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FAMILY (#122)
Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2025 |
FAMILY (#122)
Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2025 All praise to God-As-He-Truly-Is who has selected White Aryans as His people to purify and evolve ever higher towards Him by following His instructions to us and by purifying our genes, our minds and our bodies. Those among us who follow His simple but Holy instructions are beloved of God-As-He-Truly-Is and He shall help them on the upward path so long as they remain true to Him. All praise to God-As-He-Truly-Is who has selected White people for the sacred task of purifying the world, perfecting themselves, evolving ever higher along a strictly White line to be better to serve Him and carry out His plan. Survive, thrive, improve, expand and evolve. Our religious morals, values, beliefs and practices are given to us from God-As-He-Truly-Is not man. We must live right. We must live White. We must not sin by race mixing. Right Blood, Right Belief, Right Action mean White Blood, White Belief, White Action. 8 P's--Purify, Protect, Propagate, Persevere, Perfect, Preserve, Prevail, Pray Humans--including Whites who are the ones we care about--when left to our own devices make many very wrong decisions. Only good religion based on God-As-He-Truly-Is' laws and commands can prevent us from making harmful mistakes. Do what God-As-He-Truly-Is commands Whites to do or not do and you will always do the right things in your life. ANY RELIGION THAT DENIES THE REALITY OF RACE, DNA, GENES IS A FALSE RELIGION THAT DENIES GOD-AS-HE-TRULY-IS' CREATION OF LIVING ORGANISMS AND DOES EVIL BY PUTTING IDEAS BEFORE FLESH AND BLOOD. GOD-AS-HE-TRULY-IS (Hereafter GAHTI or GOD) SPEAKS TO AND THROUGH ARMAN NOTE: In this section FAMILY (# 122) GOD-AS-HE-TRULY-IS's messages are given in GAHTI's voice. FAMILY Believers, have We not said that you Whites are one family? We have made you as one people. You are all blood related. Your blood is the same. Your genes are the same. This is why you are Our people. We have made you different from all other peoples. You have been given free will to choose right and light or wrong and dark. If you cease to exist as We demand, then you shall cease to exist for all time. There is no other way to Us except through right blood, right belief and right action. PHILOSOPHIES O believers, do not fight and risk your blood for some artificial man made philosophies or for artificial nations, for it is sinful for you to ever risk yourself in such a manner. Make war only for the belief and the blood. Only these things are worth risking your blood over. But when the belief and the blood are threatened, you must fight without end and in all means until the danger is no more and can never again harm the belief or the blood. We are fair to all that lives and We have set forth out law that all things must struggle to survive and to be more. Throw off the yoke of the false philosophies and religions that have so harmed you and which have killed the spirit of so many of you. Those who have had their spirits broken are as tame horses. Do not be tame horses. Be the tamers. BLOOD Have We not made it plain that you must live to breed and that you must never risk your lives because if you die you cannot breed? Still, the people ask: “When is it proper to make war?” Answer them in our name: ‘God demands that you make war when the belief or the blood are in danger of being harmed. When you are cut, you do not bleed religious blood. You do not bleed any nation’s blood. You do not bleed north or south or east or west blood. You bleed the blood of your genes and your people. The blood that you bleed is your religion. It is your philosophy. It is your political party. It is your nation. It is you. It is real and exists whether you believe this or not. You are all imperfect and you must struggle for all eternity for a perfection that you will never reach for God moves the bar as God alone sees fit to fulfill His plan. God willing, you shall survive to breed if you make war in His name, but do not go to war unless you have had at least some children to carry on your line, for the willing childless are dead ends and are no more.’ SNAKES If you go to a land that is populated both with legless snakes and lizards with legs, and if We say that only those with legs can know us, will you waste your time telling legless snakes about Us or will you use your time wisely and only speak to the lizards with legs? Have We not told you to teach only those with the potential? Have We not told you to treat all living things with respect, but that you must not compromise your beliefs that We have given you, and you are not to lessen yourselves or your faith in order to be acceptable to others? CAKE You can make a cake out of plaster and mud that will look every much as real as a cake made from flour, but when you taste the plaster and mud cake you know that it is not a real cake at all. You were fooled because of the external appearance of the false cake. Had you had the recipe of both cakes you would have known which is real and which is false. So it is with people. A person may have many of the signs of believers and still not have Essence. Look at what blood has been passed down to him by looking at his parents and his ancestors and by other means available to you. INTOLERANCE Say to the believers: ‘Do not be tolerant of ideas that counter these truths. Do not tolerate ideas that can harm the blood and the Essence, for if you do that then you are implicated in the evil.’ LINK You are, before you are anything else, a link in a chain of life. Your duty is to pass on your Essence by having as many children as possible. In this way, We say to you truly that you shall survive. If you are fit and can have children and if you choose not the way of life but the way of death and nothingness then you may not have lived at all and death and nothingness shall be your reward. Never again shall you look upon the wonders that We have created. THE HERALD QUESTIONS HIS WORTHINESS FOR THE TASK We hear your cries and we know your self-doubts for you live in cynical times when the people of the blood are brought low and are confused. We are God and We know all. Go to a wood and reflect upon these truths. Gather ten stones that you can carry with your own hands and set them around you in a circle and sit in the middle of the circle facing the wind and the rain and the snow that We shall send, and seek guidance. And, at other times when you may be with other believers, you may gather two times ten stones or three times ten stones or as many as needed to encircle the believers. Seek Us in all the seasons with minimum protection from Our elements so that you may feel Us. We come in the wind and the rain. We are in the snow. We are in the breezes. We are the rustle in the grasses. We are with you always. Question not your task because others doubt you. Question not your motives because all others say they are wrong. You have been called to be Our messenger to a people that lives on words. And, We hear you say: ‘If this is true, then why do I not receive more guidance in these things? Why must I limp along trying to teach these truths in ways that make them seem lesser than what is taught in other religions? Why do so many of these things seem to lack the sound of other religions?’ And, Did We not reply to you: ‘You live in a time and a place where this language is understood. Seek not to complicate the truths and make these revelations sound mystical and pompous in the manner of the false religions, for such trappings do not make truths true. These truths that you pass on are true whether they are written in ink or in manure. And think not that you have not been guided. We have guided you all the days of your life even before we revealed Our-self to you when you were a boy of 14 years. We have sent you on your life’s path to experience much so that you may better do Our will in the realm of man. We have made you the most humble of beings, so that you could hear us. Take this not as a punishment, but as a reward. Do not take on the trappings of dead and false religions in your dress and manner. That which many of the people now think looks holy is only the fashion of an earlier day. We are not old fashioned and We do not speak in bygone words. We are God for all time. The words you write are the words We have given you to write. You have been selected to hear Us and to write what you hear so that others may also hear Us through the words you write on paper for Us. The words you write for Us have the power to open the Essence of those with the blood who are good of heart. We are in the words and in the paper. We have sent you to teach one people and one people only. Those with the potential to understand will understand and those who lack the potential will not understand. We have opened the minds of those who are to understand and We have closed the minds of those who are not to understand. We have set others on their trajectories, and they shall appear when you need them to do Our work. You are not to try to bring those who lack Essence to this true religion of your people. If they are not your people they shall bring impurity to the believers by their very presence, even if they do not so intend, as germs bring disease without intent. You cannot, out of compassion or for any other reason, give Essence to those who are not born with it. This is Our way. We have determined who is and who is not of the people. Their Essence was put in their spirals long before man can imagine. Blood before belief is Our law. Your people are asleep and do not know that they are in the clutches of evil and are doomed unless they come to this faith. You must awaken them. The others slaughter the people of the Essence with impunity and this must be stopped by the people themselves for this is part of Our struggle. The weak do not struggle and they die, and this is just. Fear not death, for if you have had children then death is false. You shall go on and on so long as the chain is unbroken and so long as these truths are kept in the minds and hearts of the people. Do not doubt yourself and try to override what We have sent, for this is evil and is arrogant. You must not put yourself in the way of the truths and you must be an honest receiver and spreader of what We have sent as We have sent it and as We have dictated it to you. Do not try to make what We have sent to you more acceptable to others and do not change what We have sent to you in any way. You must give up yourself to Us and obey and serve Us. You must forget your individual personality and you must blend in with the people of the Essence and become one with the spirit and be guided. Did We not send the thunder storm to you when we revealed Ourself to you when you were a boy? Did We not send that rain? Did you not hear the Shining Ones above you, and did you not receive in an instant the knowledge of Us? We ordained that you would be where you were near that wood at that appointed moment. We parted the clouds and we spoke to you with light, and we opened your Essence. And, even now, you do not know that you were standing in a ring that We had caused to be formed. And, you heard and you knew and you vibrated in every cell of your body with Our song of joy and life. You were awakened. From that moment on were you struggling with a purpose against the inertia found in your blood, where before you had no purpose that you knew of. Even before that time, our shadow hand had guided the mixture of genes to bring you forth with the ears to hear Us. Know too, that the pollution you carry in your genes is still there and it will doom you to a life shorter than you should know, but you shall live on in your children. The words that you utter from your mouth are less than the words that you write on Our behalf. Say: Let no one come forth in any age who will say: ‘We know what has been written, but we know God said something else and we believe what we believe and not what was written.’ Seal the words in this book so that it may stand for all time and so that false and evil ones may not change it or emphasize parts over other parts to their end or try to interpret it as We have not intended. We have spoken plainly so that all may understand. Remain shadow clad as you teach Our truths for Our truths are Our truths and you are but Our instrument. Teach these truths and have others teach them and have all who teach remain true to these truths for all time. Those who learn and struggle will have children in their lines who shall live to twelve times a hundred years and be able to bring forth children for most of those years. These to be born will be purer than the ones before and they will know in their hearts and minds what We want them to thus know. They shall be as white as snow and their eyes shall be as the sky and they shall be fierce to behold by the forces of darkness. THE EVIL ONES The evil ones will say that the people of the Essence are the evil ones, for the evil ones are liars and evil to their core. And the evil ones will say all manner of falsehoods about the people and when you tell them of the harm that their false religion has caused, they will say that it’s not their fault but that there are evil ones among their ranks. And when you say that the entire pattern of their religion has been this way, they will scoff for they have deranged minds. They believe that good is evil and that evil is good and they are blinded to the truth. And they will quote from their false holy books to prove that they are good. And, they will say that their false religions and their false holy books are older that your religion and your holy books and you shall reply: “Our religion and our holy book is as old as God Himself and is directly from God. Your religions and your holy books are false and are from man who has tried to make God in man’s image. Go, and leave us be and God may spare you. God-As-He-Truly-Is has spoken and is with our White kind alone in this eternal war of genes.” Have We not told you that evil seldom thinks that it is evil and evil ones deceive themselves into thinking that they are good. And, how shall you know the evil from the good in such things? Does not your reason tell you the truth that White flesh is good and that it is never evil to have healthy children that are better than the parents and closer to Us? Can it ever be evil to protect your family? Can it ever be evil to forbid anything that would harm a person? Can it ever be evil to teach Our laws and Our truths while harming no one who harms you not? No, it is the non-believers of the blood who are evil and their lives are counterfeit and full of lies that doom them to short lives and nothingness. ICE We have brought you forth from fog and ice and things that are light and we have brought others forth from sand and mud and things that are dark. And there were others who went before you and you have replaced them and the ones to come shall be born from you and this shall continue for all existence. You are to be concerned only about your people. Other peoples are their own concern so long as they do not harm your people. Those who harm you or plan to harm you are not to be suffered in the slightest nor are they to be shown compassion. The anger of believers is Our anger. Gather ten and honor us in circles and let the ten become a hundred and let the hundred become thousands and then millions and then billions and trillions for that is what We desire. We have commanded you to have as many children as you are capable of having starting from when you can first conceive children. We have put our clock within your bodies as We have set all things important within you that We so desire. We have begun the spinning within you and so long as there is a spinning as We have set forth, you shall live. And the cells and the spirals of your bodies are what We ordained them to be. Evil ones have written man made laws and rules that attempt to override our sacred laws. Do not obey evil doers. Obey Us alone. Let none but those with the Essence enter into your places or observe your religious ceremonies. Their presence is evil and is impure for the people of the blood. Their place is elsewhere as We have set forth. Let them not disobey Us. They may not breathe near where your people live nor may they set foot therein. For this is an abomination in the eyes of God. They say, “But is not God the God of all creation?” And they know not our ways by asking such a question for they are as toenails and are not of the essential parts. The struggle is eternal and it is waged on all fronts by all means at all times for all times. LIFE God Willing, this faith shall speak wherever the blood exists. And, God willing, the blood shall exist forever. We have made minerals intelligent and aware and conscious and that is life. We have sent our spirals to organize all that is in existence to create and to destroy and We shall send our spiral to destroy wrongdoers and to send signals to believers and to serve as their beacons. God willing you will see the Struggle and survive to be more. Do you not know that we see within you and We know how many children you can bear and We set that number for you to bear in the eggs and the sperm that We have given you so that you may combine these and bring forth teeming new life that contains you and your ancestors so long as the new life remains pure. Your seeds and your eggs belong not to you, but to Us. You are but the protectors and the incubators of these seeds and eggs that you carry for Us, and We shall punish any who harm these seeds or eggs or who cause fewer of them to bring forth new White life than We have ordained as possible. And we shall punish those Whites who mate with non-Whites for this contaminates your Essence and destroys your inner sacred link to Us. # # # |
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