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HITLER WAS SENT BY GOD TO SAVE WHITE PEOPLE Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2023 |
Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2023 A god who demands nothing or little of us is not much of a god. He is a do your own thing hippy and is not to be followed, worshiped or believed in, because he is a fiction. The real God demands much of us and by us we mean Whites. Yes, the real God makes choices and selects and discriminates and has wishes and wants. He does not take a universal view of humanity, not by a long shot. He has selected Whites and no others as His people to make the world a better place for His people and to evolve ever higher. Do we worship Hitler? No. However, we believe that Hitler was touched by God or was sent by God or was in some way inspired by God to save Whites and help our evolution as God's agent. Be consciously White. God has come to correct our ways and our evolutionary trajectory and says we are to be consciously White every minute of every day of our lives and that in doing so you worship Him. What Hitler was really all about was saving and improving Whites and helping our evolution--he was doing the Real God's work. Hitler knew this and his political career masked his spiritual/religious beliefs. Those incapable of seeing the depth of what he was about just saw philosophy and politics. But in reality he was a religious figure and he was practicing his White religious beliefs in the everyday world around him. Hitler knew that true White religion is not separate from philosophy, politics or anything else. It is all encompassing. Hitler was sent by God-As-He-Truly-Is to save White people and help us evolve along a strictly White path ever closer to God-As-He-Truly-Is. He died trying to save us. But there were and are evil forces that oppose God's plan and want White people to go extinct. The evil forces prevailed against God and Hitler in that battle that we call WW2, but it was just a battle and the eternal gene wars continue on as they must as part of God's plan which involves evolution ever upward to holiness and goodness while the evil forces seek to eradicate all Whites and have us either die off directly or by our own self-genocide by mixing and mating with the 92% to 94% of humanity that is not White. Genocide is genocide and it doesn't matter how it happens. Genocide means the extinction of certain genes and people. Genocide is being practiced against White people even as you read these words. If we commit our self-genocide by mixing and mating with non-Whites, the evil forces will be happy because they will never face criminal charges. They will simply say, "You Whites chose to mate with non-Whites, and we didn't force you to do so." Of course, the evil forces used advertising and the media and lies to trick too many weak minded Whites into mixing and mating with non-Whites. Hitler was 100% pro-white. Those Whites who attack his memory express antiwhiteism either directly or indirectly. They have been misled by evil doers. National Socialists were and are really White Racial Socialists. Do not be confused by "socialist." It just means that Whites work for the common White good and not just exclusively for their own personal good. They ask of everything: Is this good for white people? Then when they honestly answer this question they act for what is good for White people and only White people. They are not universalist in their views because to be universalist is to condone the genocide, extinction, absorption of Whites. Universalism as related to race and humans is evil. Whites mating with non-Whites is genocide for Whites because most White genes are recessive and are overwritten by non-White genes. Our White genes are recessive because they are newer. That's also why we are the minority on Earth. We are the new kids on the block and we can be wiped out if we do not wake up and live consciously White in all ways, always. Again, such interracial mating is genocide of Whites. It is our extinction. It is our blending ourselves away into the non-White masses. Whites are only about 6% to 8% of the humans on Earth and it is easy for us to go extinct by blending in with the other 94% to 92% that are not White. This is not what God wants. God has made us of flesh and blood and we must protect the flesh and blood. It is an error in thinking to believe that we must overcome our flesh and blood (that means, in part, deny it or claim that it is evil) so some sort of fictional inner spirit that is raceless can prevail and be all good. This is just the opposite of what God really wants. He wants us as Whites to become more White and to evolve along a strictly White path ever upward to greater intelligence, greater wisdom, greater body strength and beauty. By perfecting our flesh and blood we do God's work. That inner "spirit" or "soul" is not raceless. It is part of DNA and genes and is expressly racial. In Whites that inner spirit or soul is White. In other peoples it is, as they are. But there are evil forces that work against what God wants. We think of God as being all powerful but if He were truly all powerful there would be no evil. No, the truth is that God is very powerful and wants certain things but there are forces that oppose Him and His wishes that are also powerful We choose to be on the side of God-As-He-Truly-Is who is not like the fictional idea of God found in Judaeo-Christianity but who is all good and against the other side that is all evil. To be clear, God-As-He-Truly-Is has no son, and he is not as Jews and Christians believe He is. The evil forces want Whites to disappear from existence. They want us to go extinct. They would like to have open killing of us but they know they would face criminal charges for genocide, so they instead try to trick us into committing our own genocide by mixing and mating with non-Whites and using our semen and our eggs to produce non-White children. To think that Hitler was only a politician misses the real point and is a mistake, He was a religious figure even though he gave lip service to Catholicism to not lose voters in Germany. But his religion is my religion and is based on flesh and blood and the White genome and White genes and White DNA and the Real God. You can believe that God gave us this flesh and blood (our White genome) or that it was purely blind nature. it doesn't really matter so long as you believe that our Whiteness must be preserved, multiplied and evolved. We say that any religion that preaches some sort of universalism is false religion. God-As-He-Truly-Is knows right from wrong and this from that. He selects who and what He wants just as we do the same thing in our sphere of existence. Don't be deceived if you are White. Hitler is a saint to us who understand what he really stood for and was trying to accomplish. Evil doers attacked him and tricked many White Americans into fighting against their own best interests in attacking him and in destroying Germany. They were killing their own pro-White cousins. Those misguided Whites were starting the present day in which we see Whites miscegenating with non-Whites and producing non-white children. It was our genocide that Hitler was trying to prevent. He was ahead of his time. He was a great spiritual/religious figure even though his religiosity was seen by much of the world as political. Hitler died figuratively on the sacred Swastika. We Whites are the product of Divine Intervention in the evolutionary process. God-AS-He-Truly is tweaked DNA to create us. God-As-He-Truly-Is will come to us again with Divine intervention, but we must do what we must do. He will not treat us as babies who He must do everything for. We must prove ourselves by saving ourselves. To believers the Swastika and fylfots and spirals represent God-As-He-Truly-Is while haters of Whites and God hate it want it to be banned. We do not conform our religious, spiritual beliefs to what haters want. We will be persecuted for our religion just as Hitler was persecuted for it and just as we are persecuted for our White skin and our very Whiteness. We see this all around us today. Simply saying that "It's OK to be White," is absurdly now considered to be hate speech. In a political sense we are White Racial Socialists meaning that our nation is our people no matter where we were born or live. If we had (and someday may have) an exclusively White land we may be more properly called White Racial/National Socialists as "national" refers to nation and is today confusing when so many Whites live in mixed race lands and their "nations" are thus not all White. Germany was on the verge of making Germany and all of Europe exclusively White before the haters and antiWhite bigots, those evildoers, tricked many whites to go and destroy the White yearnings that were finding a place with the National Socialists back then. Do not allow your White eggs and White sperm to mix with other kinds. White eggs and White sperm are owned by God and He has put them in us to protect preserve and spread but only to other Whites. His sacred evolution code is in them but they must only be combined with other White eggs or White sperm. If they are mixed with non-White eggs or non-White sperm they lose the secret and sacred code that God has put in them. To worship Whiteness as the product of God-As-He-Truly-Is is to worship God-As-He-Truly-Is. God-As-He-Truly-Is has said you can have a weak or even a non-belief in Him and still be a good person, so long as you follow His laws and rules for us as Whites. In this sense He is more like a teacher who doesn't mind if his students don't believe in him so long as they follow his instructions and learn what he is teaching. # # # # # # |
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