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ARCHIVE for 14 Dec 2006



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  • Man Fired Over Camel Sacrifice in Turkey
    The photo of a worker raising a large piece of bloodied camel meat on the tarmac of Ataturk International Airport was published on the front page of at least two newspapers, drawing the wrath of transportation authorities.


  • Gun-Toting Gangs Force Johannesburg Citizens to Cower Behind Barbed Wire
  • Appeals Court Rejects Slave Descendants Reparations Claim
    CHICAGO — A federal appeals court on Wednesday rejected most claims by slave descendants that they deserve reparations from some of the nation's biggest insurers, banks and transportation companies. The three-judge panel of the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a lower court ruling that slave descendants have no standing to sue for reparations based on injustices suffered by ancestors and that the statute of limitations ran out more than a century ago.

  • Ala. College Desegregation Case Ends
    MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- A federal judge has ended a 25-year-old desegregation case against Alabama, ruling that vestiges of racial disparities in the state's higher education system have been eliminated. U.S. District Judge Harold Murphy approved agreements settling the case, which has so far generated $210 million in state funds for the desegregation effort, most of it going to "historically black" Alabama A&M and Alabama State universities.

  • Black males in the news

  • Suspect denies plot against Sears Tower
    Narseal BatisteMIAMI - Narseal Batiste, accused of planning to blow up Chicago’s Sears Tower and several federal buildings said he was never going to stage a terrorist attack, a statement released Wednesday said. Batiste and six others were arrested in June and accused of conspiring to blow up the Sears Tower and government buildings in Miami, New York, Washington and elsewhere.

  • Gunmen abduct 10 children in Haiti
  • Circumcision Halves H.I.V. Risk, U.S. Agency Finds
    The announcement was made by officials of the National Institutes of Health as they halted two clinical trials, in Kenya and Uganda, on the ground that not offering circumcision to all the men taking part would be unethical. The success of the trials confirmed a study done last year in South Africa.
    - If circumcision halves H.I.V. risk then castration might further reduce risk
  • Black History Trove, a Lifes Work, Seeks Museum
  • Court: Botswana Bushmen Wrongly Evicted - (Africa)






  • Deputy Finds "Friendly" Rats Eating Man's Body
    Neighbors had repeatedly complained that rats were a problem at Stone's home and the Health Department had ordered him to clean up his rat-infested property. He was reclusive and told the neighbors "rats were his friends".

Cost of Iraq war
Bush legacy


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  • Jihadis and whores - By Spengler
    A nation is never really defeated until it sells its women, and Iran is doing that in great numbers, at least abroad and probably within the Islamic Republic as well (thanks to penny-a-marriage mullahs). Prostitution is a form of collective suicide, and indeed, prostitutes are sometimes used as suicide bombers. Trafficking of women and trans-migration of jihadis go hand in hand.


  • Historian Doubts Record of Black Pilots
    MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- It has been part of the lore of America's first black fighter pilots since the end of World War II: The Tuskegee Airmen never lost a bomber to enemy fire. But now, more than 60 years later, a leader of the group says he has uncovered records proving the claim is not accurate.
  • Black males in the news
  • Tufts Satire Aimed at Affirmative Action
    MEDFORD, Mass. -- A conservative, student-run journal at Tufts university published a satirical Christmas carol that ridiculed black students and campus affirmative action policies, then issued an apology after some students called on the school to stop funding the journal. The carol, entitled, "O Come All Ye Black Folk," was published in the most recent edition of the Primary Source, which bills itself as "the journal of conservative thought at Tufts University."

  • Black Ex-Ethiopian dictator convicted of genocide
    Former Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam was convicted Tuesday of genocide and other charges in the deaths of nearly 2,000 people in a rare case of an African strongman being called to account by his own country.





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    Black cutthroat murders white alleged ex-girlfriend
Carla SpiresPEORIA -- The man accused of slashing the throat of a Peoria woman faces first-degree murder charges. Police say 38-year-old Victor Russell slashed his former girlfriend, Carla Spires, multiple times. He is being held on a $2 million bond. His next court appearance is January 4 * Russell Charged With Murder (Video at link)
- (Newsroom) - (crime) - (Black-on-white)

    Police seek suspect in child's rape
David P. WheatleyLouisville Metro Police are asking for your help in tracking down a rape suspect. Officers say 40 year old David P. Wheatley is accused of raping a 10 year old girl. Wheatley is charged with two counts each of first-degree rape, sodomy, sexual abuse and attempted rape. The charges stem from several attacks that took place more than a year ago. Police began their investigation in July after a victim told a counselor what happened to her. If you have any information on where Wheatley is call the anonymous tip line at 574-LMPD. - (Newsroom) - (crime)

    Unemployed black boyfriend beats his illegitimate mixed-race baby to death
Kwayera JacksonKwayera Jackson JrVanessa ChristakosPictured: Vanessa Christakos and Kwayera Jackson and their child, Kwayera Jackson Jr. - While a contracted worker for the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services spoke with a new father, a baby lay dying in a crib nearby. When the father insisted the baby was sleeping and could not be disturbed, the worker left without examining 5-month-old Kwayera Jackson Jr. The boy was bleeding internally from a beating to his stomach and head. He died an hour after the visit. A jury convicted the father of murder. Kwayera Jackson is serving a 40-year prison sentence. - (Newsroom) - (crime)

    BBC Soap Opera Negro beats his white girlfriend like a "wild animal"
Emma Archibald and black lover Mohammed GeorgeRAGING EastEnders star Mohammed George was like a “wild animal” before he was arrested on suspicion of belting his girlfriend, a shocked witness said yesterday. The passer-by told how lover Emma Archibald was left sprawled on the pavement after the couple had a blazing row as they left a restaurant at 2.15am. The witness said: “I couldn’t believe my eyes. Emma came out first and then Mohammed joined her. It looked like they were in the middle of a row and suddenly he flew into a rage. “She was crying out in defence and he was like a wild animal. The row erupted as he and Emma, 26 — mother of his illegitimate 21-month-old daughter Olivia — left the trendy Gilgamesh restaurant in Camden. - (Newsroom) - (UK) - (Black-on-white)

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 Views expressed by guest columnists, reporters and external links not necessarily those of the editor of New Nation News but hopefully of some interest

by H. Millard © 2006



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Sorry, I just do not have time to acknowledge every email. - NNN Editor


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Bible  Psa 55:15 Let death seize upon them, [and] let them go down quick into hell: for wickedness [is] in their dwellings, [and] among them.

Poll: What is the best solution for racial problems?
Ref: The American Colonization Society

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    Bible Ecc 1:9 ... [there is] no new [thing] under the sun.

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