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    Tyrone Davis smirks after plea deal where 14 rape charges were dropped - only gets 18 years
Tyrone DavisTyrone Davis admitted in court that he raped several women. He pleaded guilty to four rapes, along with aggravated robbery and burglary. The other 14 rape charges were dropped. Instead of imposing the maximum sentence of 60 years, the prosecution and defense agreed to 18 years in prison.
Davis showed no remorse, didn't apologize and didn't make a statement. Two of the five women Davis raped, however, spoke in court. "I was four months pregnant when he raped me," one victim said. "I stayed locked up for years fearing all men." Nine days after the first rape, Davis raped the woman again, this time in an alley by her house. - (Gman)

    UK Sports: Migrant footballer from Africa denies attempted rape of 16-year-old Yorkshire girl
Manuel Junior AgogoBristol Rovers striker Junior Agogo has pleaded not guilty to the attempted rape of a teenage girl in South Yorkshire. Agogo, 25, is accused of attempting to rape the 16-year-old in Doncaster last May. Under his full name of Manuel Junior Agogo, the defendant appeared at Sheffield Crown Court on Monday. The footballer from St David's Mews, Bristol, was granted bail until his trial starts on 7 February. - (more sports) - Ref: Agogo from Ghana

    South Africa: Soccer boss's rape trial postponed
Brian EbdenCity soccer boss and businessman Brian Ebden, who faces 20 charges of rape and several of indecent assault and assault, has until March to prepare his defence against the allegations. Ebden, 44, owner of Mother City soccer club and an advertising company, appeared before magistrate Alta le Roux in the Cape Town magistrate's court on Friday. At an appearance in the Cape High Court in November, relating to his company's application to secure his and his wife's assets, Ebden said he and his alleged victim were in the process of reconciling.
- Google: Ebden rape





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Bush gives Satanic Salute
by H. Millard (c) 2005
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    Black Ex-Marine Held In White Clerk's Death
Johnny Lee WilliamsMegan Leann HoldenProsecutors say they will seek capital murder charges against Johhny Lee Williams the former Marine accused of abducting and killing Megan Holden a 19-year-old Texas woman as she left her job at Wal-mart. The man attempted several other abductions before snatching Holden, police say. Police said Williams, a preacher's son who was discharged last year after four years as a Marine, was arrested last month in Tyler on a cocaine possession charge. He was released the same day on $2,000 bond. - (Gman) - (emphasis by Tyrone N. Butts)  Killer was dishonorably-discharged Marine
Johnny Lee Williams scowled as he was led away in shackles. His mug shot from inside the Cochise County Jail shows the same angry demeanor.

    Rape suspect linked to Fla. murder of a Peruvian nanny
Jerry WigginsCHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Sheriff's officials said a man being held in a Charlotte jail is their prime suspect in the year-old murder of a Peruvian nanny who worked in suburban Boca Raton. Jerry Wiggins, 28, is being held in the Mecklenburg County Jail in Charlotte on rape, burglary and kidnapping charges in a North Carolina case and on a fugitive warrant from South Florida. - (forum)

    'The World's Dumbest Criminals: Brown robbed pizza delivery woman - then called her back for a date
Brent BrownJust when you think you've heard every pickup line: Two men were charged with robbing a Domino's Pizza deliverywoman after one of them called the victim back on his cell phone to apologize - and ask her out on a date. The 18-year-old victim declined the suitor's request, but gave the phone number to New Castle County police who arrested Brent Brown, 25, of Ridley Court in New Castle on Thursday. Police also took the phone used to make the call. - (Tyrone N. Butts)

    Mexico: Evidence May Back Human Sacrifice Claims
Aztec sacrificeIt has long been a matter of contention: Was the Aztec and Mayan practice of human sacrifice as widespread and horrifying as the history books say? Or did the Spanish conquerors overstate it to make the Indians look primitive? In recent years archaeologists have been uncovering mounting physical evidence that corroborates the Spanish accounts in substance, if not number. Using high-tech forensic tools, archaeologists are proving that pre-Hispanic sacrifices often involved children and a broad array of intentionally brutal killing methods. - (NNN Mexico)



    Unemployed live-in Laotian migrant lover kills girlfriend he thought was going to kick him out
Phanthanomm "Tom" PhommaxaysyThe boyfriend of a woman was ordered to stand trial for her shooting death. Phanthanomm Phommaxaysy, who lived with Susan Stephens at her home is charged with criminal homicide in connection with her Dec. 22 death. Police said Phommaxaysy, 43, shot Stephens, 47, and unsuccessfully tried to set the house on fire. The body was discovered by Stephens' teen daughter when she came home from school. She and Phommaxaysy, who neighbors said was a native of Laos, argued Tuesday, police said, and a neighbor told investigators he'd heard screaming inside the home where the couple had lived. - (reader link)


22 Jan 2005 archived
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    Reward Offered For Missing 5-Year-Old - Emily Rimel Disappeared Dec. 7
COLUMBUS, OhioThere is another plea from a Franklin County family to help find a missing 5-year-old girl.
Emily Rimel
disappeared from her Madison Township apartment in the early morning hours of Dec. 7.
Dispite a widespread search effort, she has not been seen or heard from since.

Police arrested Lindsey Bruce, 23, and charged him with raping the girl.
There is a $12,000 reward for information that leads to Emily's whereabouts.
Anyone with information on this case is asked to call crime stoppers at (614) 645-TIPS. - (Gman)



    TOMORROW BELONGS TO NATIONAL FUTURISM - by Constantin von Hoffmeister

    The Color of Crime - "Blacks are statistically 50 times more likely to attack whites than vice versa"

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