As you may recall, a couple of months ago I was thinking
of immigrating to George W. Bush's dude ranch down in Texas where I could take
part in the illegal alien immigrant dance of loitering on street corners, using
the local emergency rooms for sniffles, and in all ways taking part in the freebies
that citizens have been forced to supply illegal alien immigrants by the elites
in our society. Well, I decided against the move to George's place. It looks too
dusty and dry. Besides, unlike ordinary citizens, George has all those Secret
Service types running around protecting George's land (but not yours) from illegal
aliens. Of course this just leads to the thought that if George lived in the real
world, he'd know the concerns of real people. But he doesn't. So he doesn't. |
I've now got a new destination for my family and me: Jack Kemp's place. Kemp is
part of the out of touch with ordinary people elite wing of the GOP and lives
someplace near D.C., where he's close enough to show up on Sunday morning TV political
programs in case anyone still cares what he has to say. That location may be more
to my liking. I figure Kemp--he of the almost Jack Kennedy hair style and the
too white shirts--will welcome us if we can make just a few cosmetic changes to
our appearance. We're not dumb. We know that we're too white to be part of the
favored immigrant class in post-American America these days. No problemo, muchachos.
I figure we can brown ourselves pretty good with some of those bottle tanning
products and a little shoe polish. Then, if we hide our blue eyes with dark glasses
and darken our hair a little, we should be acceptable. |
house as a destination came to mind after I read his column Race to the Border
on Town Hall.com. The first paragraph brought a tear to my soon-to-be-an-illegal-alien-immigrant
eye: "One of my all-time favorite songs" wrote Mr. Kemp, " is Neil
Diamond's 'They're Coming to America.' I know it drives the xenophobes on the
right crazy and the illiberals on the left into a frenzy, but it reflects my view
that people come to America not for welfare but for work, not for food stamps
but for their families." (emphasis added) By the way, notice Kemp's
Texas two-step of criticizing both the right and the left in order to portray
himself as a sensible guy in the middle. It's related to that grade school level
swill you hear sometimes when people say, "Well those on the left don't like
me and those on the right don't like me so I must be doing something right and
I must be in the middle." Barf. |
Anyway, my family and I have heard the substance of
your comments Mr. Kemp. You've described my family and me. We want to come to
your house, not for welfare but for work, not for food stamps but for our
family. We'll even arrive singing some verses of Diamond's song to get
your compassion flowing in our direction. Of course, if welfare and food stamps
are available when we get there we'll be pleased to partake. Hey, it's our right.
We're immigrants--we're coming to Kemp's house. |
Of course, some of those right wing xenophobes might think
that there's nothing noble or heroic about immigrating to another country either
legally or illegally. They might say that all immigrants--even the ancestors of
Americans who have been in this country for hundreds of years--simply did what
all living things are programmed to do: they moved to where they were more comfortable.
It doesn't even require much thought. Cold here. Move to warm there. Wet here.
Move to dry there. Crowded here. Move to uncrowded there. The xenophobes might
even say that now that they've made this land even more comfortable so that it
suits their sensibilities, others want to come here to take it. Some of these
racist, hate filled, bigoted Xenophobes might even say many of these immigrants
are a little like burglars. Well, haters, burglars don't burgle because of welfare
or food stamps. They just want to do their work and support their families--they
want comfort--just like immigrants. You xenophobes had better listen to Neil Diamond's
song some more to get the deeper meaning for humanity. Then, maybe you'll give
up your hate and sing along with Mr. Kemp. |
Mr. Kemp, when we get to your place, would you mind if we used your favorite chair?
It wouldn't be fair to make us sit on the floor or on hard chairs. We're immigrants.
Now, I've never seen your house, but from the way you dress with those stiff looking
shirts, I have a feeling you've got your place decorated in ways that may not
meet my tastes. Could we maybe make your place feel more like where we came from?
And, would you mind having your family speak my language so we can understand
what's going on? Thanks. Say, let's break out into song. Let's change the words
of Mr. Diamond's song to: "They're Coming to Kemp's House." |
# # # |
TWO BOOKS BY H. MILLARD Available at finer bookstores, by phone, or on the net. |
1. ROAMING THE WASTELANDS - (ISBN: 0-595-22811-9) H. Millard’s latest sacred cow toppling book, is now available at Amazon.com by clicking on this link or by calling 1-877-823-9235. “A fun–and sobering–thing to read” - Alamance Independent |
2. THE OUTSIDER - (ISBN: 0-595-19424-9) |