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Archive for 23 June 2005

    UK: Police are hunting a black sex beast who raped a 15-year-old girl in Walthamstow
The suspect is described as black, 5ft 8ins and in his 40s. He was wearing a grey woolly hat, a padded lumberjack style shirt,
and may be of African descent. - (reader link) - (UK) - (Svejk)

    Man Arrested for Allegedly Raping 6-Year Old Girl
George Lee Washington Jones.Norfolk police have a 71-year old in custody after a woman says she walked in on the man sexually assaulting her young daughter. Authorities arrested George Lee Washington Jones. He has been charged with rape, two counts of aggravated sexual battery, two counts of indecent liberties with a child and one additional count of sexual battery. Jones is a registered violent sex offender. "The first thing he said was 'I didn't touch her,'" the mother said. "And my daughter said 'Mom, he's lying, he did touch me.'" The girl's mother said both Jones and her daughter were undressed. - (Tyrone N. Butts) - (TNB) - (crime)

    Sex offender who raped a 10-year-old girl - facing new charges with 11-year-old girl
Kenneth Edward SimpsonA 33-year-old man who police say raped a 10-year-old girl now faces charges of first-degree sexual offense and giving marijuana to an 11-year-old girl. Police on Tuesday added the two charges against Kenneth Edward Simpson of Cooper Street. Simpson was originally arrested after the alleged 10-year-old victim told an aunt, and the aunt told authorities. After looking for Simpson for several days, police went to a house at 1300 Old Concord Road, where a relative of Simpson lives. Officers found Simpson in a bedroom. - (Tyrone N. Butts) - (TNB) - (crime)

    Twin Brothers Accused of Sex With 12-Year-Old * 22-year-old twins accused of having sex with 12-year-old girl
Dante DavisA Gainesville man was arrested Tuesday, just days after the arrest of his twin brother, accused of the same offense: engaging in sexual intercourse with a 12-year-old girl. Gainesville Police detectives arrested 22-year-old Dante Davis after his brother, Sloan Davis, indicated his involvement with the girl. "He (Dante) confessed to it," said Gainesville Police Det. Jamie Rohrbaugh. "He said that he had sexual intercourse with her on two different occasions, and he said that he didn't know her age at the time, thought she may have been about 16 or 17." - (Brewski) - (crime)

    Damon Sheckles gets 7 years for fathering children with 12 and 14 year old girl children
Damon ShecklesA Louisville man was sentenced to seven years in prison after pleading guilty to sexually abusing young girls. Damon Sheckles entered an Alford Plea and asked for probation. The prosecution pointed out that Sheckles fathered children whose mothers were 14 and 12 at the time. "There has to be a message sent to Mr. Sheckles that he is an adult man and he cannot solicit young girls to have sex with him," the prosecutor said. Due to his criminal history, the judge denied the request for probation, and sentenced Sheckles to seven years. "He is still a young man has seven children to care for," his attorney said. - (White Boy) - (crime)

    Suspect Out Of Hospital, Now In Jail - Flags Lowered To Honor Fallen Officer
Robert Mark BillettSteven GaughanThe suspect in the fatal shooting of a Prince George's County police officer is now out of the hospital and in jail. Police have identified Robert Mark Billett, 43 as the suspect accused of shooting a police officer Tuesday. Billett has been charged with murder and various other charges. During Tuesday's shootout, Billett was shot in the arm, leg and side. Some flags in Prince George's County will be flown at half-staff for one week in honor of the police officer who was killed in Tuesday's shootout. Cpl. Steven Gaughan passed away late Tuesday afternoon, hours after he was shot while making a traffic-stop. - (guru2000) - (crime) - (Black on White)

    White woman and young son were attacked by gang of black teenage girls on Boston subway
Diane CamilloDiane Camillo, claimed that she and her young son were attacked by a group of black teenage girls on the MBTA Orange Line, and she said that employees did nothing to help. "I did not instigate it. This is my son. They disrespected my son," she said.
She said that her assailants were black, teenage girls who allegedly bumped her son in his stroller, causing a cut on his mouth. "When that happened, I said, 'Say excuse me. You bumped into my son,'" she said. Camillo said that the black teens responded with a racial slur. She said that she was then punched and kicked. "The whole time, the conductor didn’t do anything. The only thing he did was say that he could call police," Camillo said. - (Black on White) - (reader newslist)



    Police still searching for Hispanic man that raped 9-year-old girl
The suspect in the rape, a Hispanic man who residents said had been living in the abandoned house, remains at large. Some city officials said they feel the incident has been made worse by a breakdown in communication and the language barriers that exist between the city's Hispanic and English-speaking residents. - (White Boy) - Vigilantes Torch House Where Girl Was Raped
Six Mexican immigrants were renting the house, and neighbors believe the attacker lived there

  • Australian Police Raid Several Muslim Homes
    Authorities raided several houses in southern Australia because the country's top spy agency suspected that Muslim extremists were plotting terror attacks on Sydney's Opera House and other landmarks.
  • Mexico Detains Lebanese Man Thought Tied to Terror
    Amer Haykel, a Lebanese-born man detained this week on Mexico's Baja California peninsula is believed linked to extremist organizations with ties to the Sept. 11 terror attacks, Mexican prosecutors said.
  • UK: Indian call centre 'fraud' probe - Police are investigating reports that the bank account details of 1,000 UK customers,
    held by Indian call centres, were sold to an undercover reporter.
  • Burning Of Koran Investigated As Hate Crime
    Nashville Police said someone burned the Koran, the holy book of the Islam, and left it at the door of the Islamic Center of Nashville


    Jury Recommends Life Term in Cop Killings
Kerry Spencer A jury on Wednesday rejected the death penalty for an admitted drug dealer convicted of killing three police officers, instead recommending a sentence of life without parole. Kerry Spencer, 25, was convicted of murder Sunday in the shooting deaths of three officers as they entered a reputed crack house last June to arrest one of his friends. He also was convicted of attempted murder in the shooting of a fourth officer who survived. His friend, Nathaniel Woods, is also charged in the slayings. He is set for trial Aug. 22. - (crime)

    Movie Pirate Busted Watching Porn In Parking Lot
Marshall AdamsInvestigators said Marshall Adams, 33, sold about 200 bootleg movies in the past three months. Police said Adams was arrested after he was caught watching a pornographic movie in an SUV. The vehicle was in a mall parking lot in Platte County. Officials said Adams has a criminal record going back more than 15 years. - (White Boy)

  Colt 45 City councilman sentenced for drunken driving
Zachary ReedCLEVELAND (AP) - A city councilman convicted of drunken driving must serve three days in an alcohol treatment program and pay a $650 fine. Councilman Zachary Reed was sentenced Tuesday. Reed, who oversees the city council's Public Safety Committee, was stopped by police in April when his car was seen swerving. Reed failed sobriety tests, including registering an alcohol level of 0.28 -- more than three times the legal limit in Ohio of 0.08. Reed was convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol and disorderly conduct last month. - (White Boy)




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    Lowdown Incestuous Pedophile Homo Pervert Pleads Guilty to Raping Infant Son
Theodore MorrisA Georgetown man has pleaded guilty to an unthinkable crime. Theodore Morris, 22, on Monday pleaded guilty in Sussex County Superior Court to raping his infant son. His sentencing date is Aug. 12. The Georgetown police arrested Morris on Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2004 after his girlfriend allegedly discovered a videocassette that Morris produced, in which he appeared to be having sexual intercourse with his baby son. The baby received medical care at Nanticoke Memorial Hospital in Seaford and the Delaware Division of Family Services launched its own investigation of the alleged rape. - (White Boy) - (crime)


The Great Battle

(It's about more than you may think)
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