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3 July 2005 archive


  • U.S. Policy Lets Illegal Immigrants Go
    HARLINGEN, Texas -- Several times a day, a chain-link gate rolls open and dozens of illegal immigrants stroll out of the U.S. Border Patrol station here, blinking into the hot Texas sun as they look for taxis to the bus station and a ticket out of town. Each holds a piece of paper that Spanish-speakers call a "permiso" -- permission, courtesy of the U.S. government, to roam freely anywhere in the country.
    Since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, more than 118,000 undocumented migrants who were caught after sneaking over the nation's borders have walked right out of custody with a permiso in hand.

    They were from Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Brazil. But also Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, the Philippines, Yemen -- among 35 countries of "special interest" because of alleged sponsorship or support of terrorism. These are the so-called OTM, or "Other Than Mexican," migrants too far from their homelands to be shipped right back. More than 70,000 have hit U.S. streets just since this past October. Over the years, thousands have failed to show up -- disappearing, instead, among the estimated 10 million undocumented migrants now living in America. - (Invasion!)

  • Fear replaces fun on Greek holiday island after rape of British women
    Another British woman claimed that she had been raped by an Albanian man after going to his apartment. '' Aware that tourism is the island's lifeblood, police are trying to play down the seriousness of the reported rapes. They admit that they have had problems among the island's 10,000 Albanian immigrants, some of whom see tourists as easy and rich pickings. - (UK)
  • Report: Egyptian Imam Was a CIA Informant
    CHICAGO -- Moustafa Hassan Nasr, also known as Abu Omar, a radical Egyptian cleric allegedly kidnapped from Italy by the CIA once provided the American spy agency with valuable information about Islamic militants in Albania, according to a published report.


    Two women claim that Martin tortured them with pieces of wire and raped them
Anthony MartinAnthony Martin is accused of kidnapping a teen and a woman, raping them and then using one of them as a lookout while he sold drugs in Boston. One of the alleged victims, who is 16, was reportedly raped in January 2005 at the hotel, while a second victim in her early 40s allegedly suffered the same fate in the same room. Martin is accused of luring the 16-year-old in Chinatown into his vehicle on Jan. 16 and bringing her to the Motel on Rte. 9.where he repeatedly raped the teen, and threatened her with a knife and a razor. - (crime) - (forum)

    Police Arrest 20-Year-Old In Rape Going Back To 2002
 Fabion Whyte
They say Fabion Whyte, 20, tried to run when he saw police, but was eventually arrested outside a store last night in Bensonhurst.
A family member screamed at the media as Whyte was taken away in handcuffs. Police say they pursued Whyte, who has a New Jersey address, after discovering his DNA matched with a 2002 Brooklyn rape case and a 2004 shooting. Whyte is charged with rape and sodomy. - (crime)

  • Hatecrimes: Black arrested for 'random' acts of unprovoked racist attacks on White males
    A 25-year-old black man has been arrested in connection with unprovoked random attacks on pedestrians walking near San Diego City Hall over recent months, police said. The arrest came after witnesses saw a man board a bus following an attack of a (white) Navy enlisted man who was pushed to the ground from behind and repeatedly kicked about the head about 3:15 p.m., Hastings said. The victim remains hospitalized and has undergone reconstructive surgery. There have been five other attacks since April 5 in the same area. Two other victims also were hospitalized.
    All of the attacks happened in the midafternoon on crowded sidewalks. . The victims were surprised from behind, pushed to the sidewalk and kicked. Few words were spoken by the attacker beforehand. All victims have been white males. The suspect is black. "We are investigating this as a hate crime." - (Brewski) - (black on white) - (hatecrimes)

  • Brooklyn: Police Say Mugging Of Asian Woman Is Possible Hate Crime by a group of blacks and Hispanics
    An Asian woman was knocked to the ground, robbed and beaten in Brooklyn on Friday night in what police were investigating as a possible bias attack by a group of blacks and Hispanics, police said. The 22-year-old woman was walking in the Sheepshead Bay section at 11:05 p.m. when her attackers allegedly pushed her to the ground while making anti-Asian remarks, police said. No arrests have been made.




    Albany Police Investigating Attempted Abduction of 14-year old girl by black man
black murder suspectPolice in Albany are on the lookout after a middle schooler was attacked with a knife while walking to school. Police said the 14-year old girl was attacked on her way to Hackett Middle School around 8:30 am. The young girl was apparently attacked by a man with a butcher knife. Her attacker is being described as a black male in his 20's. Police say the is suffering from "defensive wounds" on her arms and hands, and ran to her neighbors house who then called 911. Police are looking for a connection between this crime and the murder of 14 year-old Gretchen Perham. Perham was found murdered May 13th in a wooded area off Mount Hope Drive. She was stabbed 18 times in the chest. Perham was also a student at Hackett Middle School. She took a similar route to school by way of Myrtle Avenue. No arrests have been made in that case. - (from an NNN reader - one we missed last month) - Perham murderer still on the loose

    The Emmett Till Highway
Emmett Till's father, Louis, was executed by General Dwight D. Eisenhower during World War II, for raping and killing white women. Like father, like son, Emmett started on the same perilous path, but met up with vigilante-justice in Mississippi in 1955, for whistling at a Carolyn Bryant, a white woman. After so-called civil-rights bills, Negro-gerrymandered districts, affirmative-action, voting-rights bills, invasion of Mississippi by John F. Kennedy, Negro-demands and Communist-propaganda, a small stretch of highway in a predominately-Negro area was named for Till. - (Crosstarlist) - (Commentary)

European Americans have long been arguing that many non-white assaults, robberies, etc. on white citizens are a form of Lynching that has been totally disregarded by the news media, government agencies as a grave social problem facing ALL Americans. Now, a reporter, Wendy Koch of USA Today accurately labels those attacks as Lynching. It's time to stop.

Lou Calabro President, European American Issues Forum
"Lynching refers broadly to any killings by a mob acting outside the law, not just racially motivated hangings.
Often the victims were beaten and humiliated before they were shot or hanged . " From USA Today article by Wendy Koch

Stinktown Blues
(Eminent domain isn't always bad
and it isn't always the little guy who gets screwed)
by H. Millard (c) 2005
H. Millard index


by Constantin von Hoffmeister (c) 2005

Constantin von Hoffmeister

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