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feel sorry for our fellow Whites who are unawakened. They
understand little about existence and many have internalized
false beliefs about nature and the nature of man. They do not
understand why Whites should remain separate from other races
for all time. We are sorry to lose many of these Whites from our
people as they live their lives as though they are asleep and
they do not see or understand why they should do the four most
important things that awakened Whites know are real and true:
Live as long as possible. Remain separate from other races. Have
as many White children as you can. Ask of everything: Is this
good for White people and the White Genome?
an awakened White person you probably already know to ask of
everything: Is
this good for White people and the White genome? And
you probably already know that you must not ask: Is this good
for humanity or for this or that other racial group? You must
focus and particularize your ethics and morality on what is good
for you as a White person and for the survival, expansion and
evolution of the White race and the White genome (aka White DNA
speaking, what is good for Whites is anything that increases our
population size and what is bad for Whites in anything that
decreases our population size. For awakened Whites, the death of
other Whites, even the death of a single other White, is truly a
tragedy as we know that what is essential about us is our White
Genome and every pure White carries the White Genome which is
just waiting inside him or her to let loose a whole population
of new Whites. It is what makes us, us, and it is what we share
with all other Whites. The sheer mass of the White Genome is
important and its mass increases as more pure Whites are born.
The White Genome can only increase in size by Whites having more
White children. To have more White children Whites must live
longer and mate right.
of us keep the importance of the White Genome in mind by
imagining it as though it exists as a distinct and cohesive
biomass (a genetic collective) of which we are all a part and
that we are all connected via a part of our White Genome in the
quantum level of existence to this biomass.
we speak of the tragedy of the death of other Whites with our
understanding of the importance of the White Genome and how such
a death shrinks the collective White Genome we also understand
that miscegenation and producing babies with non-Whites is also
the shrinking of the collective White Genome. A White and any
non-White cannot produce a truly White baby. It will always have
half of its genetic code from a non-White and even if it looks
White it will not be truly White.
who want Whites to go extinct will argue that there are no pure
races and thus it is okay to miscegenate. Don't buy it. Of
course we are all mixed to one degree or another if we go back
far enough to look at our ancestries. The chemicals that make up
DNA are the same in all living things. Nevertheless, we say that
we must seek purity and perfection by mating only with other
Whites and that this is how we will evolve along the right
trajectory for our kind. Some of us believe these things
religiously and believe they are revealed by he Creator and that
we need make no further argument in their defense as we believe
that the Creator is the ender of all arguments. What It has
revealed to us is true and ends the argument. Others of us with
a more secular turn of mind say it just makes common sense that
we should only mate with others most like us if we want
ourselves to have children who look like us and who carry more
of our particular White Genome into the future.
many Whites are caught up in universal religious
ethics and morality and mistakenly live their whole lives
thinking this is the way things should be. It is not. Universal
religious ethics and morality generally teach that one should
treat all humans the same and that one should serve
others--pathological altruism--no matter who the others are.
This false idea is the progeny of the more basic false idea that
all humans are basically the same except for different paint
jobs and that underneath those different paint jobs the engines
are all the same. Big mistake. Humans are not all the same. Not
by a long shot.
fact, the races are so different that Charles Darwin correctly
varieties of mankind are so different that similar
differences found in any other animals would warrant their
classification in different species, if not in different
genera." --Charles Darwin
believing the falsehood that all humans are the same and in
internalizing this flat-world nonsense, one then thinks that all
people are fungible. So, in such false thinking, if the White
ones die off one wrongly believes it's no big deal because there
are still plenty of humans around. Well, the reality is that if
you are White and all the White ones die off including you and
your family lines, you are extinct. You have no place in
existence. The fact that other kinds of humans are around is
essentially meaningless to you and other Whites. Those general
parts of your White Genome that read such things as mammal and
human still exist in other kinds of humans, but the parts that
specifically read "Whiteness" are gone and it is the parts that
read Whiteness that are most important and meaningful for your
existence, both in your life right now and right here and in
your afterlife as part of your ancestors.
these right parts that read Whiteness, a human is like a radio
that is missing some parts and can't receive the "radio waves"
aimed at Whiteness that are all around it. makes us and all
other pure Whites the people we are. If the White Genome
continues to exist, even when our bodies die, we are still
existent, even without consciousness in other Whites and most
fully, of course, in direct descendants of us as individuals.
is, however, something of us in all pure Whites. In other humans
and other organisms, some of the more general human genome
exists (after all, DNA is DNA no matter which organism it is in)
but we are such a small percentage us in all non-White
organisms, including non-White humans, that it is meaningless.
Whites must exist for us to exist and this applies to the future
long after we are gone. And, speaking of all DNA being the same,
we just remember it is the shuffle--the order--of the four
chemicals of DNA that matters in what type of organism is
created, not the raw chemicals.
morality--the morality that some of us follow, and which you may
also wish to consider--is based on revelation which is exactly
the same as the truths of nature and evolution. We have a solid
and unshakeable understanding that what is right and good must
be based on what is right and good for us as Whites.
This means what helps us survive, expand, evolve and be happy is
good and right. If it is good for Whites, it is good. If
it is bad for Whites, it is bad. But, herein lies something that
must be understood. Good and bad for Whites does not just mean
what is good and bad right now and for the person we see in the
mirror. It also means what is good for our DNA code that is
inside us and which makes us who and what we are and which also
makes us part of all pure Whites.
course, there are universals, but there are also particulars.
And we must, as White people, look out for ourselves as White
people first and always, and put nothing in front of or above
Whiteness. This means, in part, we must not put false universal
religions above Whiteness. Everything must be for
Whiteness. Our lives, our religions, our world view, our
philosophy, our culture, our nations, our beliefs, our
politics...everything...must put Whiteness above all
else. There must be no fragmentation of ourselves-no alienation
from our most essential selves--our White Genome--all must be
integrated into Whiteness and flow from it. We are a distinct
people. A tribe. A Race. A genetic collective. We are not the
same as other peoples just as they are not the same as other
peoples. We must not blend ourselves away by mating with other
peoples. Period.
understand why across the board universal ethics and morality
are wrong with respect to us as Whites, one needs to understand
the reality of the gene wars (you may prefer the terms gene
struggles or gene contests), which are eternal and necessary for
evolution to work.
gene wars are simply different versions of genes trying to
replace other versions for the same characteristics, and the
gene wars start in us during our conception. When the male
sperm, carrying approximately 10,000 genes, meets the female
egg, also carrying approximately 10,000 genes, there is a
competition as the various versions of genes compete for
dominance to build a new human.
are thousands of competitions that have to be fought and won
when the male and female DNA codes meet to create a new human.
Which characteristics from the father or the mother will win in
the new human? Which eye color, hair color and texture, nose
shape, lip shape, body type, brain characteristics and on and on
and on will the new human have? Now, these gene wars seem fairly
benign within our bodies, especially when the mother and father
are of the same race, but when they are of different races, the
gene wars are not as benign and one race beats the other on
various characteristics including one of the most obvious
characteristics: skin color.
Crick put it this way:"Living
organisms must necessarily compete, for food, for mates
and for living space, especially with other members of
their own species [i.e. those they can breed with]. They
must avoid predators and other dangers. For all these
various reasons, some will leave more offspring than
others, and it is the genetic characteristics of such
preferred replicators which will be passed on
preferentially to succeeding generations. This is the
essence of natural selection."-- Francis Crick
(Nobel laureate and co-discoverer of the shape of DNA)
the above in mind, you also have to understand that you
have a natural right to exist and to exist as you are, as a
White person. You have that right simply because you do
exist.You are the most important person in the world to
yourself. It cannot be otherwise. Without you, nothing else
matters to you since without you, you are nonexistent. And, as
you think along these lines you must realize that no one is more
important than you or has any more right to exist or to any part
of existence of the planet than you. This is your planet. Kings,
Queens, presidents, prime ministers, billionaires, religious
leaders, whoever--no one is more important than you. You take no
second seat to any of them.
are you, and you are important. Without you, there is nothing
for you. You have a right to exist and to seek happiness
and you have the right to your freedom. You have a right to
associate with or not associate with any other persons for any
reasons you so choose. You are the King or Queen of yourself. No
other humans and no groups or governments of humans have a right
to restrict your peaceful freedoms and when they do try to
restrict them, they must not be obeyed. You have all freedoms
that do not directly harm others. You have the freedom to think
and act in your own best interests, to believe as you want, to
express yourself as you want, to comment freely as you think is
appropriate on any and all matters that concern you. You can
associate or disassociate with any individuals or groups of
individuals or races or ethnicities for any reason that you
want. It is your life, it is your business and it is not the
business of others to tell you who you can associate with or not
associate with.
are here. All of existence, for you,
depends on your existence. Nothing matters if you are not here.
It is the same with the rest of us. But, you also need to
understand that you, as the person you see in the mirror, are
created by your White Genome. Your White Genome has many
aspects. In you, some aspects of the White Genome are
absolutely unique and not like any other genome.
However--and going from the specific you to ever more general
levels--you share the next level of that code with your family
and then your extended family and then with all Whites, and so
on and so on and you can keep extending this right out to ever
more general categories such as mammals, organisms, minerals,
subatomic particles and energies because at some level they are
part of you.
it makes no logical or practical sense to go beyond Whites for
your identity. Feeling one with all minerals, for example,
because you are made of minerals makes no sense. And, feeling
one with all non-White humans also makes no sense. So, we stop
our identity train with all Whites. Whites look like you and
think like you and act like you, as looked at statistically,
because they are like you. They have the same White Genome that
reads non-Jewish White person as you do.
ethical and moral code--what is right and what is wrong--flows
naturally, in a secular sense, from the ways of existence as
they really are, and informs our understanding of the primary
importance of our White Genome and our genes to our existence as
we see ourselves in the mirror and as the recipe that makes us
who and what we are and for our future life within our offspring
if we mate correctly with our own kind.
a few words here about some of what is immoral for us as
Whites because we are White, and these are particular to
us and are part of the extra burden we carry to do what is
commanded of us alone by the Creator.
is immoral for Whites to butt into the affairs of non-Whites or
to let non-Whites butt into our affairs. We have our White
trajectory and destiny and non-Whites have theirs. The different
destinies should not be blended together or mixed. It is immoral
for Whites to miscegenate, to have abortions if the baby is
White, to limit our family size, to commit suicide, to practice
celibacy, to not have as many pure White children as possible,
to knowingly or foolishly put our lives in danger, to go to war
for false causes. In other words, we must survive, we must live
as long as possible so that we may breed to our maximum and it
is by breeding to our maximum and by breeding only White that
will help bring about our evolution to a higher type. It is
necessary to have vast numbers of our kind for the plan of the
Creator to evolve a higher type of us to
work most efficiently. We may not understand why this is so, but
it is revealed.
make the mistake of saying we must breed for quality. This is
false thinking. The Creator demands we breed for the most Whites
possible and has revealed that quality will follow naturally.
highest morality for Whites is to be truly White. To be as we
are born to be and to not hobble ourselves with false morality
and false values which is what false religions do to us. We must
be us. And the us that Whites are is a race (we're really a
subspecies, but we'll use the term race here for convenience)
that invents, explores, builds. We are scientists and engineers
by nature--at least in our ideal forms. It is part of our
nature. It is part of our DNA code.
happiness depends on us facing the world as Whites and in not
trying to be less than we can be and in not trying to fit
non-Whites into our genetic program or societies or us into
theirs. They do not have our genetic program and they are a bad
fit into Whiteness, just as we are a bad fit into their genetic
White Genome is a synonym for White DNA Code.
Whiteness, White, and Pure Whites as used here refer to
non-Jewish Whites of European descent no matter where they were
born or live and who are the children of two White parents who
are themselves the children of two White parents.
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Jack's Religion
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THE OUTSIDER - (ISBN: 0-595-19424-9) |
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