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THE GREAT WHITE GENOME (aka RIGHT BLOOD) Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2022 |
Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2022 We are the carriers and the multipliers of the Great White Genome. It makes us the White people that we are. It is one with us and it is one with God-As-He-Truly-Is. It is our "soul" and our "essence." It is the very core of our beings and one cannot get it unless one is born with it. It is the Right Blood that Arman says we must have. And, it is activated by Right Belief and Right Action. Know in your mind, your heart and your body that God-As-He-Truly-Is is real. Very real. He is everywhere because He is in the subatomic level of existence that underpins all of existence. Some say God is one with and is nature itself. However, some of those who say this then believe that God has no mind, no self-awareness, no intelligence, no personality, no will, no emotions, no purpose and other aspects of life common in higher forms of life. They are wrong. God is the highest form of life that can exist and He has, at a minimum, similar aspects as us. Know also in your mind and your heart and your body that God-As-He-Truly-Is has a plan and we Whites are a major part of His plan as we are selected by Him to be the dominant life form and that we are to evolve ever higher and become ever more the life form that God wants to exist to do His work at our level of existence wherever we can dwell and multiply our kind and to be the dominant form of life on whatever worlds we can live on. Collectively, because of our Great White Genome we are the Ubermensch aborning. When we honor and respect the Great White Genome we honor God-As-He-Truly-Is. But there are those who want to stop us from evolving and even to stop us from living. They are evil. God-As-He-Truly-Is is all good. Anything that opposes Him is evil by definition. One of the great evils they do is to try to have Whites mix and mate with non-Whites and produce children with non-Whites which infects and pollutes the Great White Genome and breaks the link with God-As-He-Truly-Is. We Whites are not without our faults, but we are part of natural and Divine selection and this means that even if some of us don't seem to be aware of this, it is natural for us to always struggle to be more and to be better and to evolve ever higher and this also means that we are in constant gene wars to ensure that our genes and our White genome is the one that is at the top of the heap. We Whites are the exclusive carriers of the Great White Genome. It is that--the Great White Genome--that we are born to multiply and spread and it is done by our bodies. There is no other way. We are "inhabited" by the Great White Genome. It is holy, it is our link to God-As-He-Truly-Is. It is the Temple within. It is the seed of us. It is part of us. It makes us, us. It is the spiral within just as we can see a glimpse of God in the spiral without. In some of us it is more pure than in others of us. We are here to evolve. We are here to purify. We are here to multiply our kind only. What is evolution all about? It is to bring forth the best of each type and to put one type as the dominant life form. What does dominant life form mean? It means the life form that has advanced to have the most natural freedom to do what it wants and make things comfortable and good for that life form. And it means Whites who worship and obey God-As-He-Truly-Is Those of us who trust in God-As-He-Truly-Is and focus on Him can really say "don't worry, be happy" because we know that He has our backs and will help us as we go through life focusing on Him and our Great White Genome that is the direct link to Him. We also know that when we pray for His guidance He gives it to us, but only if we have the Great White Genome, meaning only if we are truly White. To have the full Great White Genome one must be born of two truly White parents who were also born of truly White parents. That is how the Great White Genome was passed down to our parents and their parents and how we must pass it down to as many pure White children as our bodies can produce in our short life times. Remember always that you are born with Right Blood but if you do not activate it with Right Belief and Right Action that you may just drift aimlessly through life with no real direction and then you'll just die and be no more for ever. But if you activate your Right Blood (don't forget this means Great White Genome or White genes, etc), and live consciously White and seek to improve in all possible ways including, but not limited to, getting a good education, staying healthy and fit, and by having as many true White children as your body will allow, then you will just naturally be doing what God-As-He-Truly-Is wants of you. Pray to God-AS-He-Truly-Is for guidance in all things of importance to you and especially do it in the early morning and before you go to sleep at night. Arman says that prayer works especially well during storms and just before dawn but is good at all times of day and in all conditions so long as you have Right Belief and trust in God-As-He-Truly-Is and give yourself to Him and listen with your inner ear. Remember, ask of everything: "Is this good for White people?" # # # |
THREE BOOKS BY HARD TO PIGEONHOLE H. MILLARD All three books are now listed
on Amazon.com. The lefties at the OC WEEKLY said Millard is one of OC's most frightening people. "Millard is an important
writer" New Nation News "I
consider H. Millard one
of the most brilliant
writers and analysts |
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OUTSIDER - (ISBN: 0-595-19424-9)
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