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THE IDEAL WHITE TYPE AND MORE Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2023 |
Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2023 RIGHT BLOOD, RIGHT BELIEF, RIGHT ACTION. The three requirements. Why must Whites separate from all non-Whites and jump out of the melting pot and only mix and mate with other Whites? It is because God commands it. Period. Don't listen to humans who say otherwise. What God commands of us as Whites we must obey. Period. We need no more reasons to separate from all non-Whites than what God has commanded. Period. God will never command us to break just laws or harm ourselves or others. And, He does not want Whites to become martyrs. He wants each of us to live long and happy lives while having as many White children as we possibly can. God wants Whites to mind our own business and let non-Whites mind their business and go our own separate ways always. Your White DNA is sacred. You are your DNA and it is you. Without Right Action--actually living each day because of Right Blood and Right Belief your faith is worthless. It is what you actually DO that is more important than mere words. You cannot separate your DNA Code (and all your genes and your Whiteness) from our link to God-As-He-Truly-Is. Don't even try. We Whites are one with God-As-He-Truly-Is's plan for humans. We are His evolving ones, but we have to make it so. He has told us how to make it so, but we must do it and while He hopes we will succeed, He will not help us if we do not help ourselves. If God has to do everything for us, this just shows that we are not evolving as we should. He demands that we be self-reliant and struggle to do His will. We must be strong physically and mentally and we must also be clever and know that the struggle we are in is not just for the short term. We must prove ourselves against all the competition. We must be strong, intelligent, clever and adapt to different situations so that we come out on top. We cannot be weak and just expect God to do everything for us. This would defeat His purpose as He has established it in nature and in the processes of evolution and survival. We can and should pray to Him for help, but we must not fail to do what we must do. And, what we must DO is live White in all ways, always, and never mix or mate with non-Whites, but have as many White children as our individual bodies, be they male or female, can provide during our lifetimes. And we must think of what God wants and about our evolution. Our brains can make unseen physical changes to us that will help our evolution. True religion MUST be based on Right Blood and genes and not just on words and concepts made up by humans pretending to be doing God's work. In other words, our link to God is not just based on belief but on our physical selves as White people. If we lose our White skin we lose our link to God. Why? Because God has told us this. And, what we must do is live as good White people always asking of everything "Is this good for White people?" Then we must act for what is best for White people. God-As-He-Truly-Is has made us from His DNA Code which is the origin of who and what we are including all our flesh and blood and the color of our skin. False teachings tell their believers that the flesh and blood and skin color must be overcome or is evil and that what matters is the soul or inner spirit. They are wrong and such a teaching is evil. We are created as physical beings and we must perfect our physical selves. We can do this in ways we can see by improving our bodies and this will help improve things internally that we can't see. God is the God of genes and DNA as well as everything else. It is our job to purify and perfect the flesh and blood and in doing so we do what God demands of us and this also improves our inner essence or spirit or if you prefer, our soul. But, remember, whatever we call that inner essence; it is a product of our genes and our flesh and blood so one must not ignore the genes or the flesh and blood. Purifying and perfecting our flesh and blood requires us to purify and perfect our physical selves as well as our spiritual selves. We perfect our physical selves by doing those things in life that keep us healthy and strong and by staying White in all ways, always. We perfect our spiritual selves by having the right beliefs and the right actions that follow from those right beliefs. We say Right Blood, Right Belief, Right Action. These are the three most important things in our faith. Note that Right Blood is first and this is so because without it the other two are meaningless. Maybe we an think of this a little like an automobile that is missing the right parts to run (missing the Right Blood). All the Right Belief in the world can't make it run. All the Right Action of turning the key on also can't make it run. It must have the right parts or the other two things don't work. The messages from God-As-He-Truly-Is command Whites to stay separate in all ways, always from non-White even from their discarded DNA that they leave wherever they may be. The messages also tell us that we are to purify and evolve ever higher and that we will begin to differ not only from all non-Whites, but also from Whites who do not follow God's commands as revealed to Arman and that those who do follow God's commands will eventually evolve into a higher type of human no longer a Homo sapien but a Homo novus. The Ideal White Type Some of the haters of White people try to make fun of Hitler's National Socialists who were measuring head sizes of Whites in Germany and doing other measurements and studies. Why were they doing this? It was because they were using what was then known about evolution and genetics to find the best types, the ideal types of our people, so that we could mate in such a way that we would produce the best, the strongest, and brightest children and improve our kind so we could evolve ever higher. This was really nothing that new. The ancient Greeks and Romans were looking for the same thing and enshrined what they believed to be the best in some of their statues. The statue of David was one such example of what they believed was perfection. In short: There is an ideal White type, as there is always an ideal type of everything, and that was what Hitler was trying to discover and increase. Of course, if what is considered as the ideal type does not expand its kind and survive and thrive and become the dominant type, then it is not the ideal type by definition no matter how good he or she looks. In simple terms we can say that it can't be too far wrong to seek a strong brain in a strong body and a strong spirit. God's Wrath God's wrath usually hits a large geographic area because He works with natural forces. If you are a White interspersed with non-Whites you will be destroyed with them and this is God's justice because you have been warned not to disobey God s command to us to stay separate from all non-Whites. Listen to your genes. They are your Essence. They have that small inner voice. They are telling you to stay White. Do not fight your genes. You may think you are an individual completely separate from all other people including all other Whites but you are part of the White genome. You are joined with all other Whites by the White genome which is your Essence and which is also your link to God and His God Waves. Non-Whites or even their discarded DNA produce interference between us and God-As-He-Truly-Is. We must live in as pure White areas as possible so that there is no such interference on a spiritual level between us and God-As-He-Truly-Is. Whites Not The Same As Other Races Whites are so different from other races that Darwin thought that we not only should not be listed in the taxonomic list as in he same race or even in the same species and not even in the same genus as non-Whites. In our religious belief system it is not just about purifying ourselves or reaching some certain state of mind, but about evolving. And, our evolution is more than just spiritual which is a product of the mind, it is actual physical evolution into a higher type of human that will in its fullness be as different from other non-evolved humans as Homo sapiens are different from Neanderthals. Our Religious Symbols We want our traditional views, beliefs and Sacred Symbols of spirals, fylfots, swastikas to be used, and to be protected by the same laws that protect religious symbols of other faiths. The Divine's presence is in these symbols that are seen throughout all of existence including in galaxies, in storms, in water draining from a basin, in DNA and much more. Our Religious, Spiritual, Life Beliefs Are One Our belief system is more than a religion. It is a way of life, a White way of life that may be different than what some other Whites think of as a White way of life. In this regard, just as we will start to differ ever more from non-Whites we will also start to differ from our fellow Whites who do not believe as we believe. Yes, we will start to evolve along the path that God says is right for us, while those Whites who either consciously or unconsciously reject our beliefs will not evolve in this manner. We Are Here To Improve The World Through Us As we improve ourselves, the world will be improved and made better, but we must not be confused and think that we must be universal in our views and try to improve non-White humans for this is false thinking. We must be particularistic in our thinking and only do what is right for White people and this is how the world will be improved. God has not made all things or all peoples the same. We must understand this and leave other kinds alone and not try to make them like us or help them. They must find their own way without any of our help just as we must find our right way without the help of any not our kind. This may sound selfish to those who do not truly understand God or the nature of reality, but this is what God wants and this is what works. Take care of your own kind and let other kinds take care of their kind and do not blend with them. Let other kinds succeed or fail all on their own as we must succeed or fail all on our own. Eternal Gene Wars All genes are programmed by God to automatically compete to exist, to be expressed, and to become the dominant type. And there are winners and losers. And this is as it should be. And collective groups of genes (genomes) do the same thing at their level. And, the life forms created by these genes and genomes do the same thing at their level. On the human level it is the same, as individuals, groups of individuals, sub-races, races follow the same pattern. This is the source of conflict but is eternal and is necessary for God's plan of evolution to work. In our everyday lives we see the Eternal Gene Wars expressed in various types of sports and other competitions that few understand are, at their heart, the energies of the Eternal Gene Wars just playing out in proxy forms. Remember OUR LINK TO THE DIVINE IS FROM OUR WHITE DNA CODE INCLUDING THE PRODUCTS OF THAT DNA CODE: OUR FLESH AND BLOOD AND OUR VERY WHITENESS ITSELF. IF WE LOSE OUR WHITENESS WE LOSE OUR LINK WITH THE DIVINE. WE MUST KEEP OUR WHITE DNA CODE PURE AND PERFECT IT THROUGH OUR LIVES SO THAT POSITIVE ADAPTATIONS AND MUTATIONS CAN OCCUR AS WE EVOLVE INTO A NEW SPECIES OF HUMAN NO LONGER HELD BACK BY BEING ABLE TO REPRODUCE WITH NON-WHITES. WHEN WE REACH FULL SPECIATION BY ANY DEFINITION OF THE TERM WE WILL BE STAR BOUND, AND GOD WILL BE PLEASED WITH US. # # # |
THREE BOOKS BY HARD TO PIGEONHOLE H. MILLARD All three books are now listed
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