref: The American Colonization Society

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