New Nation News Editor's Desk

ARCHIVE for 27 Aug 2006






  • Police say that movie attack by a pack of "young black men" is a hate crime
    RICHMOND: At least three people were seriously assaulted by a group of black men at the Century 16 Theater.
    Richmond police determined Friday that at least three people attacked by a crowd of young black men at Century 16 Hilltop theater this month were victims of hate crimes. Two victims were attacked Aug. 11 outside the theater, and one was assaulted inside, stomped by at least 30 men while the film "Step Up" continued to roll, Police Chief Chris Magnus said. The theater staff failed to help any of the victims. In one case, a witness reported employees in the theater lobby laughing as they watched a crowd of about 10 men beat and kick a woman huddled on the sidewalk in front of the building. In the "vandalism" case, Magnus confirmed, a crowd of young black men in front of the theater smashed the window of the victim's car and tried to drag her out by her ponytail, while someone shouted, "Get the white bitch!"
    The incident began about an hour into the movie, police said, during a scene dealing with interracial dating. A crowd of young black men seated in the back rows began shouting and throwing candy toward the front of the theater, mainly occupied by Latinos and Filipinos. Philip Herrera, 23, stood up and asked them to stop pelting his girlfriend and mother. In response, several men hauled him out of his seat and beat him severely enough to cause a concussion. Mayor Irma Anderson, who is black, skirted the race issue. - (Newsroom) - (Hatecrimes) - (Norcal)
    Ref: Richmond, California demographics: White 21.25% of residents in Richmond, CA are Caucasian
    Black 36.06% of residents in Richmond, CA are of African descent
    Many of the people who moved to Richmond were black and came from the Midwest and South.
    Most of the white men were overseas at war and this opened up new opportunities for minorities and women.

  • Another Red River Parish mother complains about a bus driver
    Danielle Lindsey filed a complaint with the sheriff's office Friday alleging that bus driver Mineola Richmond slapped her 7-year-old son in the hand, causing him to drop a toy he was playing with. Lindsey's son is white; Mineola Richmond is black. - (Newsroom)

  • South African Murders Hit Scary Rate
    Robbers kill their victims, bystanders kill criminals, family members kill each other. Gunbattles erupt on streets and in shopping malls. Passers-by whip out pistols and join in firefights between criminals and police or security guards. A recent flurry in high profile bloodshed even has police suggesting they are losing the fight with violent crime. - (Africa)

  • US journalist on Sudan spy charge
  • Obama Promotes HIV Testing in Kenya
    before settling into the calm of a quiet meal with his grandmother in the Kenyan hamlet where his father grew up and is buried.

    Black man charged with shooting Asian woman and setting fire to her home
Glen Allan SheltonHOUSTON -- A man has been arrested and charged with shooting a woman to and setting her home on fire to cover it up. Harris County sheriff's deputies said Glen Allan Shelton, 30, was charged with capital murder in connection with the death of Noemi Pham on Aug. 13. Pham was found dead inside her home during a house fire. An autopsy revealed Pham died before the fire. Officials have not said if Pham and Shelton knew each other. Shelton is being held in the Harris County Jail without bond. He is expected to appear in court on Friday. - (Newsroom) - (crime)




Cost of the War in Iraq
(Javanoscript Error)
Bush legacy



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  • Is Bush the Antichrist? - By Chuck Baldwin - The Covenant News ~ April 12, 2002
    During the eight years of Clinton's presidency, I was repeatedly asked, "Chuck, do you think Bill Clinton is the antichrist?" (Of course, I answered no.) Therefore, it is more than interesting to me that since G.W. Bush became president no one has asked if I thought he was the antichrist. Not one single person! Instead, many people attribute to Bush god-like qualities, which actually makes him a better candidate than Clinton was.

26 Aug 2006 archived - (click at left for full coverage)
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    Criminal black live-in 'boyfriend' kills ex-girlfriend's mother and white female teacher - wounds two others
Linda LambesisMary Alicia ShanksChristopher A. WilliamsAndrea LambesisESSEX, Vermont (AP) -- A man accused of killing two people and wounding two others in a shooting rampage that began at his ex-girlfriend's home and continued at an elementary school pleaded not guilty Friday, while a prosecutor said the suspect confessed to the crimes. Christopher A. Williams, 27, was ordered held without bail. He shot himself twice in the head after the rampage Thursday and appeared in court confined to a wheelchair, arms strapped to his sides and feet shackled. Williams was charged with two counts each of first-degree murder and attempted murder. He was released from a hospital and transferred to jail. He appeared listless in court, slumping in his chair and showing no emotion. A 'mental health' counselor told the Judge that Williams had said he wanted to drown himself in a toilet after being arrested. He was ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation. Williams confessed to the shootings, which started after a fight with ex-girlfriend Andrea Lambesis. Intent on killing her, he went looking for Lambesis at the home he shared with her and her mother, Linda Lambesis, 57. Williams shot the elder woman to death, then went to Essex Elementary School in search of her daughter but Williams didn't find her. He fatally shot second-grade teacher Mary Alicia Shanks, 56, in her classroom and wounded school staffer Mary Snedeker, 52, Vincent said. Later he shot his 'friend' that had given him the murder weapon. Mary Snedeker, 52, Essex Junction, shot but expected to survive.
Update: The courtroom was packed and security was extremely tight when Christopher Williams was wheeled in lashed by wrist-ankle-and body restraints. Looking on in the front row was his ex-girlfriend Andrea Lambesis who dumped him two days ago. (From video at link) He has an extensive criminal record in Massachusetts where her threatened to kill another 'ex-girlfriend'.
- (Newsroom) - (crime) - (Black-on-white) - Note: any white woman with a black ex-boyfriend has endangered herself, her family and any coworkers
Ref: Vermont demographics: White persons percent, 96.9% - Black persons 0.6%

    Dark "person of interest" sought in white woman's disappearance - Reward offered
Antonio ChanceCynthia MorelandRALEIGH, N.C. -- The employer of a Wake County woman who disappeared this week is now offering a reward for information on her whereabouts. Progress Energy announced Saturday that it is offering a reward of up to $10,000 for information that helps authorities find Cynthia Moreland, who disappeared from a downtown Raleigh parking deck Tuesday morning on her way to work. Antonio Chance, 29, was arrested Friday and charged with kidnapping and obtaining property by false pretenses in connection with Moreland's disappearance. Chance was identified by police as the man who visited a nearby Dollar General Store and tried to use Moreland's debit card shortly after her disappearance. Chance and Moreland are not believed to have known each other prior to the alleged kidnapping, said police. They would not say if they believe a single person kidnapped Moreland. - (Newsroom) - (crime) - (Black-on-white)

    Black Firefighter and Friend Accused Of Sex With 12-year-old Girl He Met Online
Reginal Welch and Jamie Finch When the officer investigated, he found Reginal Welch and Jamie Finch with the 13-year-old girl sitting in the back seat, dressed in pink pajamas, the report said. The girl also claimed that Welch had sex with her about a month ago when she was 12 years old. They found unwrapped condoms in the car. On Welch's MySpace page, Eyewitness News also found a number of girls listed as Welch's friends whose profiles say they are under age, some as young as 14. Finch's friend was charged with one of kidnapping and one count of lewd and lascivious behavior. Welch is facing two counts of each. - (Newsroom) - (crime)





The Naked President by Chuck Baldwin
"naked president"I well remember back in the 2000 elections many conservatives (especially conservative Christians) attempting to assuage my trepidation and misgiving regarding then candidate George W. Bush by saying, "Chuck, don't worry; Bush cannot act like a conservative, because he wouldn't be able to get elected [Funny how it didn't stop Ronald Reagan!] if he did. But be assured that once he is elected, you will see his true conservatism." - (Commentary)

25 Aug 2006 archived - (click at left for full coverage)
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  • Mexican driver indicted in Crash With Migrants
    PHOENIX -- A man accused of driving an overloaded SUV that rolled while fleeing U.S. Border Patrol agents north of Yuma, killing 10 migrants, has been indicted by a federal grand jury. Adan Pineda Doval of Guetamo, Mexico, is charged with 10 counts of causing the death of migrants while illegally transporting them, a crime that carries a potential life sentence.

    Chance DNA swab leads to arrest
Christopher Swift
Sex crimes detectives Mark Chambers and Rick Noble were prowling for suspects in several home invasion attacks. About 1 a.m. the plainclothes officers spotted a man leaning into an automobile, talking to a woman inside. He didn't resemble their prey so they coasted on, police said, soon to see him running after their unmarked car. They told him to go, but he insisted they take an oral swab of him too, police said, to prove his innocence. Just to get rid of him, they complied. The man did not cross their minds again, especially since a suspect was arrested a few days later and confessed to the crimes. The police lab delivered a twist: The man who insisted upon the DNA test turned out to match an unrelated rape case from six years before. On March 28, 2000, a 42-year-old woman fell asleep in her car and awoke to find a man raping her, police said. Detectives said they never came up with a suspect - until they were chased down in June by that non-suspect, Christopher Swift. Swift, 30, now awaits trial on charges of rape, sodomy, kidnapping, second-degree robbery and felonious restraint. - (crime)

    Man Gets Life For Setting Fire That Killed 5 Children
Juwan DeeringMarie Dean mother of 4 of the victimsA 35-year-old man convicted of setting a house fire that killed five (apparently mixed-race) children will spend the rest of his life in prison. Juwan Deering was found guilty earlier this month in Oakland County. The Royal Oak Township man proclaimed his innocence during yesterday's sentencing hearing but the judge advised him to save his remarks for his expected appeal. The fire April 2000 fire killed five of nine children who were inside the home. Authorities say Deering set the fire because of a dispute over money. - (Newsroom) - (crime)
Ref: Mother describes fire that killed five children in trial against accused arsonist

24 Aug 2006 archived - (click at left for full coverage)
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Bible  Psa 55:15 Let death seize upon them, [and] let them go down quick into hell: for wickedness [is] in their dwellings, [and] among them.

Poll: What is the best solution for racial problems?
Ref: The American Colonization Society

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