This is why all you white men need to teach your wives/sweethearts/mothers/daughters/sons how to shoot and defend themselves. Get them carry permits if you can and make it known there is no shame in fighting back. Hammer this into their heads:
When in your car, keep your doors locked and your windows up.
Never approach your car before looking around, behind, and inside
your car.
Have the keys in your hand before you leave a position of safety
and go to your car or from your car to a building.
Do not park next to any vehicle that you cannot see into.
Do not leave items in your car that would indicate that your car
belongs to a woman.
Watch for an occupied vehicle in the parking lot.
Look for any vehicle that is cruising around the parking lot when
their are spaces available.
If you are involved in a car-jacking, let them have the car. Do not
go with them.
If someone grabs you while you are entering your car, throw
your keys. This will prevent them from taking you to another
location. Statistically, women who are taken to another location
and attacked are, more often than not, murdered.
Always leave enough room between your vehicle and the car in
front of you in traffic to drive away if threatened.
Your vehicle may be used as an effective weapon. If you cannot
drive away from danger, run into it or over it.
If you jog or walk, always do so with a friend in active areas
during daylight hours.
Do not wear headphones. You cannot hear your surrounding
with them on.
Use all of your senses to monitor what is happening around you.
Niggers stink and they don't bathe.
Do not become immersed in a telephone conversation on your
cell phone.
Pay attention to what is going on around you. If you find that
when you hung up, you cannot remember several details of
what happened around you while you were on the phone,
you just became an easy mark for an attack during the phone call.
Pay attention to your surroundings. When on foot, you think
someone is following you, change directions. If they change
their direction in response to your change of direction, seek
a populated area, such as a store, and call the police.
If in an automobile, make a few turns to see if they are indeed
following you. If they are still in sight, drive to the police department
or a well populated area. If you have a cell phone and find yourself
being followed, your first call should be to the police. Give them
your location, direction of travel, and the denoscription of your car
as well as the car that is following you. Drive normally to the
police department... do not drive home. Stay on the phone with
the police dispatcher until you are talking to an officer in person.
Do not blindly walk out of buildings, including your home.
Always take a second to check the surroundings for anything
out of place or unusual.
If a nigger approaches you and you have nowhere to go, tell
them in a loud and firm voice, to get away from you, to leave
you alone, etc. This will immediately confirm their intentions
and let them know that you are not an easy mark. Most
niggers prefer easy victims. Never be a victim.
Do your best to stay out of nigger infested places.
Park in well lit parking lots. If you are going to be inside a store
until after dark, park under a street light. Shop only in the daylight
hours. Take a friend with you. There is safety in numbers. If you
must purchase gas after dark, do so at a busy station with lots of
potential witnesses around. Use common sense and avoid any
place you think may be unsafe.
Have a plan of action that you have thought through for every
imaginable scenario. "What if" every situation you can think of.
Have a response planned for any threat you may encounter.
Include a less than lethal level of response in your planning.
Pulling out your gun is not always the best answer to a perceived
threat. It should be your last resort.
Remember, just because you had to pull your weapon, it doesn't
mean that you will have to fire it. Most use of lethal force
confrontations are de-escalated by the presence of your weapon
in your hand in response to an aggressor's threatening actions.
Don't become an easy victim.
Never let a nigger close to you. The average "Safety Zone"
(the distance most of us feel comfortable) when in a public
place is about 6 feet. Inside 3 feet is usually where most of us
draw the line as being "your space". Someone within three
feet is in your space and usually makes us feel uncomfortable.
Never let a nigger in your Safety Zone. Keep
Stay Alert at all times, even just outside your house or in your yard.
Never use more force than is needed. Be ready to use force if
it is needed.
Any weapon on your person is better than one left in your
car or at home.
Always have a "non-lethal" force weapon at hand or within
reach. Best scenario... in your pocket when you need it.
Always use cover if it available. Never fight in the open.
Scream / curse as loud as you can when attacked. Draw
attention to your attacker's actions. Attention is your friend.
Above all: Never quit. Never stop. Keep fighting. If you ever quit... you die.