Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2025


Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2025

All praise to God-As-He-Truly-Is who has selected White Aryans as His people to purify and evolve ever higher towards Him by following His instructions to us and by purifying our genes, our minds and our bodies. Those among us who follow His simple but Holy instructions are beloved of God-As-He-Truly-Is and He shall help them on the upward path so long as they remain true to Him. All praise to God-As-He-Truly-Is who has selected White people for the sacred task of purifying the world, perfecting themselves, evolving ever higher along a strictly White line to be better to serve Him and carry out His plan.

Survive, thrive, improve, expand and evolve. Our religious morals, values, beliefs and practices are given to us from God-As-He-Truly-Is not man. We must live right. We must live White. We must not sin by race mixing.

Right Blood, Right Belief, Right Action mean White Blood, White Belief, White Action. You cannot obtain Right Blood, you must be born with it. That is, you must be born of two White parents who were born of White parents who were born of White parents.

8 P's--Purify, Protect, Propagate, Persevere, Perfect, Preserve, Prevail, Pray

Humans--including Whites who are the ones we care about--when left to our own devices make many very wrong decisions. Only good religion based on God-As-He-Truly-Is' laws and commands can prevent us from making harmful mistakes. Do what God-As-He-Truly-Is commands Whites to do or not do and you will always do the right things in your life.



We have set a template in the minds of White males that has them find White females pleasant and perfect to be good mothers. We have come now in this day to awaken you and save you from extinction. We have selected you, the White people, as our people to evolve ever higher by never mixing or mating with any who are not White. It is Right Blood, Right Belief, Right Action that you must have and we teach you of these things so that you may freely choose the right path as we have plainly told you and not perish.

We have given you the mornings as light begins and the evening when light is turning to night for We have sent light breezes in the morning and in the evening to give you a shudder to remind you of Us.

The tales of Our coming are in the cold places and in the granite and rocks and we are in the air you breathe and in the water you drink. We are the Creator and the Destroyer, the Molder and the Molded. We are within and without as part of everything and separate from everything. We are here and there at the same time and all the distances of space are no more to us than the distance between your eyes. A trillion times a trillion years to you is no more than an eye blink to Us.

There are religious duties that are your life duties and your obligations and we expect you to fulfill them as we have sent them forth in plain language for all times. We do not change what is truth. What We have set forth as truth shall not change for man, and those men who change our truths are evil and shall be destroyed. Evil that men do comes in many forms, and the evil they do extends from minor crimes to major crimes against Us.

Did We not come to you unbidden in the storm, and did We not guide you all the days of life so that harm avoided you so that you might fulfill your duty to Us? And, did we not say those who obey Us are who We have selected? Did we not tell you that to come to Us, your blood must run pure. For is it not the river of life that leads to Us? There shall be false leaders and false prophets who shall try to deceive you and many will be destroyed. For is it not true that even now many of your people follow the river of death and not the river of life? Do they not try to get you to not believe? Do they not promote false religions? Do they not elect evildoers?

Empires and nations have risen and fallen but your blood has remained through all time. And We have guided you. It is now that We have sent you our guide so that all may read in plain language so that all may understand Our ways and their obligations as White human beings. And you White people are the people We have brought forth and you shall be the new people and the old people who are not White are to pass from the scene for you are their replacements as ordained by Us.

We have sent Our thunder and Our lightning and our storms of all kinds to swirl around and show you truths, for Our truths are thus revealed to those who can see. We have sent the winds and the rain and all the things that spin. We have filled the cosmos with Our energies and Our presence. We have shown you our ways in all that exists. We have made clear Our patterns so that you may draw strength from their sight and understand what you are to do to obey Us.

The evildoers say they worship Us, but they do not. We are not as they say We are. We do not have a son. We do not do what they want. We do not favor them who believe the wrong things even if they are deceived. Teach your people well, for it is only through Our truths that they will survive. There is no other God and there is no other way.

We came with light and sound and spinning. The Dark was all before We came. We are of the Dark and the Dark is of Us, but We have willed Ourself to be more for We have struggled against non-being and non-awareness to be aware and as We struggle, so too must all that lives struggle, for the struggle is eternal. Those that do not struggle cease to exist.

We have given your people alone the right blood to understand as We have given humans hands with which to make things that other animals cannot make. Did we not give dogs paws instead of hands? And, is it not true that dogs cannot open doors because they lack hands? So it is with humans. None but your White people can open the door to Us, because you alone have the hands to do this. This is Our gift to you. Your Essence is yours alone and next to life, it is Our greatest gift. We have given all living things various gifts, but you alone have this gift.

What We have set in motion has gone through turnings large and small and all shall continue turning as We alone see fit. Obey Us and follow our rules for We are God-As-We-Truly-Are. What We do above, We do below. What We do far, We do near. What We do large, We do small. What We do there, We do here. What We do low, We do high. We have set a correspondence and links in all that exists, both seen and unseen.

We love those Whites who love life which we have caused to rise from inert chemicals. You are the chemicals of the cosmos made aware and self-replicating. As you have risen from these chemicals you must also rise above yourselves and you are not to be always as you now are, but you are to be more and the more is to be still more and there is no end.

We do not love those who remain intentionally barren, even though they may in every other way be obedient to Us. For if they remain barren when they have the ability to have children, they show that they do not understand or truly obey Us. If you live as one, you die as one and you might as well not have lived, We did not put you on this earth to be one. We put you on this earth to make many out of one. If you bear one child, this is not enough, for it took two of you to bear the one. If you bear two children, this is not enough for this simply replaces you. If you bear three children this is still not enough. Four children begins the path. Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve children and more show you understand what is important and what is not. And when you rank the believers, put those with the most children in the first row for they are closest to Us and they are beloved of Us. Believers with fewer children are to pay more to support our temples than those with more and those with fewer children shall help those with more. Those with the most children shall sit on our right side.

We have sent our Shining Ones to teach with signs and massages. They have walked among you and you did not know this. They still walk among you, and they are watching as We have ordained. They have put the words of Our coming in the cold places and in the stones and these words tell of Our coming and of those who went before you and of those Who we have destroyed for they did evil and disobeyed Our rules.

We have set an order in all things and We have ordained that you do not mix your blood with the blood of other peoples who are not related to you or who will cause your sacred signs to become different than they are. And, have We not told you that we have put the external sacred signs so that your own eyes may see them and recognize who is of the blood and who is not? Have We not told you that white skin is the primary external sign and is essential? Have we not told you that blue eyes, blond hair are to be sought but are not required for they are lesser signs? Have we not told you that certain head shapes and bone structures are also sacred signs? Have We not told you that your blood can tell the tale? Why then do you ignore Us? Why then do you disobey and mix your sacred blood with that of others? Have We not told you that one can not have sacred signs or sacred blood by belief alone? Have We not told you that when a dog can grow hands because it believes it can grow hands, then can others become as you through belief? Have We not told you that this will never happen? Have we not told you that to open the door to Us, your blood must be pure? Have We not told you that you must also have pure belief and pure action?

Have you become so deceived that you do not understand Our plain truth that without Right Blood--Right Belief and Right Action are for naught? And, do you not understand that your blood is not now pure and that this can be known because you do not live the years that We have ordained for you and you are not free of diseases that pure blood will ensure? Have We not made it clear that none of you have pure blood but that some have purer blood than others and those with the right blood must purify it to become purer. Have We not made it clear that other peoples do not have the right blood at all and that this is because they are not you and We have ordained that they not have their blood mixed with yours? Have We not made it clear that it is an abomination in our eyes when you mix your blood with the blood of other peoples and when you mingle and live among them? Have We not made it clear that you are made impure even by their mere presence and that their impurities are an invisible cloak around them that infects all that they do even if they only do work for you or prepare your food or in other ways touch the things or are near the things that you use? Is it not clear that by Right Blood, we mean Right DNA Code and Right Genome and Right Genes? Do not be confused by the word Blood.

Have We not made it plain that you are to help poor Whites who are believers and you are to give money and goods and service to build and maintain temples and circles and halls and rings and centers that honor Us and help the faithful come to Us to be saved from evil?

Those who mock you or this faith mock Us. We will send the winds and the storms both seen and unseen from out of the far places to destroy them and We shall send our Shining Ones as a mighty army to let all know that We are God and We alone are the ruler of all the cosmos in all things large and small. Do not suffer the fools or the liars or the rumor mongers or those who by word or deed seek to harm you or your people. Do not show false compassion for such evildoers. And, tell the people to say: “God willing, our actions will be just and God willing we shall prevail,” for the people must always pay homage to Us and ask that We intercede on their behalf. And, if We are willing, then when We hear their words of honor and submission, We may intercede. If they take actions without paying homage to Us, We may still, if We are willing, intercede, but it is better for the people to show that they recognize that their fates are always in Our hands, and that only if We are willing will they survive and prevail. And, if We find them wanting, then We may help their enemies. Our plans are written in ways that you cannot understand and our moves are the moves that you cannot follow.

The struggle to exist and to be is eternal. Every living thing and every inanimate object must struggle in its own way. Grass under your feet struggles. Birds struggle. Worms struggle. Planets struggle. Stars struggle. Germs struggle. Existence is a struggle with non-existence.

Have We not told you that man is a pupae in a cocoon struggling to get out and fulfill its destiny. Man cannot even be close to his destiny until he emerges and become a new man replacing the old man and lives the full length of his years that We have set forth in your blood. Have We not set forth Our rules and Our laws in all things in existence? Have We not made these things plain? We have set your clocks within you, but evildoers tell you to overlook your clocks. They wrongly say that you must not bear children until man says this is proper. This is evil. We, alone, have set the time for bearing children. It is written in your blood. Follow Us and reject man in all things. They have polluted your blood so that instead of living your full years you die before you reach true adulthood. You get old and die as children though you think your childhood is adulthood. It is not. You are as babies who can’t fully understand until you regain your true life spans. You must avoid other peoples because they block the way for you to Us by their very presence, and this is evil.

Did We not tell you that all things have their own natures that We have given them? Do not seek to be as others for that is not your nature. We have ordained that your nature is yours alone. Be as you should be. We have given all things weaknesses and strengths. We have given man brains that use words and symbols and these things are important for man as they are unimportant for other lower animals. We have given you the capacity to reason and to think and to be aware. We have given your Our symbols to use so that you may always think of Us and you must obey Us and have these symbols upon your bodies and in your homes and where you work and in all other places where you are so that We are constantly in your minds. Mark your bodies with Our symbols so that when you die your bodies shall come to Us.

Many are those who are confused and who are too busy to think much of their religious duties to Us. Bring forth leaders from your midst who will help guide you on the correct path and let these leaders be the poorest and most humble of beings. They must be happy and satisfied with few material possessions and with little fame and they must dedicate themselves to Our work on your behalf.. Select none who are vain or who seek fame or gold. That is an abomination. Let the leaders wear humble clothes that are no better than the poorest among you. Let them spend their days in humble surroundings reading our rules and our laws and in trying to understand and teach others. Let them bear many children. Support these leaders with your money and with food and follow them who are good leaders but beware of false leaders who will lead the people into danger for no reason or who try to change Our truths. Join together in threes, and fives and sevens and nines and let ten plus one be the number that you seek among believers.

Have We not told you that you are to be a people apart and that you are to separate out from the non-believers and from people who do not have the Essence that is within your blood? Govern yourselves in your own societies that are based on the laws and rules that We have given you, and ignore the unjust rules and laws of larger societies of non-believers in which you find yourselves. Travel the cosmos and spread the sacred seeds and eggs that you carry for Us.

Have We not told you that We are the spinner and that We create and We destroy through spinning? Have We not told you that you must do as We do and you must seek to be as We are. We have lifted up dirt and mud and all that is not living and We have transformed it into the living through the spinning, and We have given you life so that you are still the minerals but you are more than that. Have we not told you that We are not as you are and that We are God and that We are independent of all matter though We choose to inhabit matter when We so desire?

Have We not told you that your first duty to Us is to bring forth more of you in great numbers so that you are the most numerous form of life in existence? You shall be more numerous than ants. You shall be more numerous than grains of sand on all the beaches of all the oceans of earth. That is what you must become and you must not misunderstand and think that holiness is not this. Have we not told you that you are not to follow childless religious leaders and that those without children who are of sound bodies are not beloved of Us. Have we not told you that when you consider a religious leader you must ask: How many children do you have? And if the religious leader has none or too few but if he is capable of having children, then he is not a true religious leader for he does not understand our most basic truth.


Have We not told you that you are to live as long as possible so that you may bear as many children as possible? But have We not also told you that when you must defend the faith and the people that dying in such a cause brings you to Us immediately and that such a death is not a death at all for those of your blood will survive as a result of your action and their genes are your genes and this is not the same thing as dying in defense of those who do not share your genes or dying for a nation or a philosophy. Blood is what unites you in Us and blood is your destiny. Fear not death in defense of the faith and the people. We will not permit you to die and become unaware minerals and chemicals. We will sustain you as We are sustained and your consciousness shall join with Us.

Do no harm to anything in existence that is not a danger to you or the faith. Seek not to find sport in killing anything for when you kill in sport you are against Us. Take what you must to survive, propagate and prosper but take no more and do so with great reverence for what you have taken.

Have We not told you that We are one but We manifest ourselves as many when this is Our will and We manifest Ourself in forms unexpected when that is what We wish. These things you cannot understand, accept it as true and question it not.


Have We not told you that We have sent Our shining ones? Have you not seen them? Have you not spoken to them? We have made them different than you so that they have powers you do not have while you have powers that they do not have. We have sent them seen and unseen and they bring signs from Us for the unbelievers and the believers alike and for those of the blood and those not of the blood. Have you not felt them rush in as we have sent them? Have you not had them warn you? Have We not told you that you must struggle to improve and be more than you are? Have We not shown you the way and spoken to you in words plain that you can understand? Why then do you follow the rules and laws of humans? Evil doers try to deceive you and they try to have you become evil. You must struggle against them for they can be persuasive. This guide is given to you to follow.


Say to the believers: Do not allow oppression or repression of your fellow believers or people of your blood if they are of good spirits and even if they have not yet come to believe as you believe.

Fight the oppressors by all means possible. They are an abomination to Us and they are an evil that must be destroyed.

Have We not warned you that many of the oppressors will act in clever ways to disguise and hide their oppression and that many will enact human made laws that are counter to Our laws? When you are faced with human made laws that are in conflict with Our eternal laws you know that you must obey Us even though the evildoers will seek to harm you. Do not be as sheep when the evildoers come, nor be as ravening wolves when there is no reason to be thus.

We have given you large brains so that you may think of these things and find the right path. Do not appease the evildoers and do not bring harm to the people by opposing the evildoers in ways that are not clever and appropriate. Use your talents that We have given you to fight them. And, let your lives and your births be an insult to them all the days of their lives for as you multiply you shall gain strength and when you become a vast multitude all that you survey is yours.

We have ordained this and We have promised you that when you are a multitude that you shall rule in the circles of man and that you shall replace man with the new man and from the new man shall come a newer man and this is as We have desired and as We have set forth the struggle and the weak ones that do not struggle are to be left behind and they are to live or die as circumstances unfold and We shall not help those who do not struggle, for have We not said that even We struggle? To Be requires effort and energy and struggle. There is no other way. What We have set in motion in the cosmos, We have set in motion on earth. Take understanding from these truths and be guided all the days of your lives from these words. We are God and there is no other than Us save our manifold manifestations as We alone see fit. And, do not be arrogant and think that you shall prevail by being better than others and that your way is to be few in numbers. We love the maggots on the garbage more than we love the eagles in the sky and we love the cockroaches more than the elephants for the maggots are full of life and the cockroaches continue to exist as cockroaches though all despise them and all try to kill them. When the arrogant make images of Us, they make the images to look like the arrogant ones. We can be thus, but We can be otherwise. We say to the arrogant: ‘Would you know Our face as We wish you to see it now? Then, look upon the face of the maggot and the cockroach. You build temples to man and they are dead things and We are not there. Would you seek to find Us, you arrogant ones? Seek us out in the trash heaps and the garbage for there you will find Our life teeming as We have ordained.’
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Whites are the latest evolution of humans. That is why we are only a very tiny minority of 6% to 7% of humans. We can be easily absorbed into the 94% or 93% of humans who are not White and go extinct as was the fate of the Neanderthals and other earlier humans.

Humans have 3 billion combinations of the four chemicals of DNA (A,T,C,G) IN OUR DNA CODES. JUST 1 % difference between human "races" means there are 30 million differences in our DNA codes. Whites are not only not the same race as all non-Whites, we also not of the same species.

Humans have 20,000 to 25,000 genes. One percent difference in genes would mean 200 to 250 differences in genes. Genes are not actually things, they are really sections along our DNA that code for various features that make us who and what we are.

God-As-He-Truly-Is tells us that Whites are not the same species as non-White humans and that the worst sin we can do is to miscegenate with any non-Whites.

# # #


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The lefties at the OC WEEKLY said Millard is one of OC's most frightening people.

"Millard is an important writer" New Nation News

"Millard is an original. His books aren't like your typical fiction.
If you don't know where to put his books, try the same shelf with Kerouac,
Kafka, Sartre and Nietzsche" - a reader.

"I consider H. Millard one of the most brilliant writers and analysts
in the European American civil rights movement.
" - David Duke

Ourselves Alone & Homeless Jack's Religion  

Ourselves Alone & Homeless Jack's Religion
messages of ennui and meaning in post-american america by H. Millard

In Ourselves Alone and Homeless Jack's Religion, H. Millard, the hard to pigeonhole author of The Outsider and Roaming the Wastelands, has put together some of his category bending commentaries on post-American America. The commentaries deal with politics, philosophy, free speech, genocide, religion and other topics in Millard's edgy style and lead up to Homeless Jack's Religion, in which Homeless Jack lays out revelations he found in a dumpster on skid row. Browse Before You Buy ISBN: 0-595-32646-3

Roaming the Wastelands  

- (ISBN: 0-595-22811-9)
H. Millard's latest sacred cow toppling book, is now
available at by clicking on this link

or by calling 1-877-823-9235.

"A fun-and sobering-thing to read" - Alamance Independent

The Outsider  

THE OUTSIDER - (ISBN: 0-595-19424-9)
H. Millard's underground classic story of alienation is
available at by clicking on the this link
 or by calling 1-877-823-9235:

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