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WHEN GOD TELLS US WHAT TO BELIEVE AND WHAT TO DO THEY ARE NOT SUGGESTIONS AND ARE NOT TO BE VOTED ON As given to Arman and told to H. Millard (c) 2021 Stay separate from all other human forms and evolve along the Sacred White Path. You are a selected kind and you are the replacements for earlier kinds. We are believers in goodness, in beauty, in nature, in love, in our people, in our sacred DNA Code, in positive thinking, in kindness, and in making the Earth a better place, through us. Here are three of the most important quotations for White survival and our selection for a special destiny if correctly understood and acted upon: ABOUT HUMANS-- "[T]he varieties of mankind are so different that similar differences found in any other animals would warrant their classification in different species, if not in different genera." --Charles Darwin (quoted in Frank Hankins, The Racial Basis of Civilization, p. 293) AND HERE'S WHAT ALL LIVING ORGANISMS (INCLUDING HUMANS) MUST DO-- "Living organisms must necessarily compete, for food, for mates and for living space, especially with other members of their own species [i.e. those they can breed with]. They must avoid predators and other dangers. For all these various reasons, some will leave more offspring than others, and it is the genetic characteristics of such preferred replicators which will be passed on preferentially to succeeding generations. This is the essence of natural selection. -- Francis Crick (Nobel laureate and co-discoverer of the shape of DNA) Emphasis added. AND ABOUT OUR SELECTION AND SPECIAL DESTINY AS WHITES “Man is something that shall be overcome. Man is a rope,tied between beast and overman - a rope over an abyss. What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not an end.”-- Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra WHO WE ARE |
You are part of our genetic kind if both of your parents, all four of your grandparents, and all eight of your great grandparents were pure White. And, if your line shows pure White beyond that, you may be blessed to possibly have the potential for a more rapid evolution of your line, but you must not hold yourself out as better than any other believers who are our kind. The possible potential is just that and is not guaranteed as there are many variables involved with each of us. Even those among us who may not like who they are or who don't follow our beliefs are still our genetic kind if they are born as such. You can't change who you were born as.
THE LAWS, RULES, COMMANDS GIVEN US BY THE FIRST CAUSE ARE NOT SUGGESTIONS. THEY ARE NOT TO BE VOTED ON. THEY ARE NOT SUBJECT TO CONSENSUS. THEY ARE NOT TO BE CHANGED TO BE TRENDY OR IN FASHION IN ANY AGE. THE REASONS FOR THEM DO NOT NEED TO BE UNDERSTOOD BY HUMAN REASON. THEY ARE WHAT THE FIRST CAUSE WANTS. PERIOD. You are excused from any laws that may put you in danger or which may harm you or keep you from having as many of our kind of children as possible during a long as possible lifetime. The first law of existence is to survive to make more like yourself. No other laws take precedence over this. The Teachings help us avoid error and live as the First Cause tells us the proper way to live under His laws that are also seen in the natural world. We must learn to know which laws are for all living things and which are just for Whites. If we were to sum up these Laws for Whites in just a few words, we would say: Do the Will of God and Put Whiteness above all else. No exceptions. There are Universal Laws that apply to everything in existence. Then there are laws that apply to specific types of things. And, there are laws that apply to all humans and there are laws about how we are to treat other humans and how they are to treat us and then there are laws about how we are to treat our fellow White kind and laws about how we are to treat our fellow believers. We seek our evolution into a higher holier state and form that is no longer capable to having viable children with those unlike us. We have been selected by the First Cause to be His hands and to do His work in the world in which we live and to bring light to the darkness, good to the evil, life to non-life, existence to non-existence, happiness to sadness. Can we always use our reason to understand God's Laws? No. Although we are told we should try to understand the laws given us by God, and we do, after the fact, try to explain why this or that law exists, ultimately we observe God's Laws for us, because they are from God and if we can't understand why they are given, we still observe them...because they are given to us by God. Only God can see the trajectory of existence in terms of millions of years. Only He knows what must be done now to make things turn out right hundreds of thousands and millions of years from now. He is the ultimate engineer and planner. The First and Primary Law of Existence That is above all other Laws Survive to make more like yourself. It is the sacred duty of each individual of our kind to expand his or her Code A by having as many children as is physically possible during his or her lifetime. The individual must protect his or her life at any cost. Self-preservation takes precedence over any other laws. Do not be a dead hero. Use your intelligence, your cunning and your instincts. Some situations require fight, but most are better handled with flight. Avoid trouble. Brave but dead individuals are useless. The First Cause 1. You shall honor and do the will of the First Cause, who is God. 2. You shall not disrespect the First Cause. Symbols 3. You shall bear the symbols next to or on the skin at all times as tattoos, brands, scars, marks or on rings and amulets. Prayer 4. You shall pray a short thank you prayer morning and night. Fellow Whites 5. You shall treat them with respect and expose them to the Teachings. Fellow Believers 6. You shall love them as you love yourself. 7. You shall help them when they are in need. 8. You shall gently guide them on the right path. 9. You shall keep their counsel within the community of believers. Non-Whites 10. You shall neither harm them nor help them. 11. You shall be indifferent and not interfere in their destinies, their fates, their lives. 12. You shall not mix with then or blend with them or socialize with them. Marriage and Children 13. You shall mate only with others like you and preferably only other believers if possible. 14. You shall not miscegenate. 15. You shall have as many children as possible. This is your individual responsibility both male and female. We are not born as couples. 16. A man may have as many wives as he can support in order to expands his DNA code. 17. You shall follow your internal natural time clock as to when to have children and when to stop. 18. You shall not use,engage in or countenance, abortions, family planning, celibacy, homosexuality, miscegenation, or anything that would hold down your birthrate or that of other believers. 19. Every woman of childbearing age should be pregnant or nursing. Food 20. No food is forbidden you that is healthy and will give you a long and fruitful life. 21. You shall ingest nothing that would harm you. 22. You shall avoid drugs and liquor. Clothing, Head coverings, jewelry 23. You shall wear loose, comfortable, practical, dark clothing suitable for manual labor. 24. You shall cover the head when in sacred ceremonies, a sacred place, or if very devout. 25. You shall wear rings, pendants, bracelets, amulets with the sacred symbols. Religious leaders 26. You shall not be childless and you shall have as many children as physically possible. 27. You shall study and keep the Teachings pure and unchanged. 28. You shall guide the faithful with love as a friend, a confidant, and like a brother or sister. 29. You shall officiate over life events. 30. You shall be wise, honest and trustworthy and above reproach. 31. You shall serve as a living example to the faithful in all the ways of the Teachings. 32. You shall live plainly and simply with no ostentation. 33. You shall help resolve disputes within the community. 34. You shall not look to outside laws or officials in handling problems of believers. Charity 35. Those with more than they need must help believers in need. Ten percent to charity. 36. No charity outside the community of believers. Daily Living 37. You shall do nothing to shorten your life. 38. You shall not engage in wars except for our DNA code. 39 You shall not put values that harm our DNA code, directly or indirectly, above those that do not. 40. You shall be honest and good and righteous. 41. You shall speak softly and not be loud and boisterous. 42. You shall repay favors with favors. 43. You shall keep the business of believers within the believer community. 44. You shall never help those without our DNA code to prevail over believers. 45. You shall attempt to live as long as possible to bear children, expand the DNA code, to purify, and respect the First Cause. 46. You shall keep a light burning day and night representing the First Cause. 47. You shall remain separate and isolated from other kinds of humans. 48, You shall understand and live by Blood, Belief, Action. 49. You shall study the Teachings, nature, and all things all the days of your life. 50. You shall not harm other believers in word or deed. 51. You shall be honest with believers. 52. You shall treat others as you want to be treated. 53. You shall expose non-believing Whites to the Teachings and help them see the truth. Aid to others and the faith 54. You shall help others of our kind and only those of our kind and no others. 55. You shall use a percentage of your increase to help expand the faith. Religious sites, symbols and the like 56. You shall have religious sites and sanctuaries and none but your kind may enter. 57. You shall bear the sacred symbols next to, on, or in your skin. Purity 58. You shall seek to be pure ritually, physically, mentally, biologically, genetically, spiritually. 59. You shall seek to use food and products made only by believers. 60. You shall seek to live only among believers. 61. You shall seek to separate from all non-Whites. Wars and conflicts 62. You shall never put yourself in danger for false causes. 63. You must never risk yourself to help those not our kind. 64. You must not put bravery or honor above your survival. 65. You must put your survival and your happiness first. Parents and other close relatives 66. You shall show them proper respect. ----------------------------- 1. Do no harm to your kind. 2. Do not lie to your kind. 3. Do not cheat your kind. 4. Do not criticize your kind. 5. Do not spread false rumors about your kind. 6. Do not side with other kinds against your kind. 7. Do not seek the help of other kinds in problems with your kind. 8. Do not mix with other kinds. 9. Do not have children with other kinds. 10. Do not do anything to keep your birth rate low. 11. Do not do anything to help other kinds. 12. Do not try to save other kinds. 13. Do not interfere in the fates of other kinds. 14. Do not try to be a hero or risk your life. 15. Do not take a life, which the First Cause has forbidden,except for just cause. 16. Do not miscegenate. 17. Do not be childless. 18. Do not mix with other kinds. Stay separate and try to be isolated from them. 19. Do not have false gods. 20. Do not kill for sport. 21. Do not be loud, obnoxious or boisterous. 22. Do not interfere in the business of other kinds of humans. 23. Do not believe or practice false universal morals or ethics. 24. Do not pollute, corrupt or lessen your DNA code. 25. Do not let your personal DNA code die. ------------------------------- 1. Be respectful of our kind. 2. Be polite with our kind. 3. Be forgiving of our kind. 4. Be helpful with our kind. 5. Be charitable with our kind. 6. Be indifferent to other kinds and their problems. 7. Be happy. 8. Be good to your parents. ------------------------------ 1. Do have many of your kind of children. 2. Do try to live as long as possible. 3. Do follow your ethical and moral codes and not the codes of others. 4. Do speak softly with respect to your kind. 5. Do cover your head when you pray. 6. Do bear the sacred symbols next to your skin. 7. Do say a short thank you in the morning and night. 8. Do avoid danger so you may live as long as possible. 9. Do seek moderation in all things. 10. Do treat others as you want to be treated. 11. Do prevent others from hurting our kind. 12. Do whatever is necessary to survive to breed true. 13. Do honor your ancestors, your parents and your descendents. 14. Do will your evolution along the White path. 15. Do study all the days of your life. 16. Do stay true to the faith. 17. Do be polite to all. 18. Do keep a light burning for the First Cause. 19. Do be indifferent to other kinds of humans and practice non-interference. 20. Do seek physical and spiritual purity. 21. Do see mates of the opposite sex and partner with all who can help you and them expand your and their DNA. 22. Do follow particularism. 23. Do be self-reliant. 24. Do have self-esteem. 25. Do ask of everything "Is this good for White people?' 26. Do put Whiteness above all else. 27, Do method live. 28. Do be a good example and purify the world. 29. Do spread our DNA Code so that it covers all of existence. 30. Do seek personal and group evolution ever higher . --------------------------------------- The First Cause Said.. I Am as I Am. You shall be as I command or you shall not be. I Am in things seen and unseen. All that exists, I know from. When humans have become so evil that no humans can change things, I shall come and I shall wipe out the evil and start anew. Bear my symbols on your bodies, your homes, your workplaces, your vehicles if you wish to be spared when I send my legions of Shining Ones to destroy evil. Cover your heads and wear clothes that distinguish you from non-believers and the evil ones. I am One and there is no other God that is real. You are selected to be the only ones who shall be closer to me. Your white skin is your uniform, do not let it change I come in the breeze and the wind. The rain speaks my name. The cyclone is me. I am the Energy that Is. Where I am there is existence. Where I am not there is no existence. I am all movement inside and outside. If movement stops, existence stops. I am the Divine Presence that you alone can feel correctly. You must make more of your kind and you must protect your DNA code from pollution of other kinds. I Am the Life Force that exists in all that lives, but I am brighter in your selected kind. Do not deny it. Assert it. You are to stay a White people for it is this that allows you to evolve as I command. If you lose your Whiteness you are no longer the select and this applies to you as individuals and as a whole. Those who lose the Whiteness are no longer your kind and they are no longer selected. Only the selected and pure shall evolve as I want. We will help you, but you must first help yourself and you must do this constantly and not look to us for help. You must compete to win against similar kinds because your path is not an easy or free one. You must prove yourself against all others. Be smart. Be cunning. Do not be foolish. Do not risk your lives. Breed constantly but breed true. Your purpose is to evolve into a new species of man that can no longer breed with other species and to move up the DNA ladder to be closer to Me. Your map of evolution makes you Whiter with longer heads (top to bottom), more sinewy muscles, and a longer life. Your life span is to be 1200 years and you are to be healthy and young until very near the 1200 mark. To achieve your life span you must purify your DNA by proper mating always looking for the characteristics of what We have said is your map of evolution. Always Whiter and never less so. # # # |
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