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21 Oct 2004 archived
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  Alabama: Black Edward Dubose who kidnapped white highschool senior Stephanie King
from her church then raped, sodomized and strangled the 16-year-old to death - is up for parole....
Watch this video A convicted rapist and murderer, at one point on death row, could soon be a free man.
A depraved beast who confessed to brutally killing a local teen 16 years ago is now up for parole - launching the victim's family on a mission. "She just had so many things going for her,” said mother, Sallie King. “Her trueness was the genuineness of her heart." In a 1997 plea bargain, Dubose confessed to killing King. This time, he was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole: a possibility that will present itself for the first time next month at a hearing in Montgomery. “He does not need to be out on the street,” said Sallie King. “This does not need to happen again.” - (Tyrone N. Butts)


  • Sodomite Ex-Priest's Lawyer Wants Charges Tossed
    Paul ShanleyA lawyer for defrocked priest Paul Shanley asked a judge Wednesday to dismiss rape and indecent assault charges against his client after one of his accusers failed to appear in court. The alleged victim, now 35, says Shanley molested him when he was a child, but he did not remember the abuse until about three years ago, when the clergy abuse scandal first broke in Boston.

  Pa. Court Upholds 1969 Riot Convictions
HARRISBURG, Pa. -- An appeals court upheld the murder convictions of two white men for killing a black woman during 1969 race riots, saying the defendants failed to show they were harmed by the 32-year delay in the case.


20 Oct 2004 archived
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  • Kerry tries to shore up black vote - If anybody tried to 'shore up the white vote' they would be a 'racist'.
  • Rosa "Back-of-the-bus" Parks Guardian Appointment Opposed

  • Halloween display of hanging 'ghoul' seen as symbol of hate
    "Omali YeSHITela"Uhuru Movement members destroy the display outside a home. The owner says it never occurred to her it would be offend anyone. "There is no history of hanging ghouls in this country but there is a history of hanging African people," said Yeshitela, leader of the black hate group. Yeshitela, who tore down a mural in St. Petersburg City Hall that he found racially offensive in the 1960s, went to see the display. "It's coming down," he said and opened the chain-link gate around the yard. Yeshitela walked up to the dummy and ripped it down. Uhuru supporters followed, dismantling the gallows and tearing apart the dummy's head and limbs and leaving the newspaper stuffing strewn across the yard. As the Uhuru members left the property, St. Petersburg police Sgt. Glenn Stofer approached them and took their names, but did not arrest anyone. - (Tyrone N. Butts)
  South Africa: Namibian Attempted rape suspect saved by diplomatic immunity
All charges have been dropped against a 20-year old man who allegedly tried to rape a Pretoria advocate in her townhouse in Arcadia. Zondi Ashipembe is the grandson of the third secretary at the Namibian High Commission, and therefore enjoys full diplomatic immunity. It was claimed he bit her, assaulted her and twice tried to rape her after threatening her with a knife. - (forum)

  Suspect Gets Life For Revenge Murder of Baltimore Officer
detective Thomas Newman. Raymond SaundersJovan HouseA Baltimore man has pleaded guilty in the revenge slaying of a city police detective. Twenty-four-year-old Raymond Saunders will serve a sentence of life without the possibility of parole. He faced a possible death sentence if he'd gone to trial in the 2002 murder of detective Thomas Newman. - (forum)
Ref: Sister Of Slain Detective Testifies During Penalty Phase
Ref: No Bail For Officer Shooting Suspects
- including Jovan House (pictured 2nd from left)

  Murder Victim's Kin in Texas Oppose Death
Dominique Jerome GreenHOUSTON -- The scheduled execution of a convicted killer is being opposed by members of the victim's family, who said he should be given the chance to live. Dominique Green, who was 18 when Andrew Lastrapes Jr. was gunned down in the 1992 robbery, is set to be executed by injection Oct. 26. "Killing him ain't going to bring my daddy back," said Andre Lastrapes-Luckett, 22, who was 10 when his father died. "He made a mistake. Everybody should just have a chance to make up for their mistakes." - (forum) - Ref: Tutu visits death row to talk to killer of Houston

  Illegal alien Cuban Who Shipped Herself to Miami - "Heroine" to Cubans Risking Life

  • Poland Honors Priest Slain in 1984 - Poles lit candles and laid flowers at the grave of pro-Solidarity priest
    Jerzy Popieluszko, abducted and killed by the communist secret police.
  • Italian Judge Orders 17 Suspects to Trial
    ROME -- A judge ordered trials for 17 suspected members of the Red Brigades for their alleged role in the 1999 slaying of a labor consultant. - "The good old days" when the only terrorists were 'indigenous' communists...



19 Oct 2004 archived
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Bush Kerry debate (c) 2004 by NNN
(Bush throws feces)
by H. Millard (c) 2004
H. Millard index





  "My Official Aryan Nations Special Announcement !" - by Pastor Morris L Gulett 
- (from the Church of the Sons of YHVH)

16 Oct 2004 archived
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  The Color of Crime - "Blacks are statistically 50 times more likely to attack whites than vice versa"

 NNN Reporters Newsroom  

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Ref: The American Colonization Society

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