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SOME COMMON MISTAKES ABOUT GOD AS WE UNDERSTAND HIM Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2023 |
Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2023 God is truly beyond all human comprehension, but we are able to speculate on Him so that we can better understand our connection to Him and what He can and cannot do. Some of us believe that there are common mistakes about the nature of God-As-He-Truly-Is, and we offer these comments for a clearer understanding of God-As-He-Truly-Is: 1. GOD IS LOVE No. God is not love. He has love but he also has hate and other emotions as well. 2. GOD CAN DO ANYTHING No. God is bound by natural laws found in nature and physics. Many of His powers come from the fact that He has no body and exists in the quantum level of existence and the laws of nature and physics are not always the same as they are at our level of existence. God can't build a car or plane or even a bread board. He has no hands and has no need for them or such inventions of man. 3. GOD KNOWS EVERYTHING No. But being in the subatomic realm and everywhere He knows much. 4. GOD CREATED EVERYTHING Maybe not. It may be that He came to consciousness in an already existing universe that has always existed and which was self-created through natural laws. 5. GOD CREATED HUMANS May be true but not as fantasized in Desert religions. We believe He may have created DNA and then tweaked it to bring forth different types of life. The Bible (which is not holy to us) may have some things partly right when correctly understood. For example, we believe the story of Adam and Eve was a much fictionalized story of the creation of White people (non-Whites already existed) by the tweaking of the DNA code. Whites then miscegenated with non-Whites and this contaminated our White gene pool and angered God. Whites alive today who separate from non-Whites and who do not mix or mate with them, have regained God's love of us as we work to remove the contamination from our White gene pool. 6. GOD IS ALL POWERFUL Well, He has many powers but if He were all powerful then everything He wants would already exist. In fact, as a force, He is opposed by other forces that want the opposite of what He wants. 7. GOD DEMANDS THAT WE BELIEVE IN HIM No. God demands that we do what He wants us to do and if belief in Him keeps us doing what He wants us to do then that is fine, but He is more like a teacher who wants His students to learn His lessons and do the right things. He is more concerned with us doing the right things and living right than in just having blind belief of Him. He wants Whites to separate from all non-Whites and to never mate with them but to have as many White children as our bodies can provide. 8. GOD HAS HOLY IMAGES Yes. We believe His holy images are spirals, swastikas, fylfots and even the double helix of DNA. And that we, as White believers in Him, must have one or more of these symbols on us at all times. They could be as tattoos or intentional scars or on pendants or rings or even on a piece of paper in our pockets or wallets. 9. GOD WILL HELP BELIEVERS Maybe. He intervenes very reluctantly because He wants us to be self-reliant and follow His instructions, rules and laws and show that we are capable. 10. GOD LOVES ALL HUMANS THE SAME No. He does not. He has emotions and He has things He wants to see happen. For example He has created Whites to be closer to Him than other kinds and He wants us to prove ourselves by purifying and evolving in the right direction and He wants us to do this with the very minimum of His help. If we don't succeed, He may destroy all humans and start over again. # # SO YOU THINK YOU'RE TOO SMART TO BELIEVE IN GOD? Well, aren't you just special. You say you are too smart to believe in God and you have a religion with no God and just believe in nature or the cosmos. How swell. Now how many of you are there who believe this? And, what does this belief do for you or those who are not as smart as you? What is above man that keeps man in line and stops Whites from miscegenating in your faith? Nothing. You see, God is necessary even if you don't believe in Him. And, no, just because some of us believe in God, our God is not the Judaeo/Christian version. Our god is real and is the God that their god would worship if their god were real but their god is not real. He is a fiction made up by humans to control humans. Our God, by contrast, is real. He's no fiction. He's no fake. He has selected Whites and wants Whites to survive and evolve and He has told us now to do that. In simple terms, God has told us that we must separate from all non-Whites and never mix or mate with them and at the same time we must have as many White children that our bodies can provide. THERE IS ONLY ONE ARGUMENT AGAINST RACE MIXING BY WHITES THAT CAN NEVER BE OVERRULED OR ARGUED AGAINST SUCCESSFULLY "God commands Whites to never mix or mate with non-Whites and to completely separate from all non-Whites. And God commands Whites to have as many pure White children as their bodies can provide." Or more simply, God said it, we believe it, and we live it no matter what other humans may believe or say. # # # |
THREE BOOKS BY HARD TO PIGEONHOLE H. MILLARD All three books are now listed
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consider H. Millard one
of the most brilliant
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