- Chinese-born engineer faces jury in theft of U.S. secrets
- Chinese-Born Engineer Spy Awaits Trial
SANTA ANA, Calif. -- As a top engineer at a major U.S. defense contractor, Chi Mak helped develop some of the most advanced and closely guarded naval technology in the world, including silent-running propulsion systems that can make submarines virtually undetectable. Now, in a case that experts say could have serious implications for U.S. security, he is accused of stealing those secrets for the Chinese. Prosecutors say the Chinese-born Mak was working for China from 1983 until his arrest two years ago, stealing hundreds of documents about a number of defense systems, including the weapons, nuclear reactors and propulsion systems aboard U.S. submarines.
- Journalist's Reports Spur Foreign Chinese Criminal Espionage Probe
In October 2005, FBI agents arrested Chi Mak's brother and sister-in-law, Tai Mak (pictured, at left) and Fuk Li, at Los Angeles International Airport as the couple prepared to board a flight to Hong Kong. Authorities said they were carrying an encrypted disk of propulsion designs Chi Mak obtained from his employer, Power Paragon.
- China Edging US in Espionage, Author Says
Chinese espionage directed against the United States has met with "total success for China" and "total failure" for America's own intelligence operations, said an author and reporter on national security issues. Counter-intelligence operations have allowed the Chinese to block and manipulate U.S. electronic eavesdropping operations while the theft of U.S. technology has helped accelerate Beijing's military ambitions, Bill Gertz said Friday at a gathering of the Defense Forum Foundation on Capitol Hill. He also said China is trying to "leap ahead" of the U.S. with "niche weapons."
- ESPIONAGE, the Sequel
Take, for example, the case of Chi Mak, a Chinese-born electronics engineer working for a US defense contractor. According to the federal government, he was part of a family that spied together and apparently hoped to prosper together.
- Chi Mak, Tai Wang Mak, Rebecca Lai-wah Chiu, Fuk-heung Li, Yui 'Billy' Mak
- Two Southern California family members originally from the People’s Republic of China were indicted