Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2025


Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2025

All praise to God-As-He-Truly-Is who has selected White Aryans as His people to purify and evolve ever higher towards Him by following His instructions to us and by purifying our genes, our minds and our bodies. Those among us who follow His simple but Holy instructions are beloved of God-As-He-Truly-Is and He shall help them on the upward path so long as they remain true to Him.

Survive, thrive, improve, expand and evolve. Our religious morals, values, beliefs and practices are given to us from God-As-He-Truly-Is not man. We must live right. We must live White. We must not sin by race mixing.

Right Blood, Right Belief, Right Action mean White Blood, White Belief, White Action.

8 P's--Purify, Protect, Propagate, Persevere, Perfect, Preserve, Prevail, Pray

Humans--including Whites who are the ones we care about--when left to our own devices make many very wrong decisions. Only good religion based on God-As-He-Truly-Is' laws and commands can prevent us from making harmful mistakes. Do what God-As-He-Truly-Is commands Whites to do or not do and you will always do the right things in your life.



Have We not told you that We are a kind and compassionate God and that you are to be kind and compassionate also after Our fashion? Treat others with respect and in the manner in which you would like them to treat you whether they are of the blood and belief or not. Look down on no one and do nor lord yourself over others. Be humble and do not speak in loud and obnoxious tones. All life is sacred to Us even though all life is not of the same blood nor does all life have the same destiny. The life within is the sacred part of Us and the spark from Us that We have given to inert minerals to let them be more.


We have put a template inside you that has our laws and rules burned thereon, and which is connected to your senses so that you may know what is right and what is wrong if you but listen to the template and reason properly. Have We not said, that We have given man a brain so that he may exercise his free will and decide things? Have We not indicated that the brain We have given man is to man as claws and teeth and fleetness of foot are to other creatures? Have We not also told you that man has chosen unwisely throughout his creation and has been deceived many times so that man cannot truly always understand the template and has often overridden the template with his brain? Have We not said that We have sent these words to help man be guided so that his brain can understand what his instincts are so often blinded to? The template We have put in man recognizes beauty in members of the opposite sex so that procreation will follow that will improve man. Those of the blood have often been deceived into believing that those who are not of the blood are beautiful. Thus does evil procreation occur that causes pollution of the Essence. Have We not said that impurities must be removed for man to fulfill his destiny as We have ordained? These impurities are within you and all around you. Think not that ritual bathing in water will remove them. The most harmful impurities are in your blood. Only by proper mating and by having vast numbers of White children will they be removed from the blood. Only by separating out from the others will this be possible. Say to the others: You are not our people. Our beliefs are not your beliefs. Go from us and let us be. We, alone, will determine our future, God willing. We are a people alone and our White skin is but one of many signs of who and what we are and God willing we shall always be so.

Have We not said that these others do not look like you, they do not smell like you, they do not feel like you, they do not taste like you, they do not think like you, they are not you. And, evil doers try to deceive you by saying that all humans are of one race and that they should all blend together. Have We not said that this is evil and must not be permitted? Have we not said to you that We work in subtle ways with small things to make major differences in all of existence? Can you not understand that the way We work throughout all of existence is the same? A tiny difference in the blood that many cannot even detect is all that is needed to make a people not your people.


Have We not told you that there are circles within circles and that even if you do not believe you must act the belief or you shall perish? And, some with the blood will say: ‘We do not believe, so how can we believe? It is absurd.’ And those who say this are wrong for there is a belief that can exist with unbelief and it is a belief born of Our truth that only through Us can you be saved. To these unbelievers with the blood, say: Believe in your unbelief but read what God has truly revealed. And, if you say that God does not exist, then read what He has revealed in nature and say to yourselves that you believe in nature but not in God. This is a belief that is adequate for some and God is a compassionate God and will weigh your belief and your actions fairly. God has not created you to mindlessly accept Him, but to seek Him out with your minds and your bodies in a grand struggle for existence. He has given you this guide to help you on the road as you move from your childhood to your adulthood. God could have created you to believe and to have no choice. He did not. He created you so that you would be self-evolving in the struggle that He has set forth. He has set up measures and scales along the road and some will pass and some will not. God has said: ‘We are God. Profess your unbelief as belief and follow Our truths as though you do believe. In time you may understand. You must not resist the belief but open your mind as a child would and let all flow in from Us and accept the truth without question. You must entrance yourself so your mental walls are down so that We may open your eyes to the true nature of existence. And the non-believers with the blood who do not let us enter, shall perish. As they perish, they may feel false pride and they may arrogantly think that they did not believe because they were too intelligent or too wise, but in fact that are neither and they are dead. We have removed the spinning, spiraling life force from them and they are inert chemicals once again.

And the others say: ‘How can your God be the God of all and your religion be revealed by Him when He has excluded us from being able to worship Him as you worship? Why can we not enter your temples or mingle with you or live among you?’ Answer them thus: It is God’s will what we do and what we believe and God alone decides what He wants. Do you not have different parts of your body? You have hair, nails, eyes, ears, feet, hands and many more parts. Are each of your parts the same? Do you treat them the same? Do you hate your hands because they are not your feet? Do you walk on your hands instead of your feet?


Come to Us, alone if you must, but in groups if you can, at the dawn and at twilight and whenever needed. Come with heads covered and wearing dark comfortable garments made of Our natural cotton grown from our earth. Come with clean hands and clean faces. Come when it rains and snows and when there is no rain or snow. Come to us in storms and in good weather. Stand before Our alter and kneel on the ground before Us. Sit on the ground and select from among you those who can read from Our words so that you may understand. Choose those who can help guide you in all ways and through all difficulties in your lives, but know that there are none who can intercede between you and Us and that every believer is equal to every other believer so long as a believer is true to Our words, and is bringing forth children as quickly as We have established in his or her body, then that believer is as good in Our eyes as any other believer. Do not come before us in finery, but in humble clothes. Do not speak loudly and harshly to others but in a quiet and respectful voice. When you are vexed, say: ‘God Willing this will turn out for the best,” and forget us not in all your hopes and aspirations, but always say: “God Willing.’


Have We not told you many times in many ways that you are a people apart–as separate people and that you are to form your own societies and nations and that you are to enact laws based on Our laws and that you are to live your lives as We have told you so that you may be pleasant in Our eyes?


Have We not sent our sacred spirals to all of existence? Can you not understand that We are the source of the spirals and We are the One behind all spirals.


O believers, wear loose fitting clothes made of cotton or other comfortable fabric and dyed in plain dark colors and make these clothes suitable for manual labor and other types of professions so that they are appropriate in all circumstances. Cover your heads with dark cotton caps that cover your heads in the shape of your heads down to the tops of your ears when you wish to show your respect for Us. Wear jewelry that has our sacred signs thereon in a humble way. You are all workers for Us and you must always be ready to work in the dirtiest conditions and the cleanest. Obtain your clothes, your goods and all that you need from other believers if possible for believers imbue what they make with love for Us and know our laws on purity. All that is upon you or which you use is sanctified by bearing Our symbols.


We have given you white skin and you may mark it with our symbols in various ways. Tattoos, scars, brands are some of the ways that you may bear our symbols on your skin as a sign that you have surrendered to Us and love Us and will obey Us. Never be caught without our symbols.


None are between you and Us. Pray to us where and when you will, but know that places of stone and plants and open air are good places for prayer. Surrender to us and petition us in your prayers for what it is you want. We will listen and We will decide. Say always: God willing....and know that We give and we take and we withhold as We alone wish. Our plan cannot be understood by any but Us and all that We do must agree with Our plan.


Take as many wives as you want so that you may multiply your line to its maximum. This is Our law. Reject the false marriage laws of the humans with their false gods and their false religions. Harm not your wives nor your children, but honor them. We have made you creatures of the flesh to enjoy the flesh. Shun those who say that denying the flesh is holy, for they are an abomination and are evil.


Do no harm to those who do not harm you, your people, or your faith. Be respectful to all creatures. Kill no animal or plant for the sport of it, but only because of necessity. Do not insult other humans even if they are not of the blood, but do not befriend them beyond what is polite and necessary. Do not invite them into your homes for their presence is harmful to your Essence. Avoid eating food prepared by non-believers and especially by those not of the blood. Avoid wearing clothes made by non-believers and especially by those not of the blood. Be self and group sufficient in all that you do. Establish farms, factories and all things needed in society for the benefit solely of believers. Attempt to deal only with other believers in all commercial transactions and when you buy food and clothes and other things that you need.

Honor those among you who have the most children and avoid those who, through choice and not because of medical conditions, have few. Listen to no teacher who has intentionally not had many children, for the intentionally childless are an abomination to Us and they shall be punished.


Have We not told you that your leaders will come from within your people and that they will become leaders because they pray to Us for guidance and they hear Us annoint them as leaders? Leaders are followers who have studied Our truths and who can bring others to them. They are great leaders or poor leaders based on their own talents. Leaders must be humble and kind and self-denying. They must be honest and upright and they must embody the best ideals of your people, even though they, like all humans, are imperfect. We have sent our spiral even to things such as who shall lead to cause some to be uplifted up the spiral. A true leader is one who is as poor as the poorest among you and who has as many children as those among you with the most children. A true leader lives a life of humility devoted to Us and to the people. A true leader has few material possessions and prefers to sit on the floor or on plain chairs while reading our truths and thinking about Us.

We are the only God. Any one who says that We are different than We are or that We have said things that are different from what We have told you is saying falsehoods.

You have fallen and we must now correct false thoughts and beliefs and put you on the right path We are one, whole and complete at all places and at all places at the same time. To look upon Our face is to make you insane.

Here begins the departure from the old and the branching off from the old. You are the riff and the raff of God and you are a new people born out of the old people and you shall be a new departure.

Use no substances that are harmful to your bodies for your bodies are temples and must not be defiled or harmed in any way, for your bodies are Our bodies.

Put yourselves in danger and war only for Us. You must not war or put yourselves in danger for men or for their governments or their goals and their beliefs. We alone are worth endangering yourselves. You must live to breed so that your children become tribes born of you. You must not die so long as you have one more child to bring into this world. When you war for us, then you must war with the full fury that We have given you.

We have sent things seen and unseen and the things that are unseen walk behind what is seen and they are there though you see them not. And, we have sent our shining ones to help you when this is Our will.

Attend to your people alone and let the others attend to theirs . Neither harm nor help those who are not your people who mean you no harm and who cause you no harm, but suffer not those who defile your blood and the places where you life and work and worship and play.

We are your God and We speak to you now when your destruction is closer than ever before so that you may correct your ways and change what is surely to come if you do not heed Our warning to you to give up the evil ways of the others and the nonbelievers. Follow no laws but ours. Accept no blood but that which We have given you through your pure births. Purify and come to Us. There is a stain upon your blood even those of you born pure that must be removed. And, the stain is not as large in some as in others and We have sent you words so that you may know which is which and how to remove the stain from all. Do not look down upon those among you who have more stain than others, for the evil that they carry, is carried because of the evil of their forbears and they must be purified to removed the stains. If they have the appearance of the people, though they be stained, then the stains may be removed, but if they do not have white skin and have the appearance of the others, then they are not of the people though they protest and say that they believe as you believe. This is an abomination.

We have sent the lowly to teach you and those with little gold for they are rich in spiritual things. Listen not to the haughty and the arrogant for We have not touched them in ways that make their advice good for you.


We have created you to breed to struggle and to make more of you and We have ordained that all existence shall be a struggle. Obey Us and love the struggle and weary not of struggling. Do not despair. All is struggle. We love life and We have given all that lives the ability to survive and adapt and to reproduce to bring more and higher forms of life into existence from out of the old but We have not ordained which shall live and which shall die and We have ordained that all things that live must fight and struggle to live and to be more and to survive and to live to reproduce and that is as it shall be for all time for this is as We will. You shall have no lack of enemies who shall seek to dominate and destroy you. If you stop struggling then you shall disappear and We shall then bring forth others who are stronger and smarter who will struggle as you did not.

And the clouds gather as We have willed and they are not the clouds of earth but from the far places and they are sent by Us to warn you that your time draws near who have not obeyed Us. We fill all space and time and We can fit into a thimble and be gone in a moment. We are the puzzle and the maker of the puzzle. We are the question and the answer the thinker and the thought the life and the death of all that exists. We touch who We wish to touch and being touched is a terrible burden for to be touched by Us is to be made mad to humans.

Have We not told you that we inhabit all things and especially those things that bear our symbols? Have we not made it clear that you must not rely on Us to do what you must do? And, We tell you true that believers must carry a knife bearing our symbols for the protection of the Essence. Believers must live in places where their adaptations will bring them closer to Us and the ideal which We have established for your kind. For our spiral plan within has switches that are tripped when conditions are right but which are not tripped when conditions are not right. Created colonies of believers in those places where they will begin to separate and where the external signs will increase. You must become whiter to please Us. Seek places where you will adapt by losing pigment. Do not seek such perfection in mates and children that you forestall for a minute having more children. Seek mates with most of the signs and surely with the most obvious sign that We have place upon you which is your white skin and then breed like insects.


Have We not told you that We are the God of all that is? Do not be confused that We have selected you and ordained that you shall separate out from others for we have ordained that they must separate out from you as well. All of creation must worship Us. We have given to all that exists, tasks and places in Our plan and the tasks and places are different for different things. You are to move higher. That is Our plan for you. You are to be a new people. You are to birth the ones who are higher. We have ordained that you are to separate out and purify to fulfill your part of the plan. Other peoples are not to mix with you nor you with them for this is evil and an abomination in Our eyes.

Do not hate others of Our creation for all have a part to play. Neither mix with others of Our Creation for their presence can harm you and your Essence and cause you to fall off the path to your destiny for they are impure to you. They do not vibrate as you vibrate. Your destiny is your destiny alone and their destiny is their destiny alone. Do not mix destinies for this is an abomination. We test all that We create and We modify and change what We will and We set forth all the rules of creation as We alone wish. We started all from a tiny point and We set loose Our spiral to make that point create all.We have put all that exists on the path to evolution but with man alone have We given the obligation and the ability of consciously willing your own evolution. When We imparted the knowledge that you can will your own evolution, We gave you the necessary amount of free will to choose the paths you take and We decided that We will let you struggle to find the right way with a minimum of guidance from Us for as We struggle, so too, must you struggle. As you will, so shall you be. You must surrender yourself completely to Us. It is only through such surrender that you become truly open to Us. Do not ever say that you will do this or that without first saying: “God willing” I will do this or that, for if you arrogantly leave Us out of what you think you will do, then We may not allow you to succeed. Everything is according to Our will. We allow what we want to allow. We do not like the arrogant ones who think that they alone shall determine their fates, not do we like the weak ones who think that they can do nothing and that We shall do everything. There must be a balance, and We have set this forth for your understanding. We demand that you act as though We do not exist and all is up to you, but We also demand that know that We do exist and that it is not all up to you and that We will reward and punish as We see fit.


Do not seek such perfection in your mates that you fail to find such perfection and do not select mates and then do not bear children. Mates who have the major external signs of whiteness and light and who have no signs external or internal that indicate that they are not as they seem are suitable no matter what other defects they may have or which you think they have. None of you are perfect. Know this and work toward perfection. A man with many wives and many children is blessed in Our eyes. And, if such a man asks: “Have I not done enough by having many wives and many children? Answer him: You have not done enough so long as you can bear children and you do not do so. Make of your family a vast tribe and let your sons and daughters spread your Essence far and wide so that you may know immortality. Teach them well so that they do not stray from the righteous path and make your line impure.

And if a woman says that physicians have told her that she may die if she bears children, then tell her that she is not to risk her life and that she is excused from having as many children as possible.

We demand children in such numbers that our temples will resound with their voices and laughter and play. We are a God who loves life. Even if the children in our temples and in your homes and in your cities are as numerous as grains of sand on the beach this shall not be enough. Have more.

If you could look inside the smallest thing that exists, you would find Us there. If you could look into the largest thing in existence We would be there. We are in all and We are outside all.

Tell the people that the fool looked upon Us in everything around him but did not see Us. Where is God? He asked? I do not see Him. We were there right in front of him and We were inside him and we were swirling all around him.

You shall create your own societies within the larger societies in which you find yourselves until you can separate out and be only with your own people. You shall manage your own societies without recourse to the larger societies and lager communities . You shall have courts and police and all the other things that societies have and they shall be you. You shall have Our laws to guide you in the ordering of your societies.

You shall reject the harmful and false laws of non-believers for these laws are not Our laws. Your highest duty is to obey us and we command you to follow the clocks which We have set in nature over the false clocks established by non-believers. The people ask: When is it the proper time to start having children? Answer them: The right time is contained within your clock. When your bodies can bear children, then the time is right.

You find your highest purpose in being and doing what you truly are. You must find what you are and you must strip away the false ways that have encumbered you.

You have a choice to make, so make it well. You can follow Our rules that We have plainly set forth for you, or you can follow false rules set forth by man. If you choose the righteous path and follow Our rules, you shall know eternal happiness. If you choose the path set forth by humans you shall know damnation. When Our rules conflict with the laws of man, will you follow man or will you follow Us?


We give you now a fork in the road of existence plainly seen so that you may choose. This fork we present leads to Us and to your highest destiny and life. The other fork leads down to the mass of humanity. This fork is the more difficult for it leads up and you must struggle. The other fork is easy for it leads down and going down hill is always easier. There are many obstacles on this road and there are many forks that will appear. This guide shall show you the way, but you must understand and you must struggle. We will not treat you as helpless babies. You have now reached the age of your development where you must choose and where you must will your own evolution to Us. If you fail, the ignorance and lower consciousness of the others awaits. If you succeed, you shall be as gods, and you shall sit on Our right side.

Many will start the journey but turn back on take other ways and other forks in the road for this is a road of much difficult as it wind and turns and twists and moves up. It is easier to take the road down and there many of them while there is only one road up.. No other road leads to Us but this one. No other teachings have the secret to Us. This road can only be traveled by those with right blood, right belief and right action. We have given you, alone of all peoples, the right blood. You must be born with this. There is no other way. It is Our gift to you as we have gifted others with other attributes. You must overcome the pollution you carry and find the right belief and the right action that flows therefrom. If you are weak and the evildoers convince you that you must be with them, then you will fall from this sacred road. You must travel this road yourself even if no others travel it, but if others travel with you, then this makes the road easier.


Pray to Us often and prostrate yourselves, rich and poor, young and old, male and female before Us and be humble for We do not love the arrogant or the haughty. We do not love those who seek to be above other believers. Each of your is a king and a queen and each of you is a pauper.

Blood binds you to one another and to Us. We did not create you of flesh and blood so that you would deny your flesh and blood. Had We wished you to deny them, we would not have made of them. We did not give you senses so that you should deny those senses. These are gifts We have given. Do not seek to deny or overcome them and falsely claim that this is holy or that this is what We want. Such beliefs are an abomination and deny the life that We have given you. Your loyalties lie first to Us and then to those closest to you in your blood lines and then in ever expanding circles to those less related to you. Honor your mother and father for you are because of them. Teach your children this true faith so that they may be guided in Our light. Your beliefs are imprinted in your blood and if you had the right ears you would hear them. Go into your yards and your homes and make a circle all about of dirt or stones or growing plants or of wood and go to the center and pray to Us. What is done in the circle is magnified ten fold. When in difficult circumstances find strength in these truths and in praying to Us. Honor all life and do not kill anything for sport. Kill so that you may live. Say: Lord protect me from the enemies of my blood and belief and from evil doers who substitute man made law for divine law. Lord let me be a good and just person free to pursue happiness as you have allowed. God willing, we shall prevail and God willing we shall be the new man


We are the furnace of creation and destruction and they are one spiral process that is Us. We cause all changes and all things to be different. We are your creator ans We want you to now create yourselves anew. You are Our children and now we have ordained that your childhood is over and it is time that you took charge of your own evolution to Us.

A rich person has many children even if this person has no money. A poor person is one with no or fewer children even if this person has much money.


Live among yourselves and let none but your people enter into your dwellings or your towns or your lands and ensure that your clothes and your food and all that you use come only from your people. If those who are not your people do anything that enters your world then you must purify everything that they touch even the air that they have passed through for they shed parts of them by their very presence as do all things. Wash your clothes with strong soap and bleach and your bedclothes and wash your bodies frequently with soap and hot water to remove molecules that are not from your people.


Be an awakener to those who sleep, an avenger to those who do wrong, a teacher to those who can learn, a comforter to those who need comfort, a writer to those who can read, a speaker to those who can hear, a friend to those who need one, a trusted confidant to those who need this; a purifier to all that needs purifying.

And, in all that you do, speak softly and speak true for do not vex others with a loud, ignorant and boisterous voice or manner.

Those who speak against believers are evil people and We know what is in their hears and We will avenge the wrongs they do against Our people. We will punish them for their evil. Have no doubt about this, but do not sit idly by while they wrong you, for We have given you the intelligence and the ability to protect yourselves.

When you hear Our thunder and you feel our wind do not seek cover, but pray to Us as the thunder crashes and the wind swirls all about you. Let the rains and the snows fall upon your skin so that you may feel Our presence. Let the waves of the oceans crash against you and feel the spray of the water upon your skin and delight in Us. Accept the true faith and do good works. Do not fill your hearts with hatred of any living things, neither forget that all living things are the same on the most basic level, but different as We organize these chemicals for it is Our order of things that makes one thing this and another thing that. Respect the order.

We have fashioned all things to be of their kind and to remain of their kid but We did not make anything to remain unchanged. We have ordained that all things must change and seek to move to ever higher forms while retaining their essential natures.


We are different than you can conceive. Our aspects that We have revealed to you are as the aspects of a blade of grass compared to all the plants that have very lived or that ever will live. To be able to see Us as We Are is beyond your power. Have We not told you that there is a form of belief existing in non-belief that is permissible but not preferred among the people of the blood? Let these skeptics say to themselves: I do not believe in God, but I do believe in nature for it is all around me and if nature did not exist then neither would I exist and I do exist. Let them say to others: I believe in God and I believe in the message because it is in nature and is nature but is more than nature. I do not believe in God, but I do believe in God. And those who cannot understand will not understand and they will say: Surely this person is mad, for how can he believe and not believe all at the same time? Say to them: God is beyond comprehension. In Him, belief and non-belief are possible at the same time until such time as the skeptic truly understands and comes fully to the belief. And these sacred non-believing believers shall be accepted as brothers and sisters of those who are true believers so long as they live right and keep their lines pure and so long as they follow the precepts of the believers.


Have We not made it clear that this is the only true religion for your people and that We are the only God of all the cosmos? This faith is a true and complete guide for all the days of your lives in all circumstances. There is nothing that shall ever happen or be that is not covered in this guide. Search it for the truth and for guidance every day of your life.


We are the womb of existence. We are the mother and the father of all that exists. We are the furnace and we are what is in the furnace. We are the flame and the fuel of the flame. We are the egg and We are the seed.

In those days when the believers are numerous and there are divides among them, let those who take the hard line prevail. Let the fight to maintain the true faith from those who say they are believers but who do not teach the true faith. When confused, take the narrow interpretation and the harder tone. There will come those who will say that if this or that is changed that more people will believe. Do not listen to them and do not accept their implication that more people is the goal. More people who do not believe is not the goal. Truly holy people do not need or want worldly goods and leaders must be those who are happy with as little as the least of the believers and who are content to sit in a forest or a field or on a hill or in a small room with just the basics of existence and comfort.

Listen to our music that we put throughout all of our creation and laugh and be happy and bring forth abundant life .

A man with a hundred children has too few children and a woman with a dozen children has too few children. Seek the best mates you can find, but do not study mates too closely lest you not mate for finding minor flaws.

It is enough in these days that your mates have the major external sighs indicating the right essence. In days when you are a vast multitude you can be more selective. You are to birth workers and soldiers and scientists and teachers an all the people who are needed in your society from the lowest to the highest and they are all to be equal with one another and none are to be arrogant. And they are all to be related and to love one another as the family that they truly are.


Any non-essence people who willfully trespass onto consecrated land against Our laws are to be destroyed immediately or as soon as possible and believer are to be Our avengers in the worlds of man for all time. We act as We act and We empower as we empower. Suffer no one to desecrate the things that We have said are holy to Us and which We have given to you. Allow no one to interfere in those things We have told you that you must do and allow no one to interfere in your lives lived as We have told you to live them. Your ways are Our ways and they are not the Ways of non-essence people. Leave them alone and demand that they leave you alone and if they fail to leave you alone they are to be destroyed as though you are stepping on an ant.


There are rings within rings and circles within circles and they grow from Us and We love the rings and the circles and We look kindly upon those who speak to us from them.


We did not create you to delay Our plan and to try to overrule the clock we set inside you. Evil men say that you must not bear children until you are 18 years old, this robs you of years of child bearing. Our clock inside you determines when you may have children. Obey Us and not men. Life is fleeting and dangerous, and you must reproduce before you die so that you may open the door to Us. You are born to breed and to breed true. We did not make you to breed with other unlike you but many things are possible but they are not right. It is possible to stick your finger in a fire, but this is not right because it harms your body and this contains your Essence. We have given you pain to know when your body is being harmed. It is possible to breed with others, but this is like sticking your finger in the fire and it is evil in Our eyes and is forbidden. We have set forth our laws in the book in words so that you can be guided if you cannot understand our laws we have set forth in your body.


Do not kill, lie, cheat or steal and do not do anything that will harm the Essence. Do not let yourself become impaired with anything that you ingest, breathe or otherwise take into your body. Treat others as you want to be treated.


Have we not said that We are here and there at the same time? We connect all so that here is there. When something happens here, it happens there. When We will it, We can take any form and retain our full consciousness in that form. We might be the beggar or the person who needs help.

We have set forth the proper ways for you to live your lives so that you may struggle toward perfection in Us. You shall comport yourselves with humility and not be vexatious. You shall speak softly and only after giving thought to that which you are going to say. Do not be quick to condemn others for no one is without blame. We have made you so that your most important duty is to breed. Even before your prayers or other duties to Us comes your duty to breed. The believers with many children find our door opens easier for them. A child is a living prayer to Us and causes Us to look favorably on the parents and to overlook some sins of the parents. Your homes should always be full of the sounds of children and in all places where you worship Us, we desire to hear the unrestrained sounds of children laughing and playing. When you pray to Us, do not tell your children to be silent for We hear their laughter and their sounds louder than We hear your prayers. We are the God of life. We have created you out of the minerals of the earth so that you can create more like you. If you think that you need a priest to intercede with Us on your behalf, you are wrong. Your children speak to Us on your behalf louder than any priest ever could.

Never stand before Us saying that you have delayed having children until you could find the right mates or until you could afford to have children or you were waiting until the time was exactly right. You are to have as many children as you can struggle to have and you are to have as many mates as you can have and you are never to wait until you find perfect mates or until you can afford to have children or until the time is exactly right.


Have us in mind as you go through your daily life. Have upon you at all times Our signs and Our knife consecrated with Our symbols so that you may protect the Essence. Live upstanding lives and bear many children. Live frugally and do not be ostentatious or attempt to lord your wealth, should you have such, over other believers. Eat pure foods grown or raised or caught and prepared by believers. Wear simple, plain, loose fitting dark color clothes that are comfortable at all times. Cover your head to show respect for Us when you pray and at such other times as you may desire. Start businesses where you will employ other believers to do all the jobs. Avoid alcohol and drugs. Pray in the morning and in the evening. Pray while kneeling on the ground or while sitting on the ground if medical conditions dictate. Avoid contact as much as possible with non-White humans, but if you are in contact with them, treat them as you would be treated. If they treat you poorly or with disrespect, then treat them the same way. Help each other in your daily lives so that you may be a prosperous and a happy people. Try to solve disputes and other problems within the community of believers with no outside interference. Do nothing to cause harm to the Essence and everything to improve and expand it. Be law abiding and be a good neighbor to all. Be active and involved in the communities in which you find yourself. Avoid people who are loud and obnoxious. Concentrate on the things that you do and take pride in doing them well no matter what they are. Be kind to yourself and do not punish yourself for small failings, for all that live have failings. Find peace and happiness within and with the natural wonders of Our creation and know that you are as important as any other person on earth and that no one has a right to stop you from being free to think, speak, worship and live as you wish so long as you harm no others. The richest man and the most beautiful woman die no differently than the poorest man or the plainest woman. You are as We made you, and all is according to Our plan.

# # #


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