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THE GREAT EVIL= Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2023 |
Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2023 All praise to God who has made us of White flesh and blood and who has told us how to live and what to do to please Him and to purify and perfect our selves to move closer to Him and how He will punish evil doers and reward us as His selected kind. The great evil in the world right now is the denial of the reality of genes and race and the attempt to genocide Whites and have us go extinct. This great evil takes many forms as it plays out in the real world. One way is to wrongly believe that the nation you live in determines your people-hood. For example, the Irish, just to name one example, are a White people. Their Irishness--their nation-- is in their genes. It is oneness with their Whiteness. The Irish descended people now living in America and elsewhere in the world whose ancestors left Ireland back in the past are still Irish while those Blacks and other non-Whites living in Ireland today will never be Irish even if they have Irish citizenship. Genes matter and they matter far more than anything else about us. Speaking again of the Irish, as just one example, they have genes to be White people. However, today, there are forces bringing non-Whites to Ireland (and all European nations). These non-Whites including Black Africans are now claiming that they are Irish or if they are in Germany or the Netherlands or England, etc. that they are German or Dutch or English, etc. This is false, is evil and is a huge lie. The real God, not the false god believed by various false faiths, made us of flesh and blood (genes). And, He has selected Whites to be the latest evolution of humans and for Whites to lead humanity ever higher towards God by doing what God wants us, as Whites, to do which is to become more White and to increase our numbers to make the whole planet White. We Whites are sent to replace all non-Whites just as modern humans have replaced all earlier forms. This is not to be denied. God also wants us to perfect our genes; to remove genetic pollution from the White genome so we become purer White and evolve ever higher towards Him. Now, just a few words about our terms to avoid confusion: GENOME=all the genes in our bodies. It is the same as DNA CODE and the same, used here, as WHITE FLESH AND BLOOD and RIGHT BLOOD. Our struggle isn't about belief, per se, but about protecting our right blood. That is, our faith demands that we put our Whiteness before all else because God demands this as the highest form of worship of Him. In this regard, we see God-As-He-Truly-Is more like a teacher who wants His students to learn what He is teaching even more than just liking the teacher. It is the lessons that He wants us to learn and live and if we do that He is pleased with us and knows that we have evolved beyond being mindless fans and are on the road to complete autonomy while still worshiping Him by the very fact of our Whiteness and our consciousness of it. We Whites are instinctively hated by non-Whites because of our genes. On the instinctive level they know that we are the latest evolution of the human type and that we are set to replace them all in God's good time. They know instinctively that we are very different and not part of their group which is comprised of all non-Whites. That is the divide made by God: Whites vs all non-Whites. This instinctive hated of Whites by non-Whites is similar to what is seen with the experiments with monkeys, where if a monkey is taken from its group and painted pink and put back in the group, the other monkeys will attack it because they see its differences as a threat to who and what they are. And, yes, color does matter and is important. Our White skin is essential to who and what we are. If we lose our White skin by mating with non-Whites--which can never produce a White child--we will also lose the support of God. Remember, skin color isn't like paint sprayed over identical automobiles. Our skin is the largest organ in the human body and it is really far more than just skin deep and its color is absolutely essential to who and what we are. Some want us to believe that our flesh and blood are evil and must be overcome to be in tune with what God wants. This is evil. Again, God made us of flesh and blood. It this that we must perfect and get right, not just our beliefs which are secondary. Any beliefs that hold that we must overcome our White flesh and blood are evil, and go against what God wants for us. While belief is a product of the flesh and blood (our brains) it can be subverted and propagandized to believe evil things. This must be avoided. God has made us as self-replicating, self-evolving, self-adapting, self-surviving creatures. He has given us free will to be able to survive and make our own decisions but in making us this way we were also built to be able to make the wrong decisions that are actually harmful to us and our kind and that is why God has given us messages in easy to understand terms to help us choose the right path and avoid the many, many false paths. There is only one right path for us as Whites. It is to remain White, to make more like ourselves and to seek our racial/genetic purity in order to move higher towards God. All other paths are the wrong paths. We do not seek to be loved by non-believers who often demand that we believe all humans are the same. All humans are not the same. Whites are very different and we must not only keep our differences from all non-Whites but increase our differences as we become more of what God wants and demands of us alone. We must separate based on genes. We must be around Whites only and specifically Whites who show some pureness of genes by believing as we do. This is as God wants it. We must trust in God to guide us in how to purify our genes. We must ask Him for His help because we do not know much more than that we must seek mates who as pure White as possible so we can produce the best White children and who in being born may correct some deficiencies in our own genes. None of us is perfect, but we must try to perfect our genetic lines. We know that we must be well rounded and have strong minds in strong bodies. Yes, we seek strong minds in strong and beautiful bodies free of genetic defects that may make us be sickly and die young. It is not our belief alone that is what God wants, it is our White Blood (means White Genome) that He wants to be good and right, but our White genome must be activated by Right Belief and Right Action. God did not give us Right Belief, he gave us Right Blood which means right genes and it is up to us to find Right Belief. Those who have belief in Right Blood (you are born with it} have the Right Belief. Right Action will automatically follow from Right Belief to activate your Right Blood. One cannot have Right Belief without Right Blood. This would be like a car without an engine or the other physical parts to run right. You can believe it is a great car but all the belief in the world is for naught if it is missing the right physical parts. So it is with us. Our belief in the necessity of having the right parts makes us hated because it is somewhat common, and wrong, in our age to believe that all humans are the same with only minor paint job differences and are worthy and that they are nice people because they share in certain beliefs that all humanity is good and that they are not racist. In reality, such beliefs are evil and not what God wants. God wants us to consider race in everything we do. Again, he made us of flesh and blood and except for instinctual things for our survival He did not fill us with all the right thoughts and beliefs. We must develop the right thoughts and beliefs, and He does guide us and send us messages like a Great Teacher in the sky. It is not humans who we seek to please, but God-As-He-Truly-Is by doing what He truly wants; and what He truly wants is the purity and perfection of our White flesh and blood so we evolve physically, biologically, genetically into a completely new species of human looking like the best of us look, with higher intelligence, more beautiful and stronger bodies, and the inability to have our genomes infected with non-White genes because we will no longer be burdened with the ability to produce children with them. Then it is to the stars for us. God is not interested in having Whites perform meaningless rituals and prayers, but we know that if correct rituals and prayers serve the purpose of focusing us correctly on our White flesh and blood and God they are good. But if they do not serve this purpose, they are false and evil because they distract us from the true path. They must serve our actual real physical perfection. It may seem to those with false beliefs that our ways are cruel because we resent imperfection and we do not accept anyone as our brothers and sisters in faith if they do not believe as we do in the truths of God as received by us. We do not care what non-believers think of us. We do what God wants and do not let weakness take us on the wrong path. We will be few at first but by following what God wants and trusting in Him over human wants, we will eventually become many and prevail. God has promised this to us so long as we stay true to our Whiteness as He has commanded. There are many today with false ideas of what God wants. They believe falsely in what humans may want and preach and believe that this is also what God wants but they are very wrong. Their so called human kindness and acceptance of every human who believes as they do is evil in the eyes of God. God makes choices and He has selected Whites and no others. We first look to the physical signs of pure blood that we can see with our eyes on the external parts of our fellow whites. This is so because they are signs of the genes that make them. God has made our sight the king of our senses. Easily seen physical features even though there may be genes within that counter what we see are still what we look for externally. For example, a person may look beautiful and be smart and physically strong but do they carry genes that make them die young or that "talk" them out of having White children? If so, the external signs in such particular cases are giving us a false reading of the individuals or perhaps the individuals have just accepted evil ways as being correct because they live with evil all around them and evil seems normal. If the latter seems to be the case, we should try to educate them to the truth of what God wants, but in ways that make it easy for them to understand. To emphasize this point: God has told us to use our senses and especially our sight that is the king of our senses to try to find the best to mate with and we trust that God would not tell us things that are wrong or harmful to us and our ways and it is up to us to find what He truly wants and deny the rest and the false teachings of false religions that do not rely on flesh and blood and genes. # # # |
THREE BOOKS BY HARD TO PIGEONHOLE H. MILLARD All three books are now listed
on Amazon.com. The lefties at the OC WEEKLY said Millard is one of OC's most frightening people. "Millard is an important
writer" New Nation News "I
consider H. Millard one
of the most brilliant
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OUTSIDER - (ISBN: 0-595-19424-9)
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