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HEY LIBERAL JEWS STOP TELLING WHITES WHO AND WHAT WE SHOULD LIKE AND NOT LIKE Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2023 |
Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2023 Arman says, I'm not Jewish. In fact my DNA test says I'm 100% European with no Jewish blood at all. To be clear, I am a non-Jewish White person of European descent. I am, in a word, an Aryan as this term was used in Europe in the not too distant past. I'm Whiter than White. And, let's be clear because among many Whites there is confusion about this. There are ethnic Jews who are either not religious or who have other religions, but they are still Jewish. And, there are Jews who are not ethnically Jewish but who are religious Jews. And among Jews there are multitudes of opinions about everything, just as is the case among non-Jews. So being Jewish can be both ethnic or religious or both. And Jews do not agree about everything. Just like non-Jews. Confusing, right? Well, that's the reality. But, generally, many Jews, whether ethnically Jewish or not, or religious or not, or whether they agree about many things or not, do believe in the concept of their Jewishness and also about tikkun olam and that they are chosen by God or have a tradition to fix a broken world (more about this down below). Read on. Tikkun Olam Sounds Good But It can be Harmful to Whites In a nutshell: Whites are a small minority among humans. Whites are only about 8% of all humans. We face our genocide and extinction simply because we are such a small minority and because we can mate with the 92% of humans who are not White and then become non-White. Tikkun Olam as it plays out in the real world promotes the idea that all humans are the same. Treating all humans as one mankind leads to having Whites miscegenate with non-Whites and produce non-White children instead of White children. This leads to White genocide and extinction. Of course, even among Jews and especially the most orthodox, this reality of being blended away into the masses who are different from you is also a real fear and problem as it is with us aware Whites. Many Jews (of any stripe) think they can or should tell non-Jews what we should think, believe and say. Many of them believe in the aforementioned concept of tikkun olam which is Hebrew for "repair of the world." Now, that may sound good but the way it works out is that they promote things that are often harmful to Whites and butt into our business that is none of their business because they think they are doing God's work in correcting us and getting us on what they think is the right track for us (but not necessarily for them). For example, Jews were very heavily involved in pushing various so-called civil rights laws and full racial integration and other things that took away our freedom of association and the right to be exclusively with our own kind and which is now leading to more and more miscegenation by Whites which at a minimum introduces impurity in the form of non-White genes into our collective White genome and this can lead to our extinction by blending ourselves away into the masses of humanity that are not White. This is evil and is not what the Divine wants for His selected kind--Whites. Because many Jews, especially European Jews (Ashkenazim) are whitish in appearance they sometimes mask themselves in our White identity which helps make many Whites think they are like us and from that false identity they try to convince us that believing in Whiteness and in our right to want to be only among other Whites is evil racism and is wrong and that Hitler and the National Socialists were evil and that we must not say nice things about Hitler or the National Socialists or praise them in any way. They want us to believe that thinking and speaking about Hitler and the National Socialists in the negative way these Jews want us to do is universal and that all good, decent people think and speak this way about the "evil Nazis." They are wrong. I'm good and I'm decent just like most other Whites but I'm smart enough to understand what Hitler and the National Socialists were really all about; and what they were all about was helping Whites improve, purify, survive, expand and evolve along a strictly White path. And, those are great things for Whites. And are what the Divine wants. However, and again, I am not Jewish. So, I don't need Jews and those non-Jews who are their misinformed running dogs to tell me who to like or not like or to accept as my enemy those they name as their enemy. They want us to believe that Hitler was the most evil person who ever lived. This is nonsense. Steadfast in our beliefs in Whiteness Because some of us believe that God-As-He-Truly-Is has selected us to be White in all ways, always and to follow his laws for our kind alone, we have more psychological protection against those who are trying to have us mix and mate with non-Whites. God-As-He-Truly-Is forbids us from such things. God-As-He-Truly-Is said it, and we believe it. Period. No human arguments can convince us otherwise. We must stay White in all ways, always. We must not mix and mate with any non-Whites. This is what God-As-He-Truly-Is wants. And, we try to do what God-As-He-Truly is wants. Universal Thinking relating to Humans tends to Blend all Humans together and destroys Whites Hitler and his National Socialists were Uber pro-White and wanted Whites to thrive and survive and live long and happy lives in societies of our own without the discordant element of Jews and other non Whites. Hitler was touched by the Divine and he was doing what the Divine wanted. Why should we hate a fellow White who had our people's best interests at heart? Why should we go against what the Divine wants? Why should we hate a fellow White just because non-Whites may hate him? The answer in each case is that we shouldn't do what those unlike us want. We are our own people. We have our own values and ethics and we are a good and just people. We alone will decide what to believe and what is right for us alone and for some of us God-As-He-Truly-Is has given us the truth about such things. Hitler wanted Jews and other non-Whites to leave Germany so the White Germans could survive and thrive with their own ways and sensibilities that are at their heart genetically determined and so they could breed true and purify and help the White kind evolve along a White path instead of being forced to live with non-Whites which always can cause miscegenation and the devolution away from Whiteness and purity. Whites are only about 8% of the humans now alive and as a very tiny minority on this planet we constantly face our genocide and extinction. To survive we must value our Whiteness and have a strong sense of White identity and teach this to other Whites who are sleep walking through life. This is not about us hating any other races; it is just about us doing what is best for ourselves and letting other races do what is best for themselves in their own lands away from our lands. We must not fall for universal thinking and believe the lie that there is only one mankind and thus all races should just mix and mate and blend together. That kind of thinking can lead to the extinction of Whites. We must instead of universal thinking in this regard have particularistic thinking. We must think of ourselves alone. We must always know that our White selves are different than others and try to maintain those differences that are genetically based while, if we wish, let our non-genetic but national or regional White cultural differences blend together or stay separate so long as we always know that we are one great White people or one great White tribe and that we Whites are all closely related to each other and all have the great White genome. Children from a White German family could easily seamlessly blend into a White British or White Swedish or White French or any other White family. We Whites are all essentially the same with but minor differences. White societies are generally very peaceful and good for the White residents. When discordant elements such as non-Whites (and this includes Jews) are introduced, the White societies fall apart as is the case in America today with all the Black crime and social dysfunction caused by Blacks and other non-Whites including Jews. The New and Improved Way of Genocide The present way of genocide and extinction of Whites involves swamping White lands with millions of non-Whites and then using advertising and psychological techniques to convince Whites to mate with the non-Whites and especially Blacks who are all around us now. The result of this is that White sperm and White eggs are used to produce non-White children instead of White children. So, in time, the number of Whites will decrease and we will see the emergence of the Tan Everyman. This is the extinction of Whites. Remember, the ONLY way to make White children is for TWO Whites to mate. With this new and improved way of genocide, the enemies of Whites can kill us off by tricking Whites into blending in with non-Whites and they will never face charges of genocide because they can say we are all just humans and humans fall in love and that it is all just natural. So, they sell the mixing of the races and especially mixing Whites with Blacks (because these are the most opposite) the way they used to sell cigarettes: They show attractive, smiling and happy looking Blacks and Whites enjoying fun times together, often in the outdoors. The subconscious message to Whites is that you too can have such a happy life if you just mix with Blacks and stop being an "evil racist." What do many Jews actually think about Whites? In a sense, Jews believe that all non-Jews are different from Jews and that Jews are chosen by God to follow His 613 commandments and that Jews must stay together and not mate outside of their group but that Whites and other races should mate freely. Orthodox Jews believe that to be a Jew one must be born of a Jewish mother. Jews who are more liberal or secular don't always buy this and this causes some of them to also mate outside of their group and this is a concern about orthodox Jews. Selected to be White Some of us Whites believe that Whites are not chosen, but are selected by God or nature to stay White and to increase our population and to never mate with any but our fellow Whites and to help teach our fellow Whites the truth about this so they will not be taken in by the advertising and psychological techniques promoting Whites mating with other races and will instead live good and decent lives with righteous values and always do what is right for Whites and will stay White in all ways, always. Our religious beliefs give us well-guarded minds that evil anti-Whiteism can't break through. However, those who do not base their existence as Whites on such strong religious principles are always at risk of being victimized by false thinking about race and of mixing and mating with non-Whites. Such ones are easily tricked by thoughts of "well everyone says race mixing is okay so it must be okay," and similar bogus arguments. What do Awakened (not woke) Whites want? We're not interested in ruling over non-Whites or having them in our nations. We want a total White society based on our White genetic likes and dislikes and White values where freedom is supreme in the White manner. Whites are not virtuous if they are truly White and help non-Whites and not our fellow Whites or adopt non-White babies. Whites who do such things are showing a lack of respect for themselves and their people. And for true Whites our only people are White and only White. There are no exceptions. It may not now exist as such but our nation is exclusively White. No non-Whites are allowed in such a true White nation. We need this to prevent miscegenation and to increase the White birthrate, our genetic and spiritual purity, our survival, our thriving, and our evolution. Get your thinking correct Stop the intellectual baloney about only considering the content of the character of other individuals and not the color of their skin. Do look at the color of their skin and their race and do consider such things first and foremost in your decision making. White is right for us alone. Non-White is not right for us. You are not obligated to pick the good ones out of those unlike you anymore than you are obligated to decide which shark will bite you and which won't. Just stay away from all sharks because you have nothing to gain by being near any of them just as you have nothing to gain by being around other people who are non-White. So stay away from them as much as you can. The End Times are Upon Us Many religious traditions have stories of some sort of end times. Well, many of their ideas are wrong because they are too general or miss what may actually happen according to the beliefs of some of us. The real end times is the genocide and extinction of Whites and this can be accomplished by the direct killing of Whites or by the indirect killing of Whites by having us mate with non-Whites and produce non-White children instead of White children. Our genocide and extinction by either way has the same result: No more White people. But, then, when there are no more White people, the Divine may really enter the picture and destroy all humans and start over again to see if the next creation can produce what He wants. # # # |
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