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Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2024"
Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2024 THE TEACHINGS OF ARMANISM (#109) All praise to God-As-He-Truly-Is who has selected Whites as His people to purify and evolve ever higher towards Him by following His instructions to us and by purifying our genes, our minds and our bodies. Those among us who follow His simple but Holy instructions are beloved of God-As-He-Truly-Is and He shall help them on the upward path so long as they remain true to Him. Survive, thrive, improve, expand and evolve. Our religious morals, values, beliefs and practices are given to us from God-As-He-Truly-Is. We must live right. We must live White. We must not sin by race mixing. Right Blood, Right Belief, Right Action 8 P's--Purify, Protect, Propagate, Persevere, Perfect, Preserve, Prevail, Pray ANY RELIGION THAT DENIES THE REALITY OF RACE, DNA, GENES IS A FALSE RELIGION THAT DENIES GOD-AS-HE-TRULY-IS' CREATION OF LIVING ORGANISMS AND DOES EVIL BY PUTTING IDEAS--THINGS OF THE MIND--BEFORE FLESH AND BLOOD. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome White Seeker, Like us, you've probably been searching for answers to the big questions of existence, and you may have searched through as many philosophies and religions as possible to try to find those answers. You may also be unsatisfied with the supposed answers that have been offered. We believe we do have the answers. They are both easy to understand and difficult to accept given the current orthodoxy of our age, and they require that you have an open mind and be able to reject the conditioning that is so common in society today. But you may already have guessed where the difficulty lies by our greeting above which incorporates the term "White." Here are a few things that we believe distinguish our Teachings from most others and which may tell you whether or not you want to take our path. 1. We believe in God-As-He-Truly-Is who is The First Cause of existence. 2. We believe in the Ways of Existence. 3. We believe in the Divinely Inspired Teachings of Arman. 4. We believe in cosmic and organic evolution and in Divine Selection and Natural Selection. 5. We believe that our White skin and other characteristics that make us a distinct people are absolutely essential for our evolution and that the underlying DNA code that has given us our external and internal characteristics is our link to God-As-He-Truly-Is. Our Sacred Essence is in our DNA Code. 6. We believe that God-As-He-Truly-Is has SELECTED Whites as His people to carry out His wishes at our level of existence and that we are an important part of His plans. 7. We believe that God-As-He-Truly-Is does not want us to deny the physical, DNA, genetic reality of us that He has created and that these things should be important parts of our religious beliefs. Things of our mind do not take precedence over things of our DNA Code, genes, etc. Expanded points: 1. We believe that everything began with God-As-He-Truly-Is who created existence and who maintains it and who causes cosmic evolution and organic evolution with the spinning, turning, circling, spiraling of everything in existence from the smallest things to the largest in both so-called non-living minerals and in living minerals which we know as life, including human life and that all is owed to God-As-He-Truly-Is who is the First Cause who is the source of all. 2. We believe that we must do the will of God-As-He-Truly-Is and that He has revealed His will to us through Arman. Some of us look at God-As-He-Truly-Is more like the natural workings of existence and some of use the term The First Cause more than we use the term God or God-As-He-Truly-Is. 3. In the Teachings, the First Cause is usually anthropomorphized, but this is a convention and the First Cause, whether He/She/It is an intelligence as we know it, or not, is something no one knows for sure. We believe that there was a beginning of our universe and we believe there was also a beginning of existence itself, which in our view is larger than the universe (yes, this does get into semantics). So, if some on our path do not prefer the term God or God-As-He-Truly-Is and believe that there is a First Cause that is just the workings of existence and might seem at first glance to be in the realm of physics, more than religion, why must we do its will if it may not have a will as will is understood? 4. Our answer to the above question in #3 is that in such a case its will is still the natural laws of existence and we believe that by obeying the true natural laws of existence we can find happiness and purpose and evolve along a path that is best for us. There are different degrees of faith, and all of our peace loving, good-hearted, open minded people, no matter their degree of faith can benefit from this system. 5. Belief is important to awaken our Sacred Essence and awaken and energize our Right Blood so we know who we truly are so we can be who we truly are. So, one can believe in the First Cause as an intelligence and personality--God-As-He-Truly-Is--or one can believe in the First Cause as the natural workings of existence with no intelligence or personality. Both sets of beliefs will work for our kind of human so long as they are genuine and deeply held beliefs and if they are accompanied by a deep belief in the specialness of our White DNA Code and our physical selves as the unique beings that are spun out from our DNA Code. Those who cannot believe in either will find no help from the Teachings. Just as in some other religious traditions where you will hear believers often say that they preach to the non-believers and the sinners to try to make believers out of them, we in this system preach to those among our people who often do not yet have true belief. We believe both in reason and belief. You will find that while the most devout believe in the revelations that come to Arman, we also realize that the revelations are also in tune with true science and true nature. We believe that God-As-He-Truly-Is is always within true scientific facts and we do not deny true science. But we do believe that behind all is God-As-He-Truly-Is and that he looks out at us from the smallest subatomic particles in existence and that He is there in the subatomic realm that underpins all of existence. He is both in the smallest things in existence and the largest. True belief works a little like method acting. You see the "character" that you want to "play" and in our religious case that "character" is what we can call an ideal White type. Physically, some of the ancient statues of Rome and Greece capture that physical type. The old German Nationalists were also seeking the ideal and studying them is a good idea. As far as the ideal personality it is of a good, fair, friendly, intelligent, non-violent, freedom loving person. Few of us are born like the ideal in all ways but this should not dismay us. An ideal is just that, something that we try to be as much like as possible and we consider this in choosing our mates in order to have children who may be better or closer to the ideal than ourselves. 6. We believe that all life is the product of codes (think recipes, blueprints, programs) and that on Earth these codes are found behind and in the DNA, and that these codes, with all their major and minor differences, are essential, and without them, there would be no life and no organic evolution ever higher. We also believe that one of the major problems faced by humans is found in attempts to deny or minimize the reality of these codes and blend all humans together, which is anti-God, anti-life, anti-evolution, and anti-science. 7. There is not one human "race," but several, and Whites are so different from the 93% of humans who are not White that we are actually a different species rather than just a different race. We believe this is a natural result of the way evolution works to constantly branch off different types of all organisms. Darwin suggested that the major human races are not only different species but that Whites might be in a different genus altogether. Some will call us "racists." To us, the word "racist" as we define the term is not evil. It just means it is the "ism" that believes race/species/genes/genomes/genotypes/phenotypes/DNA/flesh & blood/physiognomy are all real and very important in all living things. That is, all these physical things are more important than what someone might think if that thought denies these real physical things. Matter is more important than thought. Race is one of the invented words we humans use to quickly describe different things. We have long passed the point where we would think there is only one type of tree or plant or animal. That's why we invent words and all words in every language are invented. Again, we believe the word "race" is mostly misused these days and if it is used at all it should be used in describing minor differences in each major race. So the races of Europe, would for example, include Nordics, Alpines, Teutons, Mediterraneans and so on which are often associated with ancient tribes or geographic areas. The races of Africa would have their own names often associated with tribes or geographic areas. Same with the races of Asia. Some will call us "White Supremacists" meaning that we think Whites are supreme across the board. We reject the term and the idea that we or any other humans or any living things are supreme or across the board better than all other living things. We know that every living thing including all humans have strengths and weaknesses. Some human "races" are better at this but weak in this other and so it goes. God-As-He-Truly-Is or nature if you prefer can't fit all the best things in the human package. If one is better at one thing, one must be less good at some other thing. 8. We do not often use the term "race," and instead use the more correct term "species," to describe ourselves and other groups of humans. To repeat, Darwin who we consider one of the greatest geniuses and who was touched by God-As-He-Truly-Is suggested that we Whites are actually a different genus rather than just a different species. However, when talking to people who do not understand our definitions we will often use terms such as race just to be at least partly understood. 9. We are the species that is composed of non-Jewish, White, European descended peoples no matter where we are born or live and we believe that our highest destiny is to become even more different from all other humans. 10. We believe that our White skin color is not a trifle, but is an absolutely essential and necessary manifestation of our DNA code and of our being and identity, and is necessary for us to link to the First Cause/God-As-He-Truly-Is. 11. We believe that finding true "enlightenment" or "cosmic consciousness" or "oneness with God" or any of the other terms often used for a higher state to be achieved by religious believers, requires the right physical parts and can't be achieved simply by praying, or chanting, or wishing it to be so, any more than a radio can pick up radio signals that are all around it unless that radio has all the right parts. We also believe that the failure of many other systems to recognize the reality of the DNA code is one of the reasons that they simply don't work and can't work and our recognition of it is one of the reasons that our system does work. 12. We believe that our particular highest possible destiny requires us to become more "White," not less so. By more White, we mean we have to follow the correct trajectory that has led to us having evolved as White people in the first place such that all of our special characteristics that make us who and what we are, are improved along a certain line. Then, at the right time and with those improvements, we believe that true believers will cross the threshold to a higher state that will not only be spiritual, but will be physical. When that threshold is crossed, we believe that we will then be a completely separate species, by all definitions of species, no longer capable of breeding with other types of humans. 13. To proceed along the path, we must avoid gene transfer and gene flow from other peoples and must stick with our own kind and have large families of our kind only. This means we must separate from all other types of humans and only mix and mate with our fellow Whites. It also means any forms of relationships between White males and White females including having children while not wed, having traditional marriages, having multiple wives, are all fine and should be used to produce the most White children possible. 14. We are peaceful, non-violent, law abiding (if the laws are just and not harmful to us) freedom loving people seeking our own way that is best for us now and in the future and we do not preach hate against any other peoples or faiths. They have their ways and we have ours. To all peoples, including our own people, we say: "To your own selves be true." We are guided by Arman's Teachings which say that we should be non-strident, kind, honest, compassionate, humble, and sensitive to the feelings of others. But, we must always stay separate from all non-Whites and not mix or mate with them ever and we must always try to make more like ourselves by having as many pure White children as possible. 15. We believe that natural true believers--those of our kind who are drawn to this faith with little prompting--may possess a special version of the code which haters of our people have sometimes called a "racist gene" to try to disparage our people. We believe this "gene" or special part of the code is a survival mechanism and it helps us stay separate from other peoples and helps us stay on the narrow path that we are commanded by God-As-He-Truly-Is to take. We seek to increase the prevalence of this gene in our population. 16. Ignore haters of Whites who call us names and who try to take us off this holy path that we are on. We have our way and our path and we try to mind our own business and not butt into the business of other kinds and we want the same consideration from them. Many of them are brainwashed or are ignorant of the ways of existence and many of them even deny evolution and other scientific realities. They are simply not our kind. 17. To be clear, we do not hate any other kinds of humans nor do we believe that we are superior across the board. We do, however, believe that we are different from them, just as they are different from us and we seek our own highest destiny for our kind alone by following the dictates of our conscience and the Teachings. Other kinds have their destiny and our kind has ours. Our attitude toward other kinds is one of indifference and non-interference in their destinies. We expect the same from them. 18. God-As-He-Truly-Is doesn't demand you harm yourself or others of any race (species). He wants you to live happy, peaceful lives having as many White children as possible and being kind to all others and being good neighbors to those around you. He wants you to follow what He has revealed while being a good, decent, law abiding believer right where you are. And, if you fear persecution or harm to you, your family, other believers, you may deny you believe in or practice Armanism and you may even pretend to be in some other religion. Be safe always. Your safety is important to God-As-He-Truly-Is. He wants you to live a long, happy life while having many, many pure White children. He is ever watching us. 19. Those who feel called and who strictly adhere to the Teachings in all ways and who wish to teach others may do so. Such people, because of their knowledge of the Teachings and their strict interpretation of them and due to their respect in the community of believers, serve the functions of clergy found in some other faiths. 20. That's it. That's all there is to it. It's very simple in concept, but it's difficult in practice in a world that is trying to wipe out White people and have us blend back into the mass of humanity from which we evolved not too many thousands of years ago by both Divine Selection and Natural Selection. 21. If we blend back in, we will cease to exist as the different people that we are, and our evolution along our path, will have ended. 22. For those who do not like our Teachings, we say: Take it up with God-As-He-Truly-Is. Our Teachings are from God-As-He-Truly-Is, and God-As-He-Truly-Is is the ender of all arguments. What He wants, is what we do. We live to please Him, not other humans. 23. And, when asked why God-As-He-Truly-Is would treat different kinds of humans differently, Arman says it is what God-As-He-Truly-Is wants, and sometimes Arman has answered the question with his own questions: Why is it that fish can breath water and humans cannot? Why is it that birds can fly and humans cannot? It's all in their DNA codes. Our White species has a DNA code that has put us on a certain trajectory different from other trajectories and God-As-He-Truly-Is and for His own reasons has selected White people and only White people for His special purposes and plan. 24. One should note that we try to be sensitive to all peoples of all species and all faiths and we do not try to impose our beliefs on anyone and we expect the same sensitivity and courtesy from all others. # # # |
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