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Brainwashing of Whites By H. Millard (c) 2021 |
By H. Millard (c) 2021 It's funny, but sad, to read the comments from Whites on-line after articles about events such as segregated college graduations and various other events demanded by People of Color in which Whites are barred or are forced to pay reparations or sit in the back of the room or in other ways are discriminated against because they are White and to see the authorities and elites praise the segregated events while slamming Whites who want to be included and not be excluded. Why is it funny but sad? It is because the presumably mostly White commenters are now reflexively arguing for racial integration and are upset that Blacks and other POC are arguing for segregation. We see many comments (again, presumably from Whites) that are similar to this "I don't look at people's skin color. I believe Martin Luther King was right when he said that we should look at the content of a person's character and not the color of their skin." How very virtuous of them, right? Nope. They are just very stupid and easily manipulated. Not too many years ago many of these same Whites would have been saying that segregation (separation of the races) is a good thing and should continue. They would have been right in their view then, but now they're wrong. So what happened? Brainwashing is what happened. In sociological/psychological terms this is sometimes laid out as "stateways vs. folkways," which is a rather vague way of saying that once the government (the authority) steps in and enacts laws and forces people to act a certain way, which in the present case means to integrate and mix with those who are not White (authority approval of integration and authority disapproval of segregation) and encourages advertising and publicity in the media to push the government's position, people give up what are often common sense and meaningful opinions (often denigrated as prejudices) and ways of thinking which are often experience based (such as crime being more a Black thing, for example) and adopt what the authority (the government) is demanding and ignore what their own eyes are telling them. This is brainwashing, plain and simple. Look around yourself, you brainwashed Whites. What do you see? You see violent crime often against you coming from non-Whites and it's endemic. You see something as simple and inoffensive as a statement saying "It's Okay to be White" treated as though it was a call for gas chambers for non-Whites and then you see witch hunts for any Whites who dared to put up such a simple and correct statement. But, your eyes glaze over because you've been the victim of daily brainwashing and anti-White propaganda. You also see so-called anti-hate organizations joining in and piling on with huge steaming piles of fecal mater as they label almost any expression of Whiteness as hate, when such expressions are often nothing of the sort. But their edicts on this are often accepted by the White hoi polloi because such organizations are a substitute for the government and are wrongly seen as the "authority" on such things in people's minds. And, remember, it is the authority's approval or disapproval that works on the subconscious and sometimes not so subconscious minds of individuals subjected to brainwashing. We often hear Whites say, with a resigned shrug of the shoulders, "It's the law" by which they mean that they are law abiding citizens and they always try to obey THE LAW, no matter what it is. Why? Because it's THE LAW. So, it must be right. Right? Wrong. You might think that such overplaying of the hand against Whites would cause a counter reaction, but so far, and except in smaller circles, this doesn't seem to be happening. So, we see in America today the small Black tail wagging the large White dog and we see Whites acting like born in the wool masochists as they genuflect and apologize all over the place for being born White and for thinking White and for acting White. And, yes, there are White ways of thinking and White ways of acting and a look at the statistics of White communities as opposed to Black communities will show you this, and these ways of thinking and acting are not just cultural as some want you to believe, but are genetic. The genes cause the culture, not the other way around. What a weird country and age we live in when such a simple, true and non-offensive statement such as "It's okay to be white" causes authorities to search for the person or persons who dared to put up such a "hateful" message.Do you see any hate in that message? I sure don't. White anti-White racist campus activists on various campuses showed great horror and conducted marches and sit-ins and had other protests about such "hatred and racism," over those "It's Okay to be White," sentiments often expressed on a piece of typing paper taped up around campuses. And, in those protests against such earth shattering "hate and racism" you could see lots of Whites all showing how virtuous they were by pretending to not notice skin color, while defending Blacks (who they defend precisely because they are of a Black skin color--ah, that they don't see) as they played the parts of Great White Mothers and Great White Fathers showing the world that they were morally superior beings by defending Blacks against all those other Whites who are born "racists and haters", and all the while very vociferously and consciously noticing the skin color of other Whites and condemning them if they did not drool all over themselves while apologizing for being born White. Meanwhile, too many other Whites hide from mentioning race at all and attribute the ills of society to Marxism, or Communism, or Leftism or Democrats or Liberals when in many cases the real "problem" is not really a problem at all but is the way nature works. And, by this I mean that there is a principle in nature that we can call the eternal gene wars. The eternal gene wars is just a quick way of saying that genes and entire genomes struggle and compete and this is a major part of the way evolution works. It even starts right in our own bodies as between 40 million to 1.2 billion individual spermatozoa (sperm) compete and race to be THE ONE and the ONLY ONE that fertilizes the egg (patiently waiting for the winner) and thus passes on its particular version of the gene code carried by the male. You who are reading this are the result of THE ONE who won the competition. Now you have a chance to pass on your genetic code by mating and having children. And, that's the purpose of sexual intercourse--to send out your genetic code to make more like yourself. In life, many genes and genomes lose the competition and are eliminated while others move on to ever new struggles. This principle is found throughout nature from the smallest organism to humans and it will never change and shouldn't change. Evolution is necessary if life is to continue. In humans we see simulated but unconscious examples of the underlying gene wars (which, remember, are a basic and universal principle of nature) in sports competitions and wars and various other conflicts. The point here is that conflicts between different types of humans are not a problem that will be solved, because it is a natural and necessary part of evolution. The important thing for us as Whites is to know this and to live and act in such ways that we are not the losers and that we are the winners of the eternal gene wars and that we continue on and continue to evolve and continue to be White and have our genes be THE ONES that successfully compete and win the competition of survival and evolution. Now, as to skin color. It is not a trifle. It is important. It is not like paint sprayed over identical automobiles where everything inside and under the hood is identical. Skin color is, however, a little like other colors in that it lets in some frequencies and blocks others, but there is much more to it, and there is much that is still not generally recognized about how important our skin, its color and its other aspects are. What is to be understood here is that skin color comes from within the genes. It really can tell you the content of the character of others--taken statistically--and it is no coincidence that nature has color coded the major races of humans as it also serves to tell one at a glance who is like one and who is not; and stranger danger is often a reality and one's survival is enhanced by noticing differences at a glance and being wary. Finally, it must be said again that in the religious views of some of us is the deeply held belief that Whites are forbidden by God to mix and mate with non-Whites Those who do so or who condone it are doing evil and will be punished by God. And, being brainwashed into not staying with your own kind--Whites--is no excuse to the Big Guy in the sky who has selected Whites to evolve along a strictly White path. So, as you go forth in life be guided by this principle: Ask of everything is this good for White people? # # # |
THREE BOOKS BY HARD TO PIGEONHOLE H. MILLARD All three books are now listed
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