[via H. Millard (c) 2025]


All praise to God-As-He-Truly-Is. He has created life by first creating DNA containing a spark of the Divine and setting it free to evolve to fill every possible niche with life of some type. We are commanded to respect all life and to never harm any form of it for sport but only as necessary for sustenance, health, safety and evolution.


Arman says: God-As-He-Truly-Is commands that we separate from all other kinds of humans and never mate with them. This is to help fulfill God-As-He-Truly-Is's plan for the evolution of humans along the path He desires. However, God-As-He-Truly-Is also commands that we be kind, gentle and polite to all living organisms including humans who are not like us so long as they do not pose a danger to our kind in any way. This command also involves, to be clear, that we must not harm any non-human living organisms if we can help it and unless what we do is necessary for our safety, our health, our food ,our self and group preservation, our evolution. Thus God-As-He-Truly-Is commands us to not hunt or fish just for sport and if we do these things we must use every part of the animals or fish that we kill. By "every part" God-As-He-Truly-Is means exactly that. You must not waste any part of any living organism for all living organisms contain a spark of God-As-He-Truly-Is. This no harm command also includes plants in many ways.


Here is a list of words that a believer put together from years of Arman's Teachings.

Abiogenesis--The theory that life can arise from non-living matter.

Adaptation--The process whereby an organism becomes better suited to its environment. General adaptations are those that fit an organism for life in broad environmental zones, as opposed to ‘special adaptations’ which are specializations for a particular way of life. Organisms with broad general adaptations often survive while those with special adaptations become extinct when changes occur in the environment. Adaptation, Our path--Organisms that live in totally dark caves, often evolve to have no eyes. The reason is that they wouldn't be able to see anything even if they had eyes. So nature--ever a frugal inventor that doesn't design organisms with unneeded parts--eliminates eyes and invents other sense organs. For our kind of human there are lessons in this. We must find and live in the environments that will cause us to evolve to have certain things both internally and externally that will move us closer to God-As-He-Truly-Is and speciation by any definition of that term. We evolved our White skin because we lived in lands that had low sunlight. Genes do not often just do one thing. If you change them to give you White skin, you change some of the other things they do that may not be seen but which are things of the brain, for example.

Abortion--Never permitted for our kind who are carrying a pure White child. As with most of our revealed truths, this forbidding of abortion just applies to Our Kind. We don't care if other kinds do it. We are indifferent to them as they are not our people. They have their own ways as we have ours. We do not wish to force our ways on them, and we do not want their ways forced on us.

Absorption--Armanist Religious concept that holds that living organisms can absorb parts of the code of other organisms as well as from so-called non-living things. Works with natural selection. Often seen as mimicry.

Alienation, genetic--In the present Dark Age, many of our people are alienated from their most basic and their only authentic identity--the one they get from their genetic code. Being alienated, they sleep walk through life and do not live consciously. Their lives are meaningless and filled with busy work that matters not at all in the big picture.

Allele--One of a series of different forms of a gene.

Apathetics--One of the names we use for our people who sleep walk through life and who do not live consciously. They are alienated from their most basic and important identity--their only genuine and authentic identity--the one they have from their genetic code. All other identities are artificial.

Arman--The Teacher. Receiver and promulgator of the revelations and divine inspiration.

Armanism--one of the names used for this belief system.

Atheism and agnosticism-- Can one be an atheist or an agnostic and still be a believer? Yes. It sounds like such things are mutually exclusive, but they're not. You see, our belief in the First Cause (GAHTI) can be thought of in purely religious or purely scientific terms or a combination of both. Belief or non-belief does not change the reality of how it all began. That it did, is shown by the fact that we're all here and that there is existence at all. So, one can believe in a first cause (lower case) as whatever it was that started existence, or in a First Cause (upper case) as a living entity that intentionally brought existence into being. It really doesn't matter to us or to our system or to the First Cause which way you believe. We do say, however, that belief has an important psychological effect on us and can cause our brains to release the appropriate chemicals to help us evolve. But, even here, we say that your belief can be in the First Cause as God, as some of us so believe, or the first cause as the workings of the universe and nature and especially in cosmic and organic evolution. Thus, a heartfelt belief in the way existence works or a heartfelt belief in the way evolution works is sufficient to release those internal chemicals. Is this still religion if you believe in a first cause (lower case)? Yes, if it has that place in your life that more traditional views of religion have and if you follow Arman's Teachings. You see, we all believe in the way existence works. And, on one level it doesn't matter if some insert a God in how existence works, or leaves out a God. It is existence itself--with its cosmic evolution--that is essential to us. We believe that those who say they are atheists or agnostics will eventually see that the First Cause really is the First Cause and what else can God be but the First Cause?
Anything that is not the First Cause cannot be God, because that would mean something made God, and thus God has someone or something above Him.

Basic Impulse or just Impulse--The inherent "desire" to be and to be more.

Becoming More--One of our terms for our evolution into a new species incapable of breeding with present humans. Similar to ideas of the Overman or the Superman. However, this is just the next step for us and is not the end of our evolution, for evolution shall never end. This next man will have a long life span, will be free of many of our present diseases, will be more intelligent and will be physically stronger. He will be "whiter" than present humans but will easily move among them with hardly a notice. He will have a much stronger intuition and awareness. He will care nothing for other forms of humans but will not harm them unless they seek to harm him. He is indifferent to these other humans. He will have a new morality based on the expansion of the code. Armanists seek him and imitate him as they will their own evolution. Bedroom Genocide--Miscegenation and any practices or things involving reproduction that causes our White DNA Code to become impure or which causes it to not expand as much as possible.

Benign Neglect--The attitude of indifference and noninterference in the ways, affairs and destinies of other types of humans so long as there is no negative effect on our kind. Our ways are our ways alone and their ways are their ways alone. A religiously held belief of letting nature work itself out without our help or hindrance as it relates to those humans who are not our kind. Our beliefs involve us taking care of only ourselves and our people in enlightened self and group interest. Many of the commands demanded of us by the First Cause are not demanded of others. There is no universal human. There are different kinds and each kind must look out for its own kind. It is nature's way. We are commanded to not help anyone but our own kind with natural disasters, famines, diseases or any other matters that decimate their populations or cause them to die off, as these are a natural part of the First Cause's plan for evolution. We must only help our own kind. This is all part of the competition to be and to be more that is a natural part of existence. We White ones should not interfere and keep other kinds from going extinct. That is their destiny. If we interfere in their destiny, then we end up the losers in the long run and it is us who may go extinct because by helping them survive, we are helping them expand their genetic code which is always a detriment to the expansion of our own genetic code.

Blenders--Those who promote the blending of all races, religions and nations into a sort of plain wrap human being that we call the Tan Everyman. Blenders do not like human differences, but sometimes push "diversity;" not because they actually want human diversity, but because they see this as a step to blending. The idea of the Blenders is to keep all lands where humans live from being exclusively of one race, one religion and one nation. One way they try to do this is by encouraging the mass immigration of peoples, who are far different from the natives in those lands, to those lands. Then, over time, the Blenders expect the "rough edges" and "extremes" of racial types, religious beliefs and nationalistic tendencies in those lands to disappear by blending in with the mass at the center of the bell curve. The ultimate goal of Blenders is to have one universal race, one universal religion, one universal nation that is worldwide. Blenders is our word for them. They do not call themselves this.

Blending--In nature, the majority of any type of life will be clustered around the center of the bell curve in characteristics for that type of life. This is natural. In humans, we not only see this as the blind workings of nature, but we also see some humans trying to increase the mass near the center while eliminating the different versions that are in a minority. This is an attempt to remove the rough edges of different races, religions and nations and have them all become part of a sort of plain wrap world where conformity in all ways is the norm. Some well meaning, but misinformed, misguided utopians believe this is the way to have a peaceful planet. Unfortunately, for those pushing this idea, it won't work, because the spinning of existence will always cause change and differences. And, all life, whether it is aware of this or not, will continue to struggle to be and to be more. Life is competition. Life is struggle. Differences are what move us forward. Without differences there would be no evolution. Our kind of people--those with the White DNA Code--are part of the competition. If we do not compete and win, then we shall become extinct.

Blood, Belief, Action--Or, Right Blood, Right Belief, Right Action, or Right Code, Right Belief, Right Action. The 3 Essentials.

Blue eyes--A recent evolutionary development, probably emerged within the last 10,000 years according to recent research.

Bottleneck--There have been recurring bottlenecks on Earth. These have been times when most living things died off (think dinosaurs, for example), and only a few types, for whatever reason, survived and got through the bottleneck to replenish the Earth. The coming great die-off of Homo sapiens will not be complete. Many with the White DNA Code will be saved because of their right blood, right belief and right actions and they'll survive and get through to the other side of the bottleneck and become a new species. In other words, they will have the right DNA combination (the correct mutations) and other factors that will immunize them to what is to come or which will in some way, that we are unaware of, protect them. White skin is an absolute necessity according to the revelations. Why? We can only guess.
Cause and effect--We live in a cause and effect universe. Effects have causes. Things always happen because something causes them to happen.

Celibacy--Forbidden by the First Cause for Our Kind. Anything that holds down our birthrate or causes our deaths while we are still physically healthy enough to bear children is forbidden.

Charity--Charity should only be given only to our kind who do not break our most important laws and who live the Teachings even if they do so unknowingly. This means if you see any of our kind who have many children of our kind, help them so they can be encouraged to have more children of our kind.

Chromosomes--DNA is organized into chromosomes. Humans have 46 chromosomes. The chromosomes are of different sizes. Chromosome number 1, for example, which is the largest human chromosome, has about 220 million base pairs. A male and female each contribute 23 chromosomes to a new child. Because Whites are a later evolutionary development, our genes are less fixed and are more fragile than genes in other humans. This means most genes for White characteristics are recessive and will not be expressed if a White bears children with a non-White. It thus takes two Whites--a White male and a White female--to produce a pure White child.

Circles--All that is, circles and spirals and spins and turns.

Clerics--Those who feel called and who strictly adhere to the Teachings in all ways and who wish to teach others may be called leaders, clerics and guides and sometimes also teachers, readers and scholars. Such people, because of their knowledge of the Teachings and their strict interpretation of them and due to their respect in the community of believers, can serve the functions of clergy found in some other faiths.

Code, The--That which is within everything in existence that makes it what it is. In life that we are aware of, the code manifests as DNA (and sometimes as RNA) which in turn manifests as a whole organism. The code is the same on the most basic levels of existence and then is changed and modified to make all that exists. It is also this way within life and within human beings. It is programmed to spread and expand into every possible niche. The Code is both in the physical DNA and also invisible as its template.

Code A--A term we sometimes us to describe the White DNA Code. It refers to the specific Genetic Code that makes non-Jewish European descended White people as we are. Believers will sometimes just say "The Code," and by this they usually mean Code A or White DNA Code or even White genome. Code A is one of the most important concepts in this faith. When a believer fully understands that it is the code that is carried by individuals that is more important than the individuals, then a shift in thinking can develop where the revelations from the First Cause make perfect sense. It is the code that must be protected, preserved, made pure, be improved and expanded always. This is our purpose in life. We carry the code and we are its guardians and sowers, but it must be remembered that Code A is one with us. It cannot exist without it, and we cannot exist without it. It is inseparable from us as we are from it. Sometimes called the Right Parts.

Codism--another name for this system. Under this name, Codists refers to believers.

Comfort--All living things seek comfort. The comfort sought may be psychological or physical or both. The desire for psychological comfort can override the desire for physical comfort and can be used for good or bad. Nietzsche thought humans had a "will to power." We think he was wrong. We believe there is a "will to comfort" found in humans and all living organisms, and the will to power is just a subset of the psychological desire for comfort found in some individuals.

Competition--A natural and desirable part of existence.

Conscious Evolution--Using one's brain to find the way to evolve ever higher. Much of this faith system involves conscious evolution. Thinking the right thoughts leads to taking the right actions and this leads to evolution in a conscious fashion as opposed to hit and miss evolution. Our minds can make good or bad changes in our bodies and in our DNA. Following the Teachings has us thinking the correct thoughts and taking the right actions to make good improvements to our DNA and our bodies. Method living is one of the techniques of this. Bearing our religious symbols and following the Teachings is necessary. Same as Willed Evolution.

Core DNA Code--A name for the DNA code in its most essential and unchanged part. Often visualized as the hub or center of life or as a cornucopia. It remains the same within all DNA codes, but its outer "layers" change and adapt and make all life. Also used to describe the core code that makes each people a distinct people even though individuals have many variations but are still part of the same distinct people. Snowflakes are often used to illustrate this. Trillions of them have fallen, but they are supposedly all different--yet, they are still all snowflakes. Thus, all White people are still White people even with many variations of the type.

Correspondence--As above, so below. As below, so above. There are links unseen between things on the surface that appear to have little or no connection, and there are "buttons" that can be pushed with proper symbols and rites.

Cosmic Balancing--Similar to the concept of karma.

Cosmic evolution--the study of universal change and the assembly and composition of energy, matter and life. This is at the heart of our beliefs; the evolution of everything. Human evolution is just a small part of this, but since we are humans, we give human evolution a lot of attention. We understand, however, that we are not unique or special except for the fact that, as far as we know, we are the only organisms on Earth who can think the abstract thoughts about this and other things and we are the only organisms on Earth, again as far as we know, who can take an active and conscious part in determining the direction of our future evolution. The same basic forces at work in cosmic evolution are also at work in the evolution of life. Understand the very small, and you'll understand the very large. Understand the very large, and you'll understand the very small. Cosmic Evolution is an extremely important part of our beliefs. Here are the general steps of Cosmic Evolution from our perspective: -The emergence of the First Cause, the first "point" of energy and forces in the absolute nothing. -The spinning evolution of the energy and forces into vibrations,elementary particles and atoms. -The spinning evolution of atoms into minerals. -The spinning evolution of minerals into galaxies, stars, planets, etc. -The spinning evolution of minerals into the molecule of DNA with its code for life. -The spinning evolution of DNA into bringing forth every type of life on Earth. -The spinning evolution of advanced life forms into intelligence. -The spinning evolution of intelligent life into humans. -The spinning evolution of some humans into White humans. -The spinning evolution of some White humans into a new species.

Creator, The--The First Cause or God or God-As-He-Truly-Is and similar terms.

Creed, Short Statement of--We believe in the ever evolving, ever expanding First Cause who started and who sustains existence by His spinning presence; in the ways of existence; in cosmic evolution; in the willed and conscious evolution of our genetic code; and in the Teachings of Arman.

Critical Mass Evolutionary Transformation--Due to many factors, a time comes when there is a leap in evolution. Generally, evolution is a series of small changes that happen in an isolated population. However, when there is a critical mass of these small changes, the leap happens and speciation occurs.

Deadenders--Those who do not reproduce their kind or who reproduce too few so that their code does not survive into the next generation.

Deme--A local population of one species that share a distinct gene pool. When isolated from other demes of the same species they can develop into a distinct subspecies and eventually into a separate species. We see Armanists as a deme within the White human subspecies. Demes may lead the way to our speciation as different demes within the White population (or any population) evolve in slightly different ways from other demes and thus the ever ongoing competition to find the best continues right within our White population.

Devolution--The opposite of evolution. It is a going back to an earlier form. This is what happens when Whites mate with non-Whites. Evolution for Whites is to become more "white," i.e. to acquire the characteristics that are the ideal for our kind and then to keep moving in the same direction. Devolution is the acquisition of characteristics of other races and thus become less white.

Direct Action--We believe in the principle of direct action by individuals to protect, preserve and propagate our White DNA Code (aka our Essence). Dissimulation, Religious--Religiously sanctioned act of lying or otherwise doing whatever is necessary to prevent persecution for one's beliefs and faith. Clever dissimulation throws off enemies while still sending signals to friends.

Distillation--A metaphor for evolution. A few drops of liquid are purified and are removed from a mass of liquid. These few drops may join with other purified drops in a new container and be different from the original mass from which they were distilled. However, if those purified drops fall back into the original container with the original mass of liquid, they will be reabsorbed into that mass. This is devolution, not evolution. Our kind was distilled out of the mass of humans and we became different. However, we can easily fall back into the mass and lose our differentness and become extinct as the distinct people we have become and we will be off the path to our highest destiny which is to become a separate species evolving ever higher. As a separate species, by all definitions of the term, we would no longer be able to produce children with those not our kind and this would prevent us from ever falling back into their masses. That is a goal to be achieved.

Distinct People--Armen or Armanists consider themselves a distinct White people who have a DNA difference from other White people which is sometimes called the "racist gene," and that they are a people born out of other White people who are closely related and that they are intentionally programming their brains and willing their own evolution. They believe in Right Blood, Right Belief and Right Action. Those with the so-called "racist gene" will be drawn to the Teachings automatically once they are exposed to them, and this is an indication that they have the necessary mutation. Armen say that the so-called racist gene as is the case with all genes and all DNA material have a spiritual foundation and a non-physical template made of vibrations such that it may not be possible to find the actual racist gene or DNA material since the physical and material genes and DNA material are the surface presentation of the spiritual template and the spiritual template is more complex than what is presented in the ordinary reality in which we live. In holding this belief, Armen point out that to think of this system as just a philosophy or world view or religion or even as a political movement misses the deeper point that Armen are, indeed, a genetic people first and foremost.

Divine Inspiration--The Teachings are the product of revelation and divine inspiration. Believers should also seek divine inspiration in their daily lives by praying to be guided in doing the right things.

DNA--Deoxyribonucleic acid is made up of four bases: Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine that are usually abbreviated A,T,C,G. DNA is organized into units called chromosomes. Humans have 46 chromosomes. A child receives 23 chromosomes from his or her mother and 23 from his or her father. Great emphasis is put on DNA, genes, genomes,genotypes, phenotypes and similar concepts in this belief system, as DNA is considered to contain the essential person, and to be that which is to be improved and which moves forward. Our individual bodies are constructed by the DNA and our DNA can survive our individual bodies. All life is built from the inside out by the DNA spiral. The DNA spiral looks like a twisted ladder.
All DNA is the same. It is the order that is important. Very minor changes in the sequence or order of the DNA can have major effects. This is often misunderstood or misrepresented by blenders who want everyone to think that all humans are the same except for different paint jobs. They're not. To say all humans are 99% the same may sound as though we're all the same, but when you consider we're talking about 3.1 billion letters of DNA, 1% difference can be major. Here are some other comparisons that you've probably seen. The actual percentages shown here might be slightly different from what you've read, because the percentages and counts are often updated as new information is learned. Chimps and humans are about 96% the same (the old figure was 98.5%). Slugs and humans are about 70% the same. Daffodils and humans are about 35% the same. Bananas and humans are about 50% the same. This last comparison is often cited this way: Although humans and bananas are 50% the same, this doesn't mean that a human is half banana. Keep that in mind when you hear blenders say that all humans are the same because they share 99% the same DNA with other humans. It is the differences that are important, and minor differences often produce major results. DNA is the almost robotic molecule of life. It works automatically and never stops working in tinkering with life to try to expand itself into all of existence and to find the best carriers of itself.

DNA Code--Same as Genetic Code. The blueprint or recipe or template that makes each organism as it is.

DNA Code, Core--The basic DNA code that is the same in all organisms. The heart or hub of the DNA Code. It is programmed to automatically create life that can fill all niches of existence that are possible for life. It is as though the First Cause sent forth seeds to all parts of existence, and the seeds then opened and began creating life for the conditions found wherever they landed.

Dominant--(1)The primary type of any organism in an area. All life "tries" to be dominant. (2) In genetics, the form of a gene that is expressed in the characteristics of an organism. Generally, many of the characteristics of White people are recessive and require both a White male and a White female to produce a White child.

Dormant, parts of the White DNA Code--We believe that there are dormant parts of the DNA code in all living organisms that can be awakened under various conditions to enable the organism to survive. We also believe that in our kind of human--those with the White DNA Code (aka Code A)-- that there are such dormant parts of the Code that we need to awaken. The Teachings show us how to do this. When awakened, we will have abilities that allow us to evolve even more towards the First Cause.

Drift, genetic--Random fluctuations of gene combinations that are often neutral and non-adaptive, but which may become fixed in a small population even though they do not appear to offer any survival advantage.

Drogh--Our religious term for ground of existence or the field. It is where matter comes into existence from vibrations (aka forces and energies).

Enlightenment--Awakened to the true nature of reality. It is more than just an intellectual understanding, but may include that, and is a quiet but exalted or ecstatic glowing feeling of oneness with the First Cause that words can't describe. One who is truly enlightened will see patterns and truths that others miss and will see the universe in a backyard.

Ender of all arguments--The First Cause. A necessary item for faith to prevail. How do you know you have the truth? "Because if is from the First Cause and the First Cause says it is so." End of argument.

Energy, The--The First Cause. Energy is behind all.

Essence---The core of everything in existence. Used with a capital "E" to refer to the Essence of the indigenous peoples of Europe both still in Europe and in the European diaspora. With the capital "E" it is similar in meaning to DNA, genome, genotype, phenotype and the White DNA Code (aka Code A).

Essential or True Self or Real You--The genetic code that made you. When you look in the mirror, you are seeing part of the manifestation of the genetic code--the way you look. However, you in the mirror, while important in our everyday living is less important than the Code. This is an important principle in the Teachings and it must be remembered that you must not put yourself in harm's way or do anything that will cause you to not breed to your maximum, because while the body--the person you see in the mirror--will pass away in not too many years, the code can carry on if you have lived according to the Teachings and followed them as you should. You shall live on in your code passed on to your many pure children, and you shall continue to live on so long as they live and do not mate outside those with the White DNA Code.

Eternal Gene Wars--The necessary and eternal competition of genes for expression and dominance.

Eternal Tinkerer--Nature. See also Frugal Engineer.

Evolution---Generally, it is the gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form. We accept this as a reality. However, we believe that evolution on Earth is just part of Cosmic Evolution. As far as evolution on Earth goes, we do not believe that Darwinian evolution has all the answers of evolution. Darwin got much right, but there is more. Much more. Note that evolution and Darwin are not synonyms. Darwin posited what he believed about evolution, but there are other evolutionary views that seek to answer some of the questions that Darwin couldn't answer. For example, Darwin's idea of gradual evolution never satisfactorily accounted for the emergence of completely new types beyond the species level. Enter punctuated equilibrium and similar theories. Evolution is all about differences in living things, and evolution usually requires isolation to work. Evolution is a branching off as nature tinkers with the DNA code and shuffles the letters of DNA in different ways. The differences stick if there is isolation--either geographic or reproductive--and if the changes offer a survival advantage (note--some changes do not offer survival advantages but also stick, perhaps because of pleiotropic factors) so those with the differences do not blend back in with those they branched off from. Remember also that Darwin lived and died before DNA was discovered. In addition to changes caused by adaptation and natural selection, all life on Earth is constantly bombarded by various types of cosmic rays and other forces that can cause some of the letters of DNA to be knocked out of place and which can cause mutations. Nature works on a trial and error basis. It tries something, and if it works it keeps it. If it doesn't work it doesn't keep it. Evolution doesn't take place when gene pools reach equilibrium, because evolution means change. Those with Code A are commanded by the First Cause to Will their own evolution and they are taught how to do this with the Teachings. This will bring them to higher intelligence, higher consciousness and will, if done correctly, make their bodies stronger and they will have general rather than specific adaptations that will allow them to survive, thrive and expand across a wide range of different niches with many different conditions that would harm organisms that only have specific adaptations for one or more niches. Strong mind in a strong body is the idea. Micro Evolution involves a change of the genes and usually produces minor changes. Macro Evolution often involves changes to whole chromosomes and produces major changes. Evolution is an extremely important and very basic part of our belief system and is essential to our belief system. We believe that we are commanded by the First Cause to will our evolution and to do it along a certain trajectory, which we sometimes state as "becoming more White." This means to evolve along the path that emphasizes all of our White characteristics that are good, and removing any that are bad. Our evolution is sacred to us. Evolution falls under the heading of constant change and constant change falls under the heading of constant spinning, spiraling and turning as all things seek the round and these things fall under the heading of constant movement.

Evolution, Rapid--We seek this. Rapid evolution occurs when there is a disturbance to the habitat. Its opposite is the evolutionary stabilization of organisms; which is the result of a long stability of the environment. Believers seek rapid evolution and we see the disturbance of our habitat by the swarming of our lands with darker peoples both as a bad thing but possibly as a good thing as this is creating a disturbance to our environment, and those Whites who can evolve, may well evolve due to this disturbance. That is, Whites who remain White, who continue to expand their genetic code, and who refuse to practice miscegenation, may be the new Whites who will take us up a notch in evolution. We had believed that the disturbance to our environment would come with changes to the climate and other things, but a disturbance is a disturbance and the First Cause works in mysterious ways.

Exogenesis--Hypothesis that life on Earth came from elsewhere. Similar to panspermia but more limited in its scope.

Expand always; contract never--Armanists believe this is a command that is within everything in existence and that anything or any living things that disobey this command will become extinct. Humans of one type expand and change the frequency of genes in the gene pool by becoming more numerous than other types of humans, primarily by having higher fertility rates than other humans. Those who produce the most children who live to produce their own children in great numbers will eventually replace other types of humans who do not breed as fast or in such quantity. This is the most important command to the faithful from the First Cause. It is before all other commands. In it's fullest sense it says: Expand your kind and only your kind always; and do not allow your kind and only your kind to ever contract. From this command we take our reverence for our kind of life and we understand why all things are bad and evil that hold down our birthrate, shorten our lives or cause us to be victimized by gene transfer from those who are not our kind.

External Signs (or characteristics)--the genetically determined way we look. Phenotype.

Extreme Individualism--an error in thinking that causes one to not see that one is part of a group of like beings and the product of a group genome.

Fail Point--The paradoxical threshold of evolution where humans now find themselves. By evolving big brains, we have reached this point where we are able to stop the evolutionary process of natural selection for the best qualities. The weak and the strong can both survive under such conditions and pass on their codes. This puts the best adapted and least adapted on an equal footing in the chance for survival and in expanding their codes. Believers seek to get past the fail point and to cross the threshold to move higher.

Faith--Faith is important for a number of reasons including the fact that the brain can cause physical effects that can be beneficial.

False ideas--humans have many false ideas in their human-centric ideologies and beliefs, and these false ideas often block the path and must be identified and corrected. The major false idea in this age, and which leads to many subsets of other false ideas, is that all humans are the same. This idea is anti-nature and anti-evolution. Our view, to be clear, is not that there are superior or inferior humans, but that there are many, many differences. Humans have evolved and adapted for certain environments and as a result of these adaptations and resultant gene changes, they have acquired other secondary changes.

Field, The--Also known as the ground of existence and Drogh. Behind everything.

First Cause, The--That which created something out of absolute nothing. Used interchangeably with "God." The Ultimate. The Source of all of existence. The Creator. God-As-He-Truly-Is. The ender of all arguments. Behind all natural laws that must be obeyed. He is the energy behind the spinning. One way we conceive of Him is as an intelligence and consciousness without the need for a brain or flesh and some see Him as using every particle of matter in existence as part of His brain. The question that many ask is why did He bring the universe into existence? We cannot truly know the answer but our reason tells us that it may be because existence is better than non-existence, matter is better than no matter, intelligence is better than no intelligence, consciousness is better than no consciousness, sensing is better than not sensing, thinking is better than not thinking.

Flow, The--The great spinning river of existence in which the Earth bobs along like a very tiny piece of dust as a little zoo of a planet.

Forty Sixer (46er)--Our kind. A person with 23 White chromosomes from a White mother and 23 White chromosomes from a White father. Interchangeable with other terms such as Our Kind and Ourselves Alone, Whites, Aryans.

Founder Effect--Loss of genetic variation when a new population starts from a small number of individuals from the larger population. Desirable to believers as this works toward speciation, however, there is a danger if the new population is too small and if any of the founders have undesirable genetic characteristics that may then be spread to the whole new population.

Free will--We believe that human free will is not as free as many people believe and that our actions, in a very broad sense, are more gene directed than many people want to believe. However, there is a level of free will that is important, even though it is difficult to ever know whether we are acting because of our genetic programs or because of free will.

Frequency dependent selection--the fitness of a phenotype is dependent on its frequency relative to other phenotypes in a given population. Blenders try to change the frequency of genes in a population via immigration in order to change the population.

Frugal Engineer--aka Eternal Tinkerer or Nature. Nature is a frugal engineer in that it tries to not over develop any organism and follows a practice of form follows function. All organisms, including humans, are designed within certain packages. When nature gives the organism certain advantages in certain areas it has to short them out in other areas to fit into the package. For example, in the sport of boxing, nature has given Black humans foot and hand speed, but has also given them weak necks by their ears. It has given White boxers weak chins, but good upper body strength. So, in boxing, the best way to knock out most White boxers is with a right cross to the point of the chin, but the best way to knock out most Black boxers is with a left or right hook to the side of the head by the ear and neck.

FundamentGoal-al Laws, or Fundamental Laws of Existence, or Fundamental Laws of Nature--The natural order of things and forces that underlie everything. These Fundamental Laws must be carefully interpreted. For example, a primitive people living, say, on a hot desert island might incorrectly say that a Fundamental Law of water is that it is always liquid. We know this is wrong, because the definition lacks a reference to the temperature of the water.

Fylfot--The most sacred sign of the First Cause. It is also the most active version of the Sacred Spiral. Found throughout existence. Believers must have this Sacred Sign next to their skin and on jewelry. This is a religious requirement and is the most basic and essential manifestation of our faith for believers. Believers are commanded by the First Cause to have it in the four armed form, but other forms with two or six arms may also be used in addition to the four arm form, so long as they are not used to avoid using the four armed form. Unlike a traditional swastika, the Fylfot that is sacred often has slightly rounded arms and sometimes has a round hub or center. It is the hub or center that is the most important part of the image and it represents the First Cause spinning on a central axis. The arms show the movement, but are also essential to the symbol and to the creation and maintaining of existence. The arms always trail the center and never lead it. They exist because of the spinning of the center. This symbol helps believers focus on the First Cause and existence. It also wards off evil and confounds the enemies of our people and saps them of the energy needed to destroy us. The hub spins to the left or counter-clockwise and the arms trail in that direction. The arms do not lead, they follow as one sees in spiral galaxies, hurricanes and many other spinning forms.

Gene--a portion of DNA that carries the code for some action or characteristic of the living organism. Humans have somewhere between 20-30,000 genes. The exact number has not been determined. They are the program within us. Genes "want" to survive and struggle to be expressed. We are their way to do this. Competition and struggle are natural and exist throughout all of existence. This competition and struggle is inherent in existence itself. Note that a gene is not an actual thing, but a location on a strand of DNA. We often say: Genes Are Us. We call the struggles of the genes and the creatures the genes are within who must also struggle The Eternal Gene Wars.

Gene fixation--one variant of a particular gene (allele) remains the only one in a population. A partial but incomplete example of the process may be easily seen in Finland which is considered the blondest nation on Earth. That is, the allele for blond hair is almost the only allele in the population, and if gene flow were completely stopped, the allele for blond hair would become fixed in the population.

Gene Flow--The transfer of alleles of genes from one population to another. Gene flow stops divergence and prevents the emergence of new species from the old species. New species develop when the gene flow is stopped. The major way gene flow is stopped is by physical separation and isolation. Gene flow causes homogenization or blending. Also known as Gene Transfer. Gene Flow and Gene Transfer from other types of humans to our kind is forbidden by the First Cause and leads to devolution not evolution.

Generation, Human--About 25 years. We believe that we can transform our lines higher in just a few generations if all the right conditions prevail.

Genetic Code--Same as DNA Code. The blueprint or recipe that makes each organism as it is.

Genetic Drift--A mechanism for evolutionary change resulting from the random fluctuations of gene frequencies in small, isolated populations.

Genetic homeostasis--the tendency of a population to maintain a constant genetic composition.

Genetic Isolation--The absence of gene flow between populations as a result of geographic separation or other mechanisms that prevent gene flow.

Genocide--Actual genocide is the killing off of genes by any cause. The definition of genocide as a legal issue is defined by the U.N. We accept both actual and legal definitions of genocide as realities. Whites are victims of genocide by both definitions.

Genome--All your genetic material. Synonym for DNA Code.

Genotype--Your internal blueprint or code. All the letters of DNA in their particular arrangement that makes you, uniquely you. A descriptor for genome which is the actual, physical DNA molecules.

Gens--Latin for clan, race, nation, people, tribe.

Goal, The--To expand and evolve into a new species incapable of breeding with other human types and thus to continue on the path of evolution commanded by the First Cause for ourselves alone. Our way is not to just try to evolve spiritually, but physically. So called spiritual evolution is often not real but is the belief of a certain type of neurotic. Physical evolution is real and genuine and from it will come genuine spiritual evolution which, we are taught, is in tune with the First Cause.

God--Unknowable. The First Cause. The Source. The Creator. God-As-He-Truly-Is. That which did the impossible and created itself and everything else from nothing. We see the something that was created in the nothing as an invisible, spinning, spiraling and expanding skein of existence that underlies all of existence. No human form. Sometimes used as synonym for nature or creator or similar terms. When you peel back everything to a time before there was anything, you are left with a mystery of what started existence and you are left with this concept. The necessary end of all arguments. One contra theory holds that there was never a time when there was absolutely nothing. Although, as a thing easily said, we often speak of the big bang as the start of existence, our reason tells us that something was already in existence at that time--perhaps subatomic particles or waves--so the first cause must have been before the big bang.

God gene--Is a hypothesis that some humans inherit genes that predisposes them to spirituality. Gene VMAT2 is thought to be involved. This gene doesn't directly cause one to be spiritual, but causes certain chemical changes in the brain that are interpreted as spirituality. The importance for us in this faith, even if the hypothesis is proven wrong, is the indication it gives of the increasing recognition that genes cause various attitudes and behaviors as well as the physical characteristics that we see, such as eye color and skin color. We believe that there is a gene variation that may draw some people to our beliefs while others will not be so drawn because they lack the particular allele for this, and just cannot fully understand the teachings on a deep level. Teachers will point to the well known example of color blindness in which some people with certain gene variations can't distinguish between the colors red and green. No matter how hard those with this gene variation try, they just can't see the difference. No one would call them dumb. It's just a difference in genes. So it is with many of our beliefs. Some people simply won't get it.

God Waves--We envision the First Cause as being everywhere much as radio waves are everywhere on Earth. And we believe that the purest among us can tune into the God Waves as a natural result of them having the right genetic parts.

Golden Rule--Treat all others as you want to be treated and treat all others as they treat you.

Good and Evil--There is no good and evil in nature, there is only this and that. For Armanists, good is what pleases the First Cause and evil is what displeases the First Cause. Good and evil are relative. Man is not born good or evil. He is born free to make his own choices and each person is accountable to himself or herself.

Good Whites--The opposite of what it sounds like and sometimes used by self-hating Whites. When so used it means Whites who promote blending or the destruction of Whites and who are praised by their fellow genocidists as Good Whites for not caring for their own people. These are depraved, degenerate and degraded people who can cause harm to Code A. They are weak seeds who use their whiteness to work their evil against the very Code that gave them this whiteness. They are effete and morally decayed husks who have mental diseases that cause them to lack self and group esteem and to know what is important in life and what is not. They are to be shunned and kept out of the company of believers less their mental contamination spread. Reject these monsters at every turn.

Great Die-Off or Mass Extinction--Arman had a vision of a time when most humans would die off and only believers would be spared to get through the bottleneck.

Great White Mothers and Great White Fathers (GWMs and GWFs)--The modern version of the Whites who tried to force American Indians into being White because they believed that inside all dark skinned people was a White person just fighting to get out and act White. (see also Lord Jims)

Ground of Existence--(also Field or Drogh)Thousands of years ago people began realizing that our everyday objects were made up of ever smaller objects called atoms. Then they realized that atoms were made of even smaller objects. Today, it is recognized that subatomic particles, which can also be subatomic waves, may be what underlies everything in existence and that all of reality is built up from them. Subatomic waves may be the source of matter. Some religions, sensing this reality, posit the notion that everything is thus illusion. We reject that notion. We do sometimes indicate that everything we know in our universe is a projection of the subatomic particles/waves but this idea of "projection" is far different from other uses of the term, most notably in the way a film is projected. In our use of the term, we see the subatomic particles/waves spinning into reality that which they are the essence of. The unseen skein.

Hereditary integrity--Not allowing any gene transfer from other kinds of humans.

Homo Armanius--The next man. The new model human. We are the one before his emergence and he will only emerge from us and no others. This is the result of our speciation caused by our separate evolution. We are a branching off from the rest of humanity and if we do not blend back in, we will become the replacement for present day humanity and bring in a new age of closeness with the First Cause. When we achieve this speciation, we will no longer be able to have children with present day humans or blend back in with them. This will completely stop the gene flow and transfer from them to us, and will allow us to move faster to our closeness with the First Cause. Enlightenment comes through the flesh and it's evolution.

Host, The--Mentioned in The Guide.

Ideal--Of every thing in existence there is an ideal. Finding the ideal in our kind is important so that it can be reached and then can be overcome to move ever higher. The Ideal for living conditions for believers would be for them to have their own land free of all discordant elements so that they could pursue their evolutionary and highest destiny exclusively among their own people. This Ideal Land is something to be sought, prayed for and worked for so that the people may truly be free. The Ideal Human type is one of our people who has a strong mind in a strong body. Physically strong and tough but with a very high I.Q.

Identity--It is important that believers, in addition to reinforcing their White identity, also establish a religious identity that sets them apart from non-believers. Distinctive clothing, hair styles, symbols and all the rest discussed in the Teachings are important and believers should attempt to live their identity. The Teachings state that we are not to blend in with other kinds of humans, and this also applies to non-believers who are our kind of human. Our destiny is to be found in separating out and being different, not blending in and being the same. It is important to have the right identities in mind at all times to avoid going astray. First comes your genetic identity--Non-Jewish White person of European descent (aka having all 46 "white" chromosomes, i.e. being born of two White parents), then comes your religious identity which should also contain your world view and philosophy of life. In our case it is this system of Armanism.

Imagery, Religious--Fylfots, Swastikas, circles, spirals, spinning, turning.

Improvement, Constant--One of the things believers seek in all ways.

Impulse, The--The inbuilt need or desire in existence to be and to be more and to expand always.

Indifference--The attitude of true believers towards other types of humans. However, the term indifference
as we use it means the sort of feeling we have towards all other organisms. It is not a feeling of hate or dislike but rather one of "that's them and how they are," and "this is us and how we are, and what is important to us is our own kind, not their kind." Dispassionate. Neutral. Their business and their ways are theirs and it is none of our business as our business and our ways are none of their business.

Individual, The--Each individual is thought of as being a carrier of the Code and a singularity who is a branching off in a slightly different direction from others of Our Kind, but in ways that keep the individual still within Our Kind. It is these slight differences that help us survive as the distinct people that we are in ever changing circumstances. The ideal individual stands on his own and makes his life what he wants it to be and does not simply accept the mores and values of the larger corrupt society, but makes his own mores and values. He stands alone, is a way of saying this. If he is part of a collective, he is the one who choose the collective and he does so because it benefits him. If any collective he has joined no longer benefits him, he leaves it and is always ready to stand alone for what he considers right and just.

Individualism--Our belief in the importance of the individual that flows from our belief in the First Cause and the single point that starts everything. In our world view, this concept is shown in personal self-reliance, personal initiative, individual action and the sovereignty of the individual. But, the individualism of our system is not an improper hyper-individualism that treats each individual as though that individual sprang up here on Earth with no links or connections to others of our kind. Thus, one might say we have a collective individualism. That is, as with the rest of our world view, we are focused only on our people. For example, we forbid abortion, birth control, homosexuality, etc. for our people, but we don't care if the darker peoples engage in these practices. They are simply not our concern and our ethics and morals are relative and particular to our people alone.

Internal Signs (or characteristics)--the way we are that can't easily be seen. Our intelligence, personality, etc. that are genetically determined.

Isolation--Physical or reproductive isolation are usually required for speciation to occur. This is sought by the most devout among us, but it does not include celibacy.

King of the Senses--In humans, the king of the senses is eyesight. We can reason to this conclusion by starting with the fact that the purpose of all life is to make more like itself and in humans nature has tied the libido to sight. As the king of the senses, sight is also tied into our survival instincts. We generally sense danger by seeing it and we can usually know who is us, and who is not us by sight. We also believe that we must not deny our senses and that we have them for a reason--to help us survive to breed. We believe that we must feed our senses by being active, and it is by being active that we move higher.

Lamarckism--Theory that an organism can pass on characteristics that it acquires in its lifetime to its offspring. Largely discredited. However, we believe that the basic ideas behind the theory (but with modern terms) are valid but have not yet been proven. We believe that living organisms (maybe just some and maybe just under certain conditions) do pick up "essences" of various other living organisms and even so-called non-living things and forces in the environment that cause changes to the genetic code under some circumstances and that some of these changes can be passed on to offspring when the conditions are right. The methods of picking up these essences are open to speculation. It may be from viruses or bacteria injecting the essences into our DNA or it may be something different. We believe that there is a sort of chameleon effect or plasticity with life that is different from, but works with natural selection. We point to certain insects that mimic twigs or leaves where they live as examples of this absorption of the essence of other things into the genes.

Law of Inertia--An object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by another force.

Life after death--If you mate and produce children with one of our kind, then the essential part of you will survive in your children. You are your DNA code and it is you. If it survives, you survive. Because we only pass on half of our DNA code (23 chromosomes), we must only mate with those of our kind so the new children receive the full 46 chromosomes that makes them the same as us.

Light--energy becoming matter. Refers to all light, both visible and invisible to human eyes. Vibrations become light.

Living universe--The idea that the universe and all that is in it is not dead. In our definition, it is not alive either, as we usually define the term, but is all connected via subatomic particles and subatomic waves (or by currently unknown forces) in a skein or field that we do not fully understand, such that the universe, or parts of it, responds automatically by receiving sensory input from everything in existence. A simple analogy might be to think of a stove made of iron. When the stove is heated up, the iron automatically changes because of the heat. In the universe, it's as though everything that exists is wired to the underlying and unseen First Cause. Another analogy is a spider web. The spider picks up vibrations if any part of the web is moved even slightly. This is how the spider finds prey.

Lord Jims and Lady Jims--Whites who believe that their purpose in life is to save non-Whites from their fellow "evil Whites" and who have secret fantasies of being held up as god-like and who revel in the suffering they are undergoing to save the non-Whites.

Meditation--We reject the idea that sitting still for hours on end and depriving the senses of stimulation is beneficial for believers and will lead to any deeper understanding of existence. Our meditation is usually from a few minutes up to an hour of quiet reflection while viewing a proper focus object and while quietly asking for guidance from above. Sometimes, in some believers, longer times may be helpful. We also believe that we must not deny our senses to gain a deeper understanding, but actually bathe our senses in things of the senses. Thus, we believe that we must be physically moving and taking in sights, sounds and smells--that we must experience things--to gain fuller understanding. Walks in woods, fields, mountains, deserts and even in cities help us understand if one does this consciously and actively. Our brains need the input let in by our senses. We must live consciously and always observing the patterns all around us and we must learn from everything.

Method Becoming, Method Living, Method Acting--We believe that one of the ways to improve, advance and help our evolution is to imitate certain ideals and to act the part of the ideals in all ways possible. We see this as being similar to method acting. A method actor will try to become the character he plays, and will often try to do this by doing everything in the same way as the character; which can include eating the same food, using the same toothpaste, using the same soap, living in the same place and wearing the same socks and underwear, of a real person being portrayed. By taking on the outward aspects of the character, the method actor tries to evoke the inward aspects. Everything we do or experience is registered in our subconscious mind by our senses and causes changes in the way we perceive the world and the way the world perceives us and how we act and react to various stimuli. A believer must attempt to become the ideal, by looking and acting the part and in surrounding himself or herself with everything that helps them live the part. See also Absorption.

Mind--The intangible product of out brains. The mind is to brain as the perfume of a rose is the product of the rose. Our thoughts are part of what we call mind. What are thoughts? They don't weigh anything. They don't have size. They can't be measured. Because they can't be measured, one might conclude that thoughts don't exist, but we know that isn't true. Thoughts do exist. The correct thoughts can help our evolution and the incorrect ones can harm it. It all begins with thoughts for us as they are the product of our brains which is the product of our DNA code. Rid yourself of incorrect thoughts and fill yourself with correct thoughts.

Miscegenation--mating outside the genome. Forbidden by the First Cause as a great sin or wrong against the First Cause. A very great and grave sin that must be avoided.

Morality, Ours Alone--We reject any morality that holds down our births or causes us to miscegenate. We accept any morality that has us have as many of our kind of children as possible. This morality is based on the individual fulfilling it and not about couples. A man should not be held to a woman's calendar of one child every nine months. We are made different, male and female for a reason. The male is supposed to have as many children according to his own calendar as possible to help with evolution and expansion of his genetic code. The female is supposed to be limited to one pregnancy every nine months as a check on too much change in the gene frequencies of our population. A healthy man is sent forth by nature to fertilize as many eggs as possible. A healthy female is sent forth by nature to find the best males to fertilize her eggs. A male also constantly produces new sperm and this is so the sperm can change to adapt to changing conditions in the external and internal environment. The female has stable eggs. They are produced early in her life and they remain unchanged throughout her childbearing years. Thus, the male provides most of the evolution, while the female maintains stability. This is the way of existence and we White humans should not subvert this, but go with it to reach our highest possible destiny.

Mutagen--is an agent or substance that can bring about a permanent alteration to the physical composition of a DNA gene such that the genetic message is changed.

Mutagenesis--Sudden Transformation. Its key terms are look it, act it, think it, believe it, become it. It is a form of mutagenesis that uses the mind and certain practices as well as some natural elements.

Mutation--A Mutation occurs when a DNA gene is damaged or changed in such a way as to alter the genetic message carried by that gene. Random mutations are sort of nature's wild cards to change life to survive by throwing in random changes that might or might not stick. They are happening all the time. Most are minor and go unnoticed. Some are detrimental to the organism. There are also mutations of chromosomes and these have much greater effects.

Natural Order--The instinctual way organisms go about their lives to survive and expand. The natural order relating to sex is to produce offspring like the parents. The natural order holds that anything that holds down the birthrate is unnatural and goes against the will of the First Cause. Thus, homosexuality is an unnatural use of the sex organs and the sex drive since pure homosexuality cannot produce offspring. The natural order in humans, as well as in many other organisms, is male and female.

Natural Law--Naturally occurring principles of existence that channel existence toward evolution. Natural law is built into the structure of existence. Humans must deduce natural law correctly, and these teachings provide help.

Natural Rights--Those rights that you have just because you are here. They are yours because of your birth. No other men or groups of men or government can legally grant them to you or take them away from you. They are yours. Among these natural rights are your right to your existence, your right to reproduce as you wish, your right to associate with or not associate with anyone of your choosing for any reason of your choosing, your freedom, self-determination, self-governance, self-identification, your right to believe as you wish and to tell others of your beliefs, your right to pursue your personal happiness as you alone see fit so long as you do not harm others.

Natural Selection--The process in nature by which the organisms best adapted to their environment tend to survive and pass on their genetic characteristics to succeeding generations while those less adapted tend to be eliminated. Survival of the fittest in the struggle to be and to be more. Natural selection brings about evolutionary change by favoring differential reproduction of genes. This changes the gene frequency from one generation to the next. Natural selection does not cause genetic change, but once there is change it encourages some genes instead of others. Natural selection requires genetic variation, differential reproduction and heritable characteristics. We believe that natural selection is often being overridden in modern society due to birth control, abortions and miscegenation and that this artificial state of affairs is blocking or destroying the best evolutionary path for many of our European indigenous people still in Europe and in the European diaspora.

Nature--The word "nature" as we use it means far more than the narrow meaning it is usually given. In our use it means all of existence and sometimes it means God. So, when believers say they study nature for clues to answers to the big questions, they don't just mean they're going on nature walks (but that could be part of it). They mean they're looking at subatomic particles and subatomic waves, galaxies, birds, flowers, physics, psychology and everything else that is in existence.

Non-Believing Believers--Perfectly welcome in this faith.These are well meaning people of our kind who are skeptics or maybe some even consider themselves atheists, but they have studied the Teachings and have had an awakening experience in which they say something like: "I can't believe the stuff about God or revelations and parting clouds and a chorus and similar things, but the teachings about evolution both on Earth and in the Cosmos make sense to me and I believe in those things and in what we need to do as a distinct people." If such people then follow the method living described by Arman and live as believers live and DO the things in life including bearing the symbols, then they are absolutely considered to be on the right path. You see, this faith does not require blind faith in things unseen. It is completely in tune with human psychology and knows that different people will come to the faith in different ways and with different levels of understanding and that some will feel these things more deeply than others and some will come earlier and some later. However, it is important to note that strong, unwavering, unapologetic belief helps one on the path because it releases the right chemicals in our bodies and minds that can cause the changes we seek as well as letting us tune into the right frequencies.

Non-interference--A moral principle of Armanism that believers should not interfere in the internal affairs of other kinds of humans unless there is some very good articulable reason to do so for the protection of our kind. In other words, Armanists mind their own business and expect others to mind theirs.

Notus--Literally "Not Us." Not our people.

Numinous feeling--Filled with an overwhelming sense of wonder and awe at being in the presence of the divine. We find this most easily just before dawn and just before dusk, during storms and in forests and other places away from civilization.

One, The--Also called the Principle of the One. Our belief is that existence itself started with One, and that this principle carries over to everything in existence. Thus, we believe that life started with one molecule of DNA that crossed the threshold to life and that there was one person who crossed the threshold to White human life, and that the individual, each individual of our kind, is another One. You are a One. I am a One. We are all Ones and we must all take individual responsibility and individual action to move us across the next threshold. This is not to say that each One should not combine with other Ones. In fact, the Teacher says that we must all be willing to stand alone, but that we must also be willing to join with others because strength comes in numbers.

Only one path--This is the one genuine path for us that leads to true higher states. It requires, among other things, physical evolution. This is one of the main differences between this belief system and others. We believe the core of our being is our unique physical DNA code that we carry and which has spun us into existence. It is an absolute prerequisite that one must have to take the next step up. It is the code that must survive and expand and we are a means to that end as it is a means to our end. However, this is not to be seen as though we are merely robots carrying a real something inside of us that pulls our strings and orders us about. We are one. We are its outer aspect and it is our inner aspect. It is within every cell of our body.We would not exist as the beings we are except for it, and it cannot survive and evolve except for us. It is our essence.

Order is important--DNA is composed of just four basic chemicals (A,T,C,G) yet those four chemicals when shuffled in different ways produce all the variety of life that we are aware of. This tells us that it is not the difference in the chemicals of DNA that is important (because there are none) but the way they are arranged. Change the order just a little and you have a fly or a mouse or an ape or a man or a tree. And, the emphasis here is on change the order just a little. It doesn't take much. A few letters changed and one has white skin or non-white skin, straight hair or curly hair.

Our Kind--Those with Code A. Having Code A has nothing to do with the value of a person in a religious sense and does not carry the meaning that we are selected or are superior to other humans or other organisms. It does carry the meaning that we are different as they too are different. We see the First Cause as putting His energies and forces throughout all of existence and we liken this to radio waves that are all around us all the time, but only radio receivers with the right parts can pick up those radio waves. It is not that the radio is superior to other devices, but only that it has the right components for this, while other devices have the right components for other things.

Ourselves--Those with Code A.

Our Way For Ourselves Alone or OWFOA--One of the names of this faith.

Particularism, Genetic--Our exclusive adherence to, dedication to, and interest in our own genetic code both inside us and as manifested in us as White people. It is the opposite of Universalism.

Panspermia--Hypothesis that "seeds" of life exist all over the universe and that some of these seeds caused life on Earth as well as elsewhere.

People, The--When used by believers it usually means either believers or those who may not yet be believers but who share our 46 chromosomes. Synonym for Believers.

People of the Code--Another term for those with Code A.

Phenotype--That which is built by the genotype. The way you look. The outward manifestation of the inner code.

Placebo God--Human psychology requires an ender of all arguments and something that is bigger and anchored and which gives meaning to man's short life. Our blessing and our curse is our large brain. It lets us think about existence and meaning and discover the laws of existence; this is both the blessing and the curse. Belief, if it is real, acts upon our minds and our minds act upon our bodies in real and physical ways by releasing various chemicals and energies that can help or hinder us on the path. If one does not believe in God; then one should learn to do so. Method Acting belief is a proper method and way.

Places of worship--The main place of worship for all believers is right where they live and it doesn't matter if it's a house or an apartment or even out in the open. It is best to have a circle of rocks or stones--46 if possible--but this is not necessary. It is also wise to have a single light either as a candle or a light bulb to focus on. The sacred symbols should be near the light and in view of the believers.

Pleiotropy--Genes have more than one effect. For example, when an attempt was made to domesticate foxes by breeding them for the quality of dog like tameness, the foxes also automatically developed other dog like qualities such as floppy ears, turned up tails, and patched coats of different colors. The changes weren't expected, but they had the added benefit of allowing people to see the "content of the character" of the changed foxes. The outward reflected the inward. In other words, in the case of the foxes, it wasn't possible to breed for certain personality traits without also changing the exterior appearance of the foxes. The same effect works in humans. Change skin from black to white and you change much more than just skin color.

Potential, The--The raw genetic program that allows our people to follow the path and more. Only our kind have the potential. The potential is not realized unless and until one awakens.

Prayer--At dawn and dusk and also to ask for help and to help others.

Prayer beads--Fort -Six white beads joined with a small plate with our sacred symbols. Similar in appearance to Rosary beads in other faiths. The forty-six white beads are organized 23 to a side and represent the 23 White male and 23 White female chromosomes of our kind of human. A simple use of the prayer beads is to time morning and evening prayers. One may simply say "Thank you Lord for letting me live another day," on each of the forty-six beads. Or, one may say some other short thank you to the First Cause repeating it forty-six times.

Primary Command, The--The primary command for all life including human life is to survive as long as possible to make as many more like itself as physically possible. This is less about the survival of the individual and more about the survival of the DNA code that is passed on to offspring. Some falsely believe that the primary command for organisms is an instinct for self-preservation. While at the level of the whole organism, this may appear true, it must be understood that it is the code within that seeks survival and which wants the whole organism to survive in order to expand and spread the particular version of the code within. Living organisms, including humans, that do not breed in their image, are evolutionary dead ends whose code will never move higher.
The Primary Command can be broken down into two commands for clarity:
First Primary Command: Survive
Second Primary Command: Make as many more like yourself as possible during your lifetime. Or, this can be stated as "go forth and multiply your kind," or "expand your genetic code as much as humanly possible. For those who follow the Teachings the Second Primary Command is further defined this way: Make as many more White people with the full complement of 46 White chromosomes as possible and do not miscegenate or help make non-White people.

Probabilities--There are no certainties on a fundamental level, only probabilities.

Proper living--Living as long as possible to protect and expand the code by having as many children in the image of the people as possible. Everything else in our lives is secondary to this. We are told that the evolution of our kind will only come by having vast numbers of us filling all lands. We know also that it is not the individuals who are important, but the Code. The individuals carry the Code and they are the way it is expanded.

Psychology, Human--Any philosophy, religion or world view that does not account for human psychology will fail to win enough hearts and minds to be successful in the long view of history and will accomplish little even for believers. Reason and faith are both required. Take understanding from this and do not deny things that must be taken on faith just because your reason tells you that they are things unseen and unprovable. Neither blindly accept things outside this faith as real when they cannot be proved.

Punctuated equilibrium--theory that species have little change for long periods (stasis) and then experience rapid and major changes. This system teaches that this is what will happen to us by following the righteous path.

Pure Lands--the lands that God has commanded believers to take, purify and hold forever for the people alone, where believers can live free from outside influences, discordant forces and gene transfer and where they can practice their faith without persecution and in peace and in which they can continue to evolve along the righteous path.

Purity--actual purity of DNA and ritual purity. Rein is a German word for pure.

Purpose, The--The basic purpose of every form of life is to make more like itself. That is, that every form of life has as its purpose the spreading of its particular DNA code so that the Core DNA code will survive, expand always and contract never.

Race--is to humans what variety is to plants and breed is to dogs, horses and other animals. It is also often used as a synonym for subspecies. It is a reality, although blenders try to deny it in order to break down barriers to blending. When populations appear to be different in their genetic characteristics and are readily recognized as being different then they are called races or subspecies.

Racism--The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a partcular race is superior to others. This is an all purpose smear term used mostly by those who hate White people to brow beat them. This faith is not racist, by definiton, because we do not believe that one race is superior to others. Our belief is based on true science and holds that all organisms have some advantages over other organisms and some disadvantages. Thus, there is no organism or race that can be across the board "superior" to others in every niche of existence. This faith, if one wanted to add an "ism" to it might be called DNAism, but even that term is not accurate because while we believe that DNA is the expressed code of life on Earth, we also believe that behind DNA is a code or template that makes DNA. That's why we sometimes refer to ourselves as Codists.

Racist gene--We accept the idea that some White people are born with genes or other physical sources for a heightened sense of their genetic uniqueness and identity which gives them a survival advantage over those who have not been born with this gene variant or mutation. Those born with this so-called racist gene, which is really a survival gene, have a strong inborn sense of who is like them and who is not like them, and they avoid those unlike them and favor those like them so that they are less prone to miscegenate or blend away their uniqueness. To be clear, this gene gives those with it a survival advantage. Haters of our people try to make this survival gene seem to somehow be evil by calling it the racist gene. Those with this so-called racist gene are usually the ones who are attracted to this faith. They just feel it is right in every cell of their bodies since it gives voice to the way they were born and lets them know that they are special and need to breed with others with this gene to increase our population of those who are truly our people. A goal of our teaching is to reach such people. They will naturally come to us, and those who lack it won't. We believe those who received this gene from their parents are blessed, and that if natural selection were allowed to work as it should, that this gene would quickly spread in our White population and would be a step up in the evolutionary ladder for our people. When you see "former racists" suddenly say they are no longer racists and who will then work against their fellow Whites, you can be pretty sure that these people do not have the White racist gene and that their former "racism" was artificial and probably the product of a neurotic hatred of others or a product of hatred of themselves or their families. Those with the racist gene, as far as we know, aren't usually motivated by blind hatred of any living things, including other kinds of humans. They simply are for Whites and believe other forms of humans should be left alone and neither helped nor harmed or interfered with so long as they pose no danger to Whites. Nature will determine who is the most fit and who isn't.

Radio example--One of our favorite ways to explain some of our concepts is to use a radio as an example. Radio waves are all around us, but unless you have a radio with all the right parts, along with a power source and tuned into the right frequency you won't pick up any sounds. Remove just one of many very tiny but essential parts of that radio, and it won't work. The radio has to be "born"with those parts. It can't acquire them, and no amount of praying or living right or doing various ritual things will change that. In humans, the right parts are in the DNA code that we receive at birth if we are our kind of human. No other kinds get the right parts. The right parts always produce white skin and they always produce the other characteristics of our kind of human. However, there are mimics among humans, just as in other species, who may appear to have the external characteristics that signify the right parts, but who lack the right parts. Generally, though, and lacking any deeper information, one is usually safe in relying on ones eyes under most circumstances.

Recessive genes--Most "White" genes are recessive. This means that if a White person has children with a non-White person, the children will favor the non-White person in most characteristics. It takes two White people to produce a truly White child.

Rein--German word meaning "pure."

Revelation--The First Cause has revealed His Will to and through Arman, The Teacher. He also inspires and guides Arman in doing the Will of the First Cause. Arman's function is to write down the Will of the First Cause in ways that our people will understand.

Right Blood, Right Belief, Right Action--Or, Blood, Belief, Action, or Right Code, Right Belief, Right Action. The 3 Essentials.

Right Parts--Code A.

Sacred signs--The phenotypic features that are unique to our kind of human.

Sacred Symbols--Representations of the true nature of God and existence. Circles, spirals, fylfots. Believers have such symbols near or on their skin. They have a mystical but real correspondence. Believers generally prefer a rounded arm version of the fylfot. Some prefer two arms, some prefer three arms, some prefer four arms, some prefer five or six arms. The holiest version has four arms and is the form worn by the most devout who know that what they do in life is done not for themselves but for the First Cause. The essential part of the fylfot is not the arms, but the spinning center or axis, but it also must have arms. The arms are always trailing the spin, not leading it. In nature, they are the result of the spinning center. When viewed from the side, over time, the spinning fylfot looks like a tornado or a strand of DNA or many of the other things we observe in nature. The fylfot as a religious symbol must be with believers at all times and it is best when it is displayed. It also indicates constant expansion. Symbols should touch the skin, but being worn on a necklace chain outside the clothes is also required . May be put on the skin with scars, tattoos, brands, rings, amulets. Symbols are best when displayed for the world to see. This does not replace the condition that they must be next to the skin, but is another religious requirement for the most devout. Such external displays may also be on jewelry of all sorts, but is often best on rings and amulets around the neck outside the clothing as well as on tattoos, brands, scars on the skin but on skin that is usually exposed such as on the hands or arms or neck. It is an absolute requirement of this faith as revealed by the First Cause that this symbol be displayed and with believers at all times. In times of persecution or for the safety of believers, our sacred symbols may be put on the skin in such ways that they are hidden or in ways that they are not permanent such that a believer may put a symbol on and then remove it for his or her safety or for the benefit of the faith. Remember, we do not believe in harming ourselves or letting ourselves be harmed, even for the faith. Our beliefs require that we stay healthy and alive for as long as possible to breed our kind to our maximum. This belief trumps other beliefs.

Self-identification, self-determination, self-reliance, self-government,self-improvement, self-perfection, self-actualization--are considered important.

Self-interest--Acting on your own needs and desires. In this system this has a deeper meaning and involves acting for the benefit of Code A that you carry within you. When you keep Code A in mind, you will act in the interest of your complete, manifested self (i.e. as you actually are in the world as the manifestation of your Code A) and by doing what is truly right for your manifested self, you will also do what is truly right for your Code A, and if you do what is truly right for your Code A, you will also do what is truly right for your manifested self. When each individual f our kind correctly follows this way we will all benefit as we are manifested and our Code A will also benefit and more up. Do what makes you happy so long as you harm no others and always have as many children of our kind as is physically possible.

Self-negation--Denying one's essential genetic self.

Self-organization-- Ability of a system to spontaneously arrange its components or elements in a purposeful (non-random) manner, under appropriate conditions but without the help of an external agency.

Sen, The--Another name for strong believers.

Sensory Input--Sensory input is important in rituals and for creating a sense of awe. Thus, when praying one must be surrounded by the proper stimuli.

Shining Ones--Mentioned several times in The Guide.

Short Statement of Creed--We believe in the ever evolving, ever expanding First Cause who started and who sustains existence by His spinning presence , in the ways of existence, in cosmic evolution, in the willed and conscious evolution of our genetic code, and in the Teachings of Arman.

Single point mutation--a mutation that involves a single nucleotide. For example, sickle-cell disease is a single point mutation in which GAG is changed to GTG.

Skin Color--Is not a trifle. Skin is the largest human organ. It is not like paint, put on as an afterthought as though all humans are identical automobiles coming off an assembly line. It comes from within and is an essential part of the DNA Code. Do not let haters minimize the importance of White skin as they try to destroy all White people. White skin is essential to this faith and our ability to evolve along the correct path. Without it, the path is closed.

Ser, The--The flow of existence.

Seven P's, The (also 7 P's)--1.Purify; 2. Protect; 3. Propagate; 4. Persevere; 5. Perfect; 6. Preserve; 7. Prevail.

Soul, The--We do not usually use this term because of connotations it carries. We believe in an Essence--which is another name for our genetic or DNA code, and we believe that when we die, the energetic part of our Essence--which contains our personality--as with all living things, dissipates into existence itself. We see our life after death as one in which our physical genetic code carries on in the children we have brought into life with others of our kind, and that we continue on so long as they do not miscegenate or in any way bring gene transfer from darker humans into our family lines and so long as they themselves bring children into existence with our people alone.

Source, The--Another name for God.

Speciation--The evolutionary formation of a new species, often by the division of a single species into two or more genetically distinct ones, usually by isolation that prevents gene flow. Speciation happens rapidly in small isolated populations.
Speciation has been demonstrated to be possible in as few as 8 generations in Drosophila (Fruit fly). It can also be caused by selective breeding as is done in animal husbandry. Our speciation--our branching off from other kinds of humans to the point where we can no longer bear children with them--has been commanded of us and no others by God, called the First Cause. The external signs of the speciation already exist among us, but have not become dominant. Among these are blue eyes, blond hair, a particular bone structure, a particular skull size and shape, and most importantly pale white skin. There are also internal signs that already exist such a brain size. The external and internal signs have been revealed to us as the direction to take in our mating. Each individual of our kind should attempt to acquire such signs for his or her line by choosing mates who can bring them to his or her line. We seek rapid speciation of our kind alone and then the rapid expansion of us as the new species on this dark planet.

Spiral--One of the Sacred Symbols in all its forms. All of existence is dependent on the constant spinning, turning, twirling, spiraling. It is this constant spinning movement that shuffles all that exists and is why the only constant is change. The spiral is seen in distant galaxies, in storms, in water draining from a sink, in the way trees grow, in DNA, and in all of existence if you know how to look. If the spinning stopped, existence would stop. The spiral is the result of spinning with the addition of time. Ancient peoples often used spiral symbols, but did not then understand the ubiquitousness of the spinning or its necessity to existence. There is a mystery about such symbols and a teacher has said that they form an actual and real link to much that is seen and unseen. A teacher has said that there are other symbols that seek to dampen the effects of these symbols for good, and these other symbols often have something of a cat's cradle appearance with straight lines and sharp angles. The fylfot is a representation of the Spiral seen head on from the top.

Standing Stones and rings of stones--with chiseled symbols are links.

Struggle, The--The First Cause, struggle to be and to be more and continues the struggle to this day. The struggle against nothingness is part of all existence and it continues by the spinning that brings light and heat to an otherwise dark and cold nothingness. Even humans must struggle to exist and to be and to be more. To not struggle is to fall back into the masses of humanity and not evolve toward the first light and the First Cause. It takes no effort and no struggle to be dark and cold. It does take constant effort and constant struggle to be light and warm. Learn to love the eternal struggle and struggle mightily and with all your effort and means to be and to be more.

Struggle for survival--The basic struggle of all organisms.

Struggle for supremacy--All healthy organisms struggle for supremacy. This is as inherent in the life code as the struggle for survival. But, this struggle for supremacy goes very deep and genes struggle to dominate and be supreme right in the bodies of all organisms. It is part of the competition set up by the First Cause to bring forth the best in each niche and of each type. In humans we see some people giving up the struggle for supremacy. This is a mental disease

Subspecies, The--Human races are subspecies on their way to becoming species if certain conditions are met. When used by us, it often means ourselves alone or us and no others. Thus, one of us might say something like" He or she is one of the subspecies." Or, if referring to someone who is not one of our genetic people: "He or she is not one of the subspecies."

Sudden transformation--A form of mutagenesis. Look it, act it, think it, believe it, become it. One uses one's mind and certain practices as well as some natural elements.

Suicide--Absolutely forbidden by the First Cause as it reduces Code A. One must try to live as long as possible to reproduce for as long as possible and when it is no longer possible to reproduce because nature's internal clock has so determined, then one must live as long as possible to continue the work for the First Cause among our kind.

Survival advantage--A genetic change from the norm that gives organisms a leg up on other organisms in the same habitat or environment. Often involves minor changes that have long term effects.

Survival of the fittest--Natural selection conceived of as a struggle for life in which only those organisms best adapted to existing conditions are able to survive and reproduce. All organisms now alive are the fittest of their types just by being alive today. However, if they don't reproduce in their image to to forward into the next generation, they will be defined retroactively as not being the fittest. Organisms must reproduce to be the fittest. Any organism that reproduces itself is fit. Any organism that does not reproduce itself is not fit.

Survival strategies--All organisms have built-in genetic survival strategies that have evolved to allow the organism's genes to be passed on to the next generation. If the survival strategy is a good one, then the organism's genotype will survive. In thinking of survival strategies, it must be remembered that the individual is not especially important. It is getting the genotype--the code--to survive and be passed on to expand the particular code carried by the organism.

Survive, Expand, Evolve, Dominate--One of the commands to our kind alone from the First Cause.

Tattoos, brands, scars--Methods used to have the sacred symbols directly on the skin. The sacred symbols are reminders, signs of faith and also have a mystic connection to the First Cause and can under certain circumstances protect the individual and serve as a "switch" to certain forces and energies.

Teacher, The--Arman. Receiver and promulgator of the revelations and divine inspiration. Servant of the First Cause. Herald. Messenger. Scribe.

Threshold, The--There are various thresholds that organisms, including humans, reach as they evolve. We believe, from our revelations, that those with Code A (White people), or at least those with the so-called racist gene are at a threshold right now and that our highest destiny is to cross it and become a new species incapable of breeding with other humans. To not cross it is to risk being pulled back down--to devolve.

Time Line--The general way we came to be. All dates are approximate and subject to change as scientific discoveries change them. We belive in true science so changes do not bother us. The general scheme as shown here will not be shaken by new discoveries. If humans evolved in Asia or Europe and not in Africa, it doesn't matter to this time line. Humans have always moved back and forth. The principles remain the same.

13.7 billion years ago--Big Bang. Start of our universe.

4.5 bilion years ago--Earth forms from spinning cloud of stellar dust.

3.8 billion years ago--First DNA molecule.

330 million years ago--First reptiles.

220 million yeas ago--First true mammals.

2.5 million years ago--Genus Homos.

200,000 years ago--Modern humans.

50,000 years ago--A few humans leave Africa for Europe and Asia and keep evolving.

20,000 years ago--White people begin emerging in Europe.

10,000-6,000 years ago--Blue eye mutation appears among White people in Europe.

5,000 years ago--White people become dominant and virtually only type in Europe.

4,000 years ago--Recorded history begins.

Present day--Miscegenation, birth control, celibacy, family planning,homsexuality, abortions, smaller families, lack of geographic and reproductive isolation are working against our evolution and speciation and are causing devolution of many White families who are returning, genetically, to the darker forms from which we evolved.

Tithing--Ten percent of income given to the faith for the building and maintaining of religious buildings, publishing religious material, and reaching out to unawakened people of our kind. In the fullness of time, this will be done when this faith organizes in the best way for propagating the faith to our kind of human.

Trajectory, The--The great trajectory of existence was started at the beginning. Within it are many trillions of other minor trajectories.

Transformation--We can transform ourselves by influencing the activity of our genes through the techniques of Willed Evolution.

Tribe--A revelation called believers a tribe joined by blood, belief and action.

Ultimate truth--to be sought.

Unfit--Organisms or populations of organisms that are not adapted to prevailing conditions or which do not produce offspring in sufficient numbers to maintain their contribution to the gene pool of the next generation.

Universal Brotherhood of Man--One of several phrases often used by neurotics who wrongly believe that there is just one type of human and who also try to deny nature and the ways of existence. Most of the neurotics who use such terms are fearful of life and are unable to handle conflict and competition.

Unknown, The--Used for all those things that we simply can't know for sure and which haven't been explained by science or revelations in the Teachings or which the Teachings are silent about or offer only cursory information about.

Ways of Existence, The--What we teach. What this faith is all about. Our beliefs are never in conflict with the scientific truths about existence and nature.

Weak Seeds--Effete White cowards who are physically or mentally weak and who lack vitality and who do not fight to save Whites but who often cower in fear and who help either actively or passively non-Whites who harm or who intend to harm Whites.

White skin--A mutation that occurred in Europe to adapt the people there so their skin would let in more of the dim European sunlight to produce more Vitamin D than darker skin colors. It gave a survival advantage to those with the mutation, in that with more Vitamin D, those with the mutation didn't get the bone softening disease rickets and lived longer to produce more children who also carried the mutation. In time, the white skin mutation spread throughout Europe.Scientists now believe that a tiny mutation in gene slc24a5, located on the long leg of chromosome 15 at position 21.1, started in the few people who left Africa and headed into Europe about 20,000--50,000 years ago was a major reason for the emergence of white skin. It is important to know that White skin is not a trifle. It is not like paint put over otherwise identical humans. Our White skin is absolutely essential to us. Our revelations tell us that the reality of our White skin must never be minimized and our White skin is not to be treated as though it means nothing. Our revelations also tell us that it is our White skin that gives us the ability to tune in to the Creator. Without White skin, one is not one of us us; it is that essential. Our revelations also tell us that the path to our evolution higher requires Whites skin and that we are to become Whiter not darker as a sign that we are on the right path. By Whiter, it is meant that we are also to obtain all those characteristics that set us apart from all other peoples.

White supremacism--A belief that White people are superior to others and should therefore dominate society. As is the case with "racism," this is not the belief of this faith. We do not believe that any organism is superior across the board to any other organism. It is clear that all organisms have evolved with certain advantages and certain disadvantages as nature constantly tinkers to bring forth the most fit for every niche that will support life. We believe that White people are different from others and that we have a separate destiny that we are commanded to fulfill by taking this path that no others can take.

Willed Evolution--Causing the evolution of one's self and one's line by right belief and the right actions that naturally flow from the right beliefs. Doing the right things in the right way for our kind of human can change the way some of our genes work and move our evolution along the right path. In other words, the mind can cause physical changes in the body and at the cell and DNA level that can benefit us. Wrong beliefs and choices and wrong living can change the DNA, but in a harmful way.Humans may be the only organisms on Earth that are able to consciously will their own evolution. They can do this by studying how evolution works and by studying the Teachings for the proper path and then by living in accordance with the Teachings at all times. Same as conscious evolution.

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