Imminent Return or Imminent Danger?
© 2002 By James Brown Jr.
James Brown, Jr.


Over the years there has been much debate and talk about hate crimes, hate groups, and hate speech. I can first remember the discussions of this back in the 80’s by fundamentalist Christians because of the homosexual lobbyists demand for equal rights. Mostly, it was just lip service as seems to be paramount all throughout Christianity.

However, at the end of 2002, we are facing a real threat in this area. Though most Christians never really dreamed that during the Reagan years Christian beliefs would ever come to be regarded as “hate speech,” the fact is they have.

The evidence from our own legislatures and judicial system ought to be warning enough that we are following the rest of the world in the pagan agenda of stamping out “intolerance” and “hate.” Even the choir boy for the so-called Christian Right, George W. Bush, gives lip service to this newfound faith of tolerance and diversity.

As reported by Fox News on November 13, 2002, in Bush Embraces Islam as Peaceful Faith, Mr. Bush stated, “Ours is a country based upon tolerance...And we respect the faith and we welcome people of all faiths in America, and we're not going to let the war on terror or terrorists cause us to change our values.” noscripture comes to light where it says in Isaiah 5:20, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

The foremost reason for this is silence and apathy in conservative Christian denominations. Some have became so ecumenical that they do not believe nor stand for anything, therefore, there is no thought that they would have to worry about “hate legislation.” Other more conservative churches have hid themselves hoping that if they ignore the world the world will ignore them. In both cases, however, the underlying problem is fear to stand for truth.

Until the church casts off this fear it shall continue to be victimized by the savage beast who continually seeks to violate the bride of Christ. The church should heed the advice that is given to women in taking precautionary measures and learning self-defense to keep themselves from being preyed upon . One thing the rapist is always looking for is an easy target and one that will not fight back too much.

The church has became such easy prey you wonder if they don’t really enjoy it. As unbelievable as it sounds there are some women who have been brought up in or found themselves in abusive environments where they actually develop a victims mentality. Some even think it should be the norm and respond in such a way to make you think they actually enjoy their role.

The modern church has became a conscientious objector in regards to her own protection and defending of the faith. What would they think of a woman who was living in perilous surroundings but took no action to keep herself from being abused by the neighborhood thugs. Yet, this is exactly what the church is doing. As a matter of fact, it is far worse, for the church voluntarily whores herself so that she might benefit from the neighborhood order. Yet, the result is the same. She is savagely violated and eventually, she will not be paid, yet she shall continue to be abused.

The answer is simple. They should overturn the neighborhood order. Of course you can just lay back and enjoy it if you are into to that sort of thing. However, our forefathers thought that it was better to die free than to live as a slave.

Just like the whore in the unrealistic movie Pretty Woman the church finds itself waiting for a prince to come rescue her out of her environment of her own construction. Yet, Christ Himself prayed in John 17:15, “I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.”

The church has came to this victim mentality that first began in America under the preaching of C.I. Scofield. Being brought up in the dispensational abuse of the Kingdom found in many churches has led to a worldview that embraces their role to be violated by the hands of those who seek to dominate our neighborhood. They are awaiting their Prince to come and save them when He has already came and done all to secure the liberty that is found in Him.

Two of the reasons for Christ’s first advent was made clear by Zacharias under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in Luke 1:68-79:
“Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people, And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David; As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began: That we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us; To perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember his holy covenant; The oath which he sware to our father Abraham, That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear, In holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life. And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways; To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins, Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us, To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.”

The deliver has already come to deliver His people. The command that has been left us is not to hide and await His return nor is it to appease the predators but to occupy till He comes. The word occupy according to Webster’s 1828 Dictionary means “to take possession.” We are told in 1 John 5:4 that “...whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.”

We have been commanded to be overcomers. This is totally distinct from the defeatist world-view of many who have became so-called leaders in the church. They have presented us with an outlook which gives victory to “satan” and leaves us to retreat in defeat. The Priests have prophesied and the people love to have it so because it gives them what they want, a utopia void of any responsibility or effort.

The Bible as 'hate literature', a WorldNetDaily (WND) article on October 21, 2002, described the assault against the Kingdom of Christ in Canada. Most Christians may be surprised to hear that the Bible is being regarded as “hate literature” by our Northern neighbors. However, this is not just confined to Canada but is a global trend that is even being designed for America as well. This new order of global government is at war with Christ and seeks to destroy those whose allegiance is or could possibly be to the Kingdom of Christ.

Bill C-415 has been reintroduced in Canada where one could possibly face prison time for simply quoting the Bible. WND revealed that under this provision the following would become law:
The Bible, at least certain portions of the Bible, may be declared "hate literature."
Churches will not be able to mention certain noscriptures.
Clergy may be subjected to criminal charges if they refuse to marry homosexuals.
Parents may be subjected to criminal charges if they refuse to allow their children to attend classes that teach about and promote homosexual behavior.
Expressing disagreement with homosexual behavior or the homosexual agenda, either verbally or in writing, would be considered hate propaganda.
Educators, including those at private religious schools, will not be able to refuse to teach homosexual curriculum.
Religious institutions will not be allowed to teach anything non-supportive of homosexual sex.
Canadian Blood Services will not be allowed to screen risk-behavior donors.
Governments (including local municipalities) will be prevented from passing (even debating) sex standards laws.
This ought to strike fear into American Christians, not only because of the fate of many of our brethren there, but also because our country is following suit. Many uncompromising Christians have already been faced with this threat here in the “good old USA.”

With all the newly passed and proposed legislation regarding “hate groups” it should cause grave concern among Christians as to where this road is leading us. The church I pastor, Union Christian Church, was recently targeted by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as a hate group. Many law enforcement agencies receive their domestic intelligence from the SPLC. Should we not be concerned about the new federal powers under the Patriot Act being used against Bible-believing Christians?

On November 13, 2002 the BBC News reported in a piece entitled Hate crime police raid 150 homes that police raided 150 addresses and arrested at least 83 people in “hate crime” raids in London. Now most people see the term “hate crimes” and automatically think of people being beaten, murdered, or some act of violence being perpetrated on them because of their racial, sexual, or religious status. However, that is not the case. On March 20, 2001 the BBC also reported another similar raid in London resulting in about 100 arrests. Yet, the BBC reported this interesting fact about these “hate crime” raids. They reported that “alleged offences include racially aggravated death threats, harassment, the publication of racist or homophobic material, and assault.”

What makes this even more frightening is the definitions that are being developed concerning “racist” and “homophobic” literature. In Canada and Stratton Island New York the Bible has been identified as “hate literature.” In Martinsville, Indiana the Assistant Chief of Police came under heavy attack because of a letter he wrote as a private citizen to the local newspaper condemning homosexuality, multiculturalism, and pluralism from a Biblical standpoint. Only because many of the local citizens stood up for him he did not lose his job.

The European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance has paved the way for the recent adoption of “anti-hate” and “tolerance” legislation in Europe. They proposed in 2000 that “appropriate and efficient measures are taken to combat racist organisations, as well as to criminalize oral, written, audio-visual and other forms of expression, inciting to hatred, discrimination or violence against targeted groups or persons because of their actual or presumed racial, ethnic or national origin or religion...”

No wonder they slander our forefathers as being racists. The Delaware Constitution of 1776 declared that every office holder in that state had to swear “I, __________, do profess faith in God the Father, and in Jesus Christ His only Son, and in the Holy Spirit, one God, blessed for evermore; and I do acknowledge the holy noscriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by divine inspiration.” Obviously, the Christian Republic our forefathers envisioned doesn’t fit the present picture.

Some might wonder how this could be construed as racism. Well, the European Commission followed it up by underlining “the importance of promoting understanding, tolerance and respect in matters relating to religion and belief. It recognises that religion and belief may be related to racial and ethnic origin and it may thus be difficult to provide comprehensive protection against discrimination on grounds of racial and ethnic origin without also prohibiting discrimination on grounds of religion and belief.”

These realities show the imminent danger that Christians are now facing because of our abdication of keeping dominion of the Christian nation that our forefathers died to entrust to us. Christians must repent of and return to the whole counsel of God if we are to see the return of God’s blessing on us again.
Sadly, however, most Christians have their heads in the clouds trying to escape the pain associated with their abdication of maintaining and building Christ’s Kingdom. Instead of worrying about when Christ will come back maybe we should be about our Father’s business. Then, when He does return, we will hear, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”

James Brown Jr. is the pastor of Union Christian Church in Martinsville, Indiana.
He also directs the Independent Christian Action Network which is a ministry of Union Christian Church.
He has been married to his wife, Sonya, for ten years and they have six children.
Their web address is
You can contact Pastor Brown at


Posted Wednesday, November 20, 2002
Presented as Public Service: New Nation News not affiliated with above individual
and views expressed not necessarily those of New Nation News and vice versa.
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