New Nation News Editor's Desk

ARCHIVE for 14 March 2007





    "Crazy" homeless black woman responsible for burning four white people alive
Mary SmithJennifer CarlsonJoseph SchultzJerod PilgreenJason BowersCHICAGO - A woman suspected of starting a series of fires near Wrigley Field, including one that killed four people, was charged Monday with murder, authorities said.

Mary Smith, 43, was charged with four counts of first-degree murder and two counts of aggravated arson, the Cook County state's attorney office said.

Police identified Smith after witnesses reported seeing an unkempt woman, wearing clear plastic bags on her feet, near the scene of three small fires, said Edward O'Donnell, commander of the police department's bomb and arson unit.

The fourth fire, reported shortly after 7 a.m. Saturday within walking distance of the others, quickly spread through a three-story apartment building, killing four people inside a top-floor apartment, fire officials said.

Smith made a number of self-incriminating statements during questioning and witnesses identified her from "numerous" lineups, police said. She appeared coherent and calm, they said.

“There's some stuff that she knew too well, so she gave statements that would put her on the scene,” Area 3 Police Comdr. Thomas Byrne said.

Prosecutors: Negress Set Fatal Fire To Warm Up Cold Feet
The fire early Saturday at 3553 N. Fremont claimed the lives of single mother Jennifer Carlson, 24, her roommate Jason Bowers, 23, and two friends -- Jerod Pilgreen, 21, of Poplar Grove and Joseph Schultz of Belvidere. Carlson and Bowers rented a third-floor unit. A fifth person jumped from a third-floor window at the burning apartment building. The survivor might have inadvertently aided the fire’s spread, said police Bomb and Arson unit Cmdr. Ed O’Donnell. The man left his apartment door open, which “allowed superheated air and gases to enter,” O’Donnell said. At Smith’s bond hearing, Assistant State’s Attorney Mary Lacy said Smith set the fire in an interior stairwell at 3553 N. Fremont just before 7 a.m. Saturday. "She said she lost her shoes that night and her feet were cold," Lacy said. At the request of Smith’s lawyer, Assistant Public Defender Dayna Woodbury, Hyland sent Smith to Cook County’s Cermak Hospital instead of the jail. “All indications are she is seriously mentally ill,’’ said Woodbury. “She needs medication. She needs to see a doctor.’’ - (Newsroom) - (crime) - (Black-on-white) - (Burned Alive!)

    13-year-old boy homo-raped by black pastor in bathroom of Martin Luther King, Jr. Library
Frederick DewFrederick Dew, a Sacramento pastor is scheduled to be arraigned today on charges he sexually assaulted a 13-year-old boy in a public library bathroom last Thursday. Dew is the pastor of Praise Tabercacle, a small church in south Sacramento. Sacramento police arrested Dew last Friday. Authorities believe he sexually assaulted a 13-year-old after following the boy into the bathroom at the Martin Luther King Jr. Library on 24th Street. The child managed to escape and pointed Dew out to security guard Alfear Wright. - (Newsroom) - (crime)

    Insurance Company Sues Black Bishop Acen Phillips, Claiming $300,000 Fraud
Acen PhillipsDENVER -- AIG Life Insurance Company is suing Bishop Acen Phillips, accusing him of defrauding the company of hundreds of thousands of dollars. According to federal court documents filed Tuesday morning, AIG claimed the head of the American Church United "falsified paperwork and then fraudulently claimed that non-members had been enrolled ACU members at the time of their death." The 30-page document also accused Phillips of altering beneficiary forms to beef up insurance proceeds and using two criminally convicted and disbarred attorneys to craft a bogus letter to AIG. - (Newsroom) - (Afro-american lifestyles: Religion) - (crime)


Former Atlantic City Council President Craig Callaway sentenced to 40 months in federal prison
Craig CallawayCAMDEN – A federal judge sentenced former Atlantic City Council President Craig Callaway to 40 months in the nearest federal prison. Callaway will also be subject to three years of supervised released after serving his sentence. Callaway, 47, the former rabble-rousing activist who grew into a powerful area politician over the past decade, built a small political empire on absentee ballots. He was sentenced today by U.S. District Justice Joseph Rodriguez. Federal sentencing guidelines suggested he could have been sentenced to between 30 and 37 months in prison for taking $36,000 in bribes between December 2003 and January 2005. - (Afro-american politics) - (Newsroom) - (crime)

Callaway guilty of harassing woman seeking his recall
Just days before ex-Atlantic City Council President Craig Callaway goes to federal prison on bribery charges, a Municipal Court judge found him guilty Thursday of harassing a woman who led a petition drive to get him out of office. Judge Robert Switzer ordered Callaway to pay more than $200 in fines and imposed a stay-away order with a 30-day suspended jail sentence should he violate it. “This is bull,” Callaway muttered as he turned from the defense table. Switzer responded to the comment by asking Callaway, “Would you like to be held (in jail) tonight?” Callaway, who made similar comments before court began, then apologized to the Egg Harbor Township Municipal Court. The case was moved from Atlantic City because it involved a former city official. She told the court he made the comments in a way that made her fearful. Then she said Callaway drove around the block past her house 11 times and she called police.


  • Diallo Officer Lawsuit: Give My Job Back
    NEW YORK -- One of four police officers involved in the fatal shooting of an unarmed African immigrant in 1999 sued the police department Tuesday in a bid to be returned to active duty. With the lawsuit in U.S. District Court, Kenneth Boss resumed a fight he has waged since he and three other police officers fired 41 shots at Amadou Diallo, a 22-year-old Bronx street vendor, saying they thought his black wallet was a gun.




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    Inmate testifies black confessed to raping, murdering and decapitating 5-year-old white girl
An inmate who served time with Lindsey Bruce became the first in a possible string of prisoners expected to say Bruce confessed to killing 5-year-old Emily Rimel more than two years ago. Yesterday’s witness offered shocking new information for jurors: "He said he raped her and he killed her. He said he cut her head off." Though authorities never determined how Emily died or whether she had been decapitated, only her skull was found when her remains were discovered 17 months after her disappearance on Dec. 7, 2004. - (Newsroom) - (crime) - (Black-on-White)    

    Students accuse university of covering up black on white rape and murder
Orange Amir TaylorLaura DickinsonAbout 300 Eastern Michigan students attended a town hall meeting Wednesday after accusing University officials of a cover-up. Students said the school covered up the rape and murder of a fellow student. The body of Laura Dickinson, 22, of Hastings was found inside her dorm room on Dec. 15. Students claim they were told Dickinson died of what appeared to be "natural causes". "I kind of just feel like they were holding things back. They should have just told us," said student Bejarney Tabscott. Police said Dickinson was raped and murdered. Fellow EMU student Orange Amir Taylor, pictured left, was arrested Feb. 23. Police ultimately say they tied him to the slaying through a DNA match on seminal fluid found on Dickinson's body. - (Newsroom) - (crime) - (Black-on-white)

10 March 2007 archived - (click at left for full coverage)
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Mexifaggot accused of abducting a 13-year-old boy from a school bus stop
Vicente Ignacio Beltran-MorenoClay MooreTAMPA, Fla. -- A Mexican man accused of abducting a 13-year-old from a school bus stop and abandoning him in the woods was brought back to Florida on Thursday to face charges. Vicente Ignacio Beltran-Moreno, 22, fled to Mexico after the Feb. 23 abduction of Clay Moore, who managed to free himself, authorities said. Beltran-Moreno turned himself in Wednesday at the border near McAllen, Texas, after an FBI agent negotiated his surrender by phone. - (Newsroom) - (crime) - (Invasion!)

Clay Moore's incredible tale of escape from an armed Mexifaggot kidnapper

    Feral black mugger viciously attacks 101-yr-old White woman on way to church
feral black muggerRose MoratA New York City mugger attacked a 101-year-old woman, punched her in the face and knocked her over before making off with her handbag, according to police and a security-camera video. Shortly afterward, the same suspect victimized an 85-year-old woman Solange Elizee, also using a walker, police said Friday as they pressed the public for tips that could identify him. The attacks took place in separate buildings in the Jamaica section of Queens last Sunday. The suspect, a black male in his 30s, is wanted in a string of neighborhood robberies. Rose Morat, 101 years old, was assaulted in her apartment building's lobby around 12:30 p.m. The suspect, who pulled a ski mask down over his face, was seen in security-camera footage opening the door for Morat before throwing a flurry of punches at her as she steadies herself against her walker. - (Newsroom) - (crime) - (Black-on-white)

9 March 2007 archived - (click at left for full coverage)
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  "Black Indian"
by H. Millard © 2007

  CVH flag
by Constantin von Hoffmeister
*National Democratic Party of Germany
  Constantin von Hoffmeister used to be a regular contibuting columnist for NNN but has since acquired his own site.
He is a most controversial and unique voice within the broad spectrum of 'White Nationalism' and difficult to categorize. Some language and images on his site might not pass NNN editorial 'censorship' but with standard disclaimers - hopefully some NNN readers may find his essays and poems of interest.
- NNN Editor

  Lemaricus Davidson Letalvis Cobbins George Thomas Eric Boyd

Tips on preventing carjack,
gang-rape and murder

by Boon Mammy

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Bible  Psa 55:15 Let death seize upon them, [and] let them go down quick into hell: for wickedness [is] in their dwellings, [and] among them.

Poll: What is the best solution for racial problems?
Ref: The American Colonization Society

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