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15 June 2005 archive

    Opening arguments begin in murder trial of 1964 lynchings
Edgar Ray KillenPHILADELPHIA — Seventeen Neshoba County residents began hearing arguments today on the guilt and innocence of a man charged with a triple slaying that occurred before most of them were born or were old enough to remember. Broken down by race and gender, the 12 jurors and five alternates consist of nine white women, four white men, two black men and two black women. Circuit Judge Marcus Gordon did not release which were jurors and which were alternates, which could mean an all-white jury may determine the fate of Edgar Ray Killen. The 80-year-old reputed Klansman from Union has pleaded innocent to three counts of murder in the slayings of civil rights workers James Chaney, Michael Schwerner and Andrew Goodman, who had come to Mississippi during Freedom Summer to help black residents register to vote. - (Tyrone N Butts)

    Richard Barrett conducted a news-conference at the Courthouse following the seating of the jury in the Edgar Ray Killen case
National-voting as cure for vigilantism - Communist-invaders neither "civil" nor "right"
Richard BarrettRichard Barrett: My name is Richard Barrett and I am here as a defender of the Bill of Rights, the republican form of government of the State of Mississippi and the democracy of the United States of America. I would like to first remind the press that Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman and James Chaney were not "civil," they were Communist. They were not right, but wrong. The lesson of the Edgar Ray Killen trial is how may we prevent attempts to overthrow our government, without the need for vigilantes to arise? The answer is in national voting, on such issues as the Civil Rights Bill, Affirmative-Action and Voting Rights Act. When the few may no longer subjugate the many and the national will may be made known, quickly and lawfully, there will be no need for vigilantes.

      Schwerner, Goodman and Chaney invaded the State of Mississippi. They claimed that they wanted to "register Negroes to vote," but that was just a euphemism for "tar and feather every white man and run him out of town on a rail." Indeed, forty years later, whites cannot vote in the capital city because only the descendants of African slaves are on the ballot. But, Mississippi overthrew the Reconstruction once before and shall do so, once again.... (more at link)

    Darkest Africa: South Africa, Cape Town - Robbers cold-bloodedly stabbed and killed a six-month-old baby girl
Jordan Leigh NortonCape Town - Robbers cold-bloodedly stabbed and killed a six-month-old baby girl in Lansdowne on Wednesday after wrenching the crying child out of a domestic worker's grasp. Jordan Leigh Norton was her mother's first-born child Jordan's mother, Natasha Norton, and the baby's grandparents, Vernon and Anastasia Norton, were not at home at the time of the robbery. Grief-stricken Vernon Norton said four men apparently had burst into the house after pretending they had to deliver a parcel. - (African Crusader) - (Africa)

    Oregon: Graduating senior dies after attack by black man
Phillip Gillins University of Oregon student Phillip Gillins died from injuries suffered in an attack that happened a day before he was to take part in commencement ceremonies. Gillins, 22, died the next day from a brain injury suffered when three men confronted him in an alley about a block from a campus-area bar he had just left. One of the men punched Gillins in the face. He fell to the ground and hit his head on concrete, never regaining consciousness. The assailants fled when Gillins failed to wake. Police are looking for his attackers. The man who threw the fatal punch was described as a black man in his early 20s with a slight build and a shaved head. He was about 6 feet, 1 inch tall and about 180 pounds. - (crime) - (black on white) - (Northwest)

    Migrant Sudanese 'Lost Boy' Sentenced for sex crimes against two young teen girls
Chol Deng CholFargo, North Dakota - A man among a group of orphaned young men known as the "Lost Boys" _ has been sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison for sex crimes against two young teens. Chol Deng Chol, 26, faces the threat of deportion once he is freed, which could be late next year because of credit for time served. Prosecutors had sought four years. Chol pleaded guilty in January to a charge of gross sexual imposition involving a 14-year-old girl in April 2004. He also pleaded guilty to contributing to or encouraging the delinquency of a minor, for contact with a 16-year-old the same night. - (invasion)

    Alleged Rapist Found Sleeping In Woman's Bed
Robert HammondPolice said alleged rapist Robert Hammond, 22, was found sleeping in a woman's bed Saturday morning. "Robert broke into the residence, concealed his face, raped her and told her he'd kill her if she told police or did not comply," said Delaware police. The woman was able to escape the apartment and stop a motorist, who helped her contact police. Police said they believe Hammond may have attacked other women. - (Gman) - (crime)

    Westley Devon Harris was depicted by prosecutors Monday as a sociopathic killer
Westley Devon Harris  and girlfriendwho gunned down six members of his 16-year-old girlfriend's family at their south Alabama farm when they tried to run him off. But the defense said Janice Ball the girlfriend, who claimed she had been sexually abused by her father and a brother, had a motive to want them dead and didn't act like a terrified victim when she hid out with Harris after the killings. All six died of shotgun blasts to the head. Their bodies were found the next day in the main house, a trailer, a car trunk and a hog pen on the family property at Rutledge. Man Convicted in Ala. Family Slayings - (crime)

    Sex Trial for Choir Director
Otis JosephThe sexual abuse trial of a former choir director for a North Philadelphia church is set to begin today. Otis Joseph was a part-time choir director at the Bright Hope Baptist Church in North Philadelphia. Investigators say Joseph Molested 6 girls, some as young as 7 years old. Church officials say the suspected incidents did not take place at church and did not involve members of the congregation. Joseph has lost his job with the youth choir. - (The Bobster) - (crime)

    Accused Pastor Testifies In Sex Abuse Lawsuit - Alleged Victim Was Young Church Member
 Roy Tate
PORTLAND -- Closing arguments are expected later this week in the $10 million sex abuse lawsuit centering on a north Portland pastor. The Rev. Roy Tate (pictured) is accused of sexually abusing a 16-year-old member of his congregation, beginning in 1989. The woman is suing the National Church of God in Christ, claiming that the church knew about the abuse and did nothing to stop it. But the attorney for the church, says that unlike the Catholic Church, it has limited connection to its local congregations. - (Northwest)

    Bisexual Pedophile Sex Suspect's Switcheroo
Lamar ZamichieliA man will go to trial in a series of alleged attacks on 10 children after being allowed to withdraw guilty and no-contest pleas, a judge ruled. Lamar Zamichieli had pleaded guilty in July to sexually assaulting five girls and no contest to molesting five boys in 2003. The victims ranged in age from 10 to 15 and were allegedly grabbed and assaulted as they walked in the Frankford, Logan and West Kensington areas. - Ref: Suspected Child Rapist Arrested - (The Bobster) - (crime)

    Caught in the act: Cops: Woman flees rapist – then ID’s him from predator posting
Raymond V. Diamond
A Dorchester woman who was allegedly kidnapped and raped by a registered sexual predator staggered naked and bleeding into a police station yesterday after leaping from her attacker's car and racing several blocks for help, cops said. As police called for an ambulance, the woman spotted a board festooned with mugshots of Level 3 sex offenders and began to scream, pointing at a picture of Raymond V. Diamond, 43, who has been arrested for rape seven times and convicted of three sexual attacks. ``That's him!'' the woman, who is in her 30s, hollered through hysterical tears around 6:40 a.m., pounding her fists on the glass case holding the felons' pictures. ``That's the guy who raped me!'' Her identification led District B-3 cops to nab Diamond just minutes before he was allegedly set to rape a second victim he had picked up while posing as a gypsy cab driver. - (Tyrone N. Butts) - (TNB) - (crime)

    Suspect Arrested In Killing Of Mother In Park
Jason BakerCINCINNATI -- Police said they have arrested a suspect in connection with the fatal shooting of a young mother last weekend, News 5's Emily Longnecker reported. Jason Baker, 27, was taken into custody late Tuesday afternoon. He was wanted in connection with the shooting of 23-year-old Renee Hill, who was killed while sitting at a picnic table in Findlay Park in Over-the-Rhine Saturday. Witnesses said Hill, 23, was visiting with family before she went to church when she was shot in the head by a stray bullet. Police said Hill died instantly. - (White Boy) - (crime)


    Accused murderer in U.S. illegally
Fredil Omar Rodriquez-Fuentes is an illegal alien with an outstanding deportation order against him, Milton police learned Tuesday. Fuentes, 23, is currently in Northumberland County Prison, awaiting a preliminary hearing on charges that he stabbed Carly S. Snyder, 20, to death early Friday. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, formerly the Immigration and Naturalization Services, said that Mr. Fuentes is a Honduran citizen and is in this country illegally. "Mr. Fuentes is officially awaiting deportation," Mr. Royer said. Fuentes was deported in 2000 after he was picked up in Brownsville, Tex., and he returned to this country a second time. He was ordered deported again, and he skipped his hearing," They have conducted a number of interviews with Latino neighbors of Fuentes through an interpreter. - (Smilin' Jack)

    Police Search for One-eyed Hispanic Stalker Turned Murderer
Jose Luis CordovaA man attempting to protect a woman from her upset boyfriend is now dead and wanted by police. Police say the woman was fleeing from her boyfriend and hid in a friend's apartment. The boyfriend came to the man's apartment and when he answered the door he told the boyfriend that the woman was not there. Police say the boyfriend then shot the man, killing him. The suspect is identified as Jose Luis Cordova, aka Canica. He is a 39-year-old Hispanic who is missing his left eye. - (Rasp)






  • Discipline overturned for firefighter who used racial slur
    A state arbitration panel has overturned the six-month suspension of a New Haven firefighter who publicly used a racial slur. The New Haven Register reports that the city has been ordered to pay lost wages and benefits to firefighter Carole LaCroix of East Haven. Attorney Norman Pattis argued that LaCroix used the slur because she has a learning disability. - (reader link)
  • Man Who Burned Cross Loses W.Va. Election
    Greg Bess garnered 41 votes in Tuesday's nonpartisan election. "Just for the record, Greg Bess is not a racist," Bess said before the election.
    Bess pleaded guilty in 2001 to a criminal conspiracy charge, telling a federal judge that he built the cross and carried it to the residence of Lucy Roberts, who was at home baby-sitting for her 2-year-old biracial granddaughter.


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