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Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2025 |
RACE, GENES, DNA, EVOLUTION ESSENTIAL TO OUR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS (# 126) Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2024 All praise to God-As-He-Truly-Is who has selected White Aryans as His people to purify and evolve ever higher towards Him by following His instructions to us and by purifying our genes, our minds and our bodies. Those among us who follow His simple but Holy instructions are beloved of God-As-He-Truly-Is and He shall help them on the upward path so long as they remain true to Him. Survive, thrive, improve, expand and evolve. Our religious morals, values, beliefs and practices are given to us from God-As-He-Truly-Is not man. We must live right. We must live White. We must not sin by race mixing. Right Blood, Right Belief, Right Action mean White Blood, White Belief, White Action. 8 P's--Purify, Protect, Propagate, Persevere, Perfect, Preserve, Prevail, Pray Humans--including Whites who are the ones we care about--when left to our own devices make many very wrong decisions. Only good religion based on God-As-He-Truly-Is' laws and commands can prevent us from making harmful mistakes. Do what God-As-He-Truly-Is commands Whites to do or not do and you will always do the right things in your life. ANY RELIGION THAT DENIES THE REALITY OF RACE, DNA, GENES IS A FALSE RELIGION THAT DENIES GOD-AS-HE-TRULY-IS' CREATION OF LIVING ORGANISMS AND DOES EVIL BY PUTTING IDEAS BEFORE FLESH AND BLOOD. NOTE: Believers refer to the Supreme Being as God or as God-As-He-Truly-Is (short version GAHTI) or by similar terms. They all mean the same thing to us. There is one God and he is revealed to us as not being like false ideas of Him that are invented by man and which are found in other religions. One of the important differences between our true version of God and the false versions is that our true God has selected White people and only White people. He has caused our evolution. He is the creator of DNA, RNA, Genes, Genotypes, Genomes, race, species, etc. and is behind evolution. He wants us to live and evolve in a certain way and to be separate and isolated from all non-Whites and to never mix or mate with them, and to not deny the reality of DNA, race, etc. and to consciously expand our kind by having as many pure White children as our bodies can provide. He has sent messages to Arman. God-As-He-Truly-Is (GAHTI) has told us that He has selected us (Whites) as His people. By "selection" He means both the genetic selection (in this case Natural Selection tweaked by Divine Selection) and evolution and also that He has picked us alone of all human "races" to be His special people that He has selected to evolve ever higher towards Him. We are the latest evolution of humans and are thus closest to Him. Now it is up to us make the right decisions in life or we fall away from Him. We must understand/practice the big 3 R's of Right Blood, Right Belief, Right Action. Our selection is not just based on a thought in GAHTI's mind, it is based on our biology, our DNA code, our genes, and our shared White and collective White genome (aka White DNA code) as well as our individual White genotype. We carry a spark of GAHTI within our White DNA code. To those who might ask why GAHTI picked and selected Whites, our best answer is "Go ask GAHTI." THE GREAT EVIL There is a Great Evil afoot in the world that is clouding White minds and convincing far too many Whites to destroy themselves by mating with non-Whites and especially with Blacks and by helping non-Whites survive, thrive and expand their kind instead of letting GAHTI's ways of existence follow their course. That is why GAHTI has come in force in this day to help us straighten up and be strong to overcome the Great Evil and throw off its shackles that is causing our extinction and genocide by tricking us into evil mating with non-whites and using our sacred White eggs and sacred White sperm to produce non-White children. THE ETERNAL GENE WARS In the Eternal Gene Wars, genes and the carriers of those genes, all living things, fight and struggle not just for the survival of their individual selves, but also for the survival of their collective kind and also, beyond mere survival, they struggle for expansion and dominance. In humans, the Eternal Gene Wars naturally pit Whites against all non-Whites for survival and dominance. At the race (really species) level the competition between the human races (again we are really different species) is the most intense for it is about the very survival of each major race. Whites are a minority as only about 6% to 7% of humans now alive are White. This means in the Eternal Gene Wars we could easily be exterminated by the non-Whites. To avoid this we must separate from all non-Whites and never mix or mate with them. We must stay White in all ways, always in every minute of our daily lives and we must make as many more like ourselves by mating only with our fellow Whites. The main method of the genocide of Whites is the tricking of us into mating with non-Whites. Such matings can not produce White children. All such children of Whites mating with non-Whites carry at least half of their DNA from the non-White partner. SELF-PRESERVATION All healthy, sane Whites are motivated by self-preservation but know that White group preservation is necessary for self-preservation. After all, the lone White can't make more like himself or herself and must mate only with their fellow Whites in order for his or her general White genome (aka White DNA code) and his or her particular genotype to survive the inevitable death of his or her body by being within the children he or she has produced during his or her lifetime. TO GATHTI, WHITE SKIN COLOR IS THE FIRST REQUIREMENT AND IS ESSENTIAL Genes that are the most important are the ones that really distinguish one type of human from another. In humans, genes for skin color are extremely important for it is skin color that is a strong identifier of different types of humans. Skin color is not a trifle. Skin is our largest organ--yes, it is an organ--it is not like paint on identical automobiles nor is it like different color wrapping paper on identical products. Our White skin and its very whiteness is essential and is part of what is underneath in our bodies and which is not so easily seen. So, our White skin is an an essential part of the package that is us. If the skin is not white (color), we are not White (race). The evil doers want you to think skin color is a nothing and is to be ignored. Too many are fooled and buy this Big Lie that is an affront against GAHTI who made us with different color skins for some very good reasons, including for our survival, our thriving and for the expansion of our kind by only mixing and mating with those like ourselves who we can often recognize via the king of our senses--our sight. At a quick glance we can see who is most like us and who is not just by the color of their skin. Only Whites are like Whites. However, there are some who appear White because many of them have white or whitish skin but who are not like us. Only non-Jewish Whites are like us. Jews are their own thing and are not Aryans (White and Aryan and White Aryan mean non-Jewish White people of European descent no matter where they are born or live). GAHTI has told us to go forth and make more like ourselves and He gave us white skin to make it easier to tell who is like us and who isn't. Without white skin we are simply not us no matter how many other similarities we may have with some other humans. This is partly so because of the five human senses (Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste, Touch) sight is the king. We humans mostly experience the world through our sight and much less through our other senses. In other words, the major races are color coded for a purpose: To help us see at a safe distance who is most like us and who is least like us and to avoid all who are not like us and never mix or mate with them and it also tells us who we should mate with and who we shouldn't mate with. We mainly know who it is right for Whites to mix and mate with by in the first instance seeing who is White. But, of course not all who are white (color) are truly White (race or really species) for there are some humans who have white or whitish skin but who are not like us. We can often tell who they are by other physical features, such as head shapes, nose size and shape and so forth. So, to be clear, following skin color are facial and body features hair colors and textures, eye colors and eye shapes, head shapes, nose and lip shapes and sizes and so on. The perfect Aryan will have the most Aryan features and a guide to what this means would be to look at photos of what the National Socialists in Germany not so long ago thought were important features. TWO WHITE SPECIES We can say that in a general sense that there are two white species; White Aryans and white Jews. A capital "W" on the word "White" when referring to a human means one is an Aryan which is a non-Jewish white skin person of European descent no matter where that person was born or lives. A lower case "w"on the word "white" when referring to a human just means one has white or whitish skin and does not mean Aryan. We are at the point of scientific and genetic knowledge where we can usually tell who is a White Aryan and who is a white Jew by DNA tests but as a practical matter many of both groups can visually pass as members of the other group. There are White Aryans who can pass as white Jews and there are white Jews who can pass as White Aryans. This does not mean we are same for we are not the same even if some of us look the same. Animal mimicry? Not quite but similar. The Eternal Gene Wars between White Aryans and white Jews are often instinctual and not often recognized by most people and especially not by many White Aryans who have been lulled to sleep and who have had their minds clouded. It does seem to many awakened White Aryans that many white Jews are trying to eradicate White Aryans by promoting in one way or another White Aryans mating with non-Whites and especially Blacks so that the resulting children will then no longer be White Aryans as their genomes will be half from the non-White parent. This is especially apparent today in Ireland, England, France and Germany. To learn more about species, DNA, race, genes, genome and evolution as they relate to humans one can study the National Socialists under Hitler who spent a lot of time studying these differences. Their knowledge of genes, DNA and so forth was less advanced back then but they were well versed in the type of knowledge that was known for centuries about breeding various lower animals such as horses, cattle, chickens and various plants. The basic principles are much the same for humans. In race horses, for example, breeders will pay huge sums of money to have race winning horses breed with horses that they own in the hopes of bringing forth more winning race horses. We Whites must also try to select the best mates to produce our children. That is how we improve the whole White species. And this is what GAHTI wants. And what He wants must always be the most important things of our religious beliefs if for no other reason than that He is God. Period. If we do evil and mate with non-Whites we commit a very serious sin against GAHTI and our own White kind. In doing so, we do not evolve our genome but devolve it. We must understand that White Aryans are the latest evolution of the human type, but we must also understand that not all who look like White Aryans are really White Aryans as we explained a littler earlier. One thing to help us decide who is best to mate with is to look at their parents for indications of health, strength, intelligence and Aryan features. However, we must not be too picky. No one is perfect and we must mate and produce White children so we must not delay and we must just do it even if we can't find a mate that we might consider perfect in all regards. 3 BILLION COMBOS Humans have 3 billion combinations of the four chemicals of DNA (A,T,C,G) in our DNA Codes. Just 1 % difference between humans means there are 30 million differences in our DNA codes. Humans also have 20,000 to 25,000 genes. One percent difference in genes would mean 200 to 250 differences in genes. Genes are not actually things, they are really sections along our DNA that code for various features that make us who and what we are. Just a difference in a single letter of DNA in a gene can make a huge difference in the resulting human born with that difference. These differences are huge! SALTATION Saltation is a huge jump in evolution in which an organism becomes a new species without lots of intermediate steps. God-As-He-Truly-Is caused Whites to come into existence via saltation when he entered the human DNA Code and made some changes so that overnight we became a new species of human. The fictionalized tale of this is the story of Adam and Eve (really plural Adams and Eves) and the Garden of Eden. It is also the fictionalized tale of how we fell from grace when some of the Adams and Eves broke God's law to remain separate and mated with the already existing non-White humans and thus became infected genetically with some of their DNA material. We must remove the genetic infection and that is why GAHTI has come in this age to help us do that so we get back on the right track to evolve ever purer and ever higher. However, GAHTI has given us free will and He will mostly only tell us how we should live and what we should do to remove the infection. He won't enter us in any major way to remove the infection because if he has to do that this would defeat His purpose of having us evolve all on our own. WHITE WEAKNESS--TOXIC EMPATHY Whites, like no other kinds, seem to be full of toxic empathy that has them always try to help any non-Whites (but not their fellow Whites) survive and thrive. These Great White Mothers and Great White Fathers with Lord Jim Complexes are helping with the genocide of Whites by interfering with God's will or nature's design by helping non-Whites survive all sorts of disasters such as storms, floods, lack of food or lack of White man's medicines and on and on. The result: These non-Whites live to have ever more non-White children so their problems which often stem from overpopulation of their kind continue and increase to the point where these GWM's & GWF's import them to White lands so they can better take care of them and then in the White lands Whites are encouraged and tricked into mating with these non-Whites and instead of having White children they have non-White children. This is the genocide of Whites. These mentally deranged GWM's & GWF's should be exposed for what they are and what they are doing: Causing the extinction of Whites. All Whites need to start looking at the long term results of what they are doing now and what its long term results will be. All Whites need to ask of everything: Is this good for White people now and into the future? Then act for what is good for White people only. Let all non-Whites fare for themselves in their own ways, in their own lands and stop butting in with your subconscious belief in your superiority disguised as empathy. Your toxic empathy is contributing to Whites being blended away into the 93% of humans who are not White. # # # |
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