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Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2024

"Additional essays via H. Millard"

        (posted 9 June 2024)


      Trump cites Biden’s 'disturbing grin' in effort to terminate limited gag order in hush money case "On May 31, following carefully scripted remarks about the verdict at a press conference, President Biden offered a disturbing grin to the gathered media cameras when asked whether President Trump is his 'political prisoner,'" the filing said.


in court as she’s charged with butchering 3-year-old boy outside Ohio supermarket
🔥Hell Fire BLACK SUSPECT 🔥Hell Fire victim name This is the sickening moment a woman accused of butchering 3-year-old Julian Wood in an Ohio grocery store parking lot smirked, smiled and giggled her way through a court appearance as the horrifying charges were read against her.

Bionca Ellis, 32, displayed the disgusting behavior a week after she allegedly stabbed the child to death and also wounded his 38-year-old mother, Margot Wood, outside a Giant Eagle in North Olmsted, near Cleveland.

Authorities have said the attack was a “random act of violence.”

Ellis is facing 10 criminal counts, including two counts of murder and two counts of attempted murder. The judge indicated Monday she could potentially face the death penalty if she is convicted.

While appearing in court with her hands cuffed behind her back, Ellis appeared to fight back a smirk before she smiled several times as the charges were being read, footage from WEWS shows.

Ellis also whispered while answering questions in court and hung her head while she was initially being arraigned over video conference.

Ellis then giggled and replied “Si” when Judge Nancy Russo asked her if she was going to plead not guilty to the charges against her, News 5 Cleveland reported. She eventually said “Yes “when the frustrated judge pressed her.

Speaking in court before Russo determined bail, little Julian’s father said Ellis “took everything from us.”

“There’s nothing that could ever replace my son,” Jared Wood said, according to video from WEWS.

Just do whatever you can to keep this monster behind bars.”

The judge ultimately set bail at $5 million — the maximum — with Ellis held in custody.

Ellis was arrested after Julian and Margot Wood were stabbed shortly after 3 p.m., North Olmsted police said. Officers saw her holding a knife when she was taken into custody, police said, according to WEWS.

“While Margot was opening the trunk of her car to put groceries away the woman viciously attacked and stabbed both Margot and Julian,” loved ones wrote on a GoFundMe page.

They also said the victims and suspect did not know each other.

Julian was remembered as a “sweet little boy” who was obsessed with his new baby sister and always wanted to wrestle with his older brother.

“Our family is overwhelmed with sadness … and overwhelmed with the loving support the community has already provided us,” the fundraiser stated.

“This will be an incredibly long journey to recovery, but truthfully we will never recover — but we will continue to share stories about our beautiful baby boy.”

Julian's father Jared


[Editor note]
This little boy had a mother - can not express how this affected her.
Deepest sympathies - but only Christ may heal.


    (Former Ohio State defensive black Marcus Williamson indicted in string of bank robberies
suspect Former Ohio State defensive black Marcus Williamson indicted in string of bank robberies
A former Ohio State University football defensive back was hit with a 23-count indictment Thursday charging him with pulling off nine bank robberies, prosecutors said.

Marcus Williamson, 25, who suited up for the Buckeyes from 2017 through 2021, was charged by a Franklin County grand jury with carrying out the string of heists between March 7 and April 24, according to a report by the Columbus Dispatch on Thursday.

Williamson was picked off by cops after the last alleged heist at First Merchants Bank in North Columbus.

    BEWARE of flashing lights being emitted from electronic devices - they are being generated in order to attract the attention of your primitive 'ape-brain stem' and thereby implant subliminal 'suggestions' (directives) to:

1. vote for Biden
2. make an error in the IRS favor when you do your taxes
3. don't worry - be HAPPY! - isn't it great that we live in a prosperous democratic democracy still leading the world in cutting edge technology - spreading our good fortune to the entire world - and trusting our leaders to protect us and lead us to ever-greener pastures

- Praise Mother Earth!
we will erode our Carbon Footprints and Nature will reward us with abundant plant-based Big Macs - growing on our fertile plains - Yes we are Blessed to live in America - (remember to vote, etc.)

    I'M DONE - Mar Mari Emmanuel
Mar Mari Emmanuel - priest

    "You won't live in Heaven forever"

    Here's how Putin will respond to a NATO attack | Redacted w Natali and Clayton Morris

    AMERICA'S WARS MADE INVISIBLE: The True Cost of The War Machine & Forever Wars | Norman Solomon

    How can you tell the difference between comunism, socialism, capitalism and facism?

Ask Prof Wolff: Capitalism & Fascism
black suspect A Patron (named 'Wookie Rage') of Economic Update asks: "On the subject of Fascism, Benito Mussolini said 'Fascism should
more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.'
Given the nature of the relationship between the US government, particularly the (both Democrats and Republicans, Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton etc.)
POTUS/Administration and Congress, with lobbyists and corporations, is it fair to say that the USA is fascist and has been for a long time?"

This is Professor Richard Wolff's video response.

[PS. Editor: Isn't that how the "MILITRAY-INDUSTRIAL-COMPLEX fits into this????]"

    Russian forces are STUNNED by what they just found in Ukraine!!? | Redacted with Clayton Morris

    Oh SH*T! Putin can't BELIEVE it, Ukraine STOLE THE MONEY and didn't build DEFENSES | REDACTED live

    "Ukrainians are GOD's chosen people" Zelensky says Putin is EVIL | Redacted w Natali & Clayton

    The END of the US dollar is happening FASTER than we thought possible | Morris Invest

    (BANK FAILURES: $517 Billion in Unrealized Losses, $9.3 Billion in Bad Loans Will Spark a Crisis

    END THE FED: US Congressman Exposes the Fed and Introduces a Bill to Abolish It

China SELLS RECORD $53.5B in US Debt, Geopolitical Risks & Fear of Sanctions Shift Global Economies

    (So Long (It's Been Good To Know You)

black suspect

    Did a Demon Appear at Biden's Speech?
[Satan getting impatient anticipating nuclear distruction of 'Mother Earth'
Australian army to allow recruits from foreign nations

"They will do stuff that no drugged up or obese American will not do"
"They will feel no hesitancy in mowing down crowds of unarmed innocents Americans protesting the takover of America
by the Biden criminal traitorous corrupt crime family installed by the military-industrial-dictatorshop."

    Biden secretly gave Ukraine “permission” to strike inside Russia with US long-range killer missiles...

Biden lets Ukraine strike inside Russia with U.S. weapons

Biden starts WWIII by giving deadly long range missiles to Ukraine dictator to kill unarmed Russian kids

Biden starts WWIII by giving deadly long range missiles
to (ex soap-opera jewish commedian) Ukraine dictator to kill unarmed Russian kids

Did God say that America will collapse in 2025 - Message Pastor Charles Lawson
[Editor warning: only accept prophesy unambiguously found in the King James Bible]
(and no 'date-setting' for rapture, etc. - but pastor Lawson does NOT do that)

    Who's running this planet? - the Masons, Space Aliens, Biden's handlers....?

Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name
But what's puzzlin' you is the nature of my game
black suspect

Bible Q&A: Who Really Has the Authority on Earth?

In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

Satan as the Ruler of this World

The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth by Anton Szandor LaVey

What the Bible says about Satan as ruler of this world

How Much Authority Does Satan Have in the World?

Why does God allow Satan to rule on Earth?

Yesterday's 'news' - 01 June 2024
ARCHIVE for New Nation News Frontpage for 31 June 2024 -->

    If the U.S. Dollar is 'deflating' due to inflation due to drunken sailor spending by poleticians
spending other people's income tax - SQUANDERING the blood of Citizens to pad thier corrupt pockets
- taking the lead of Big Boss Biden and his CRIME FAMILY
is there any money market fund that is any safer than others from catastrophic collapse?

black suspect

Are Money Market Accounts and Money Market Funds Safe? MMAs and MMFs are more safe than most investment vehicles, but they still carry risk

Are Money Market Funds a Safe Place To Stash My Savings? People are also wondering whether money market funds are safe. That’s what a listener of the Clark Howard Podcast recently asked.

Traditionally very safe, money market funds may no longer be as reliable Billions of dollars have flowed from traditional banks to money market funds in search of higher returns. These funds are supposed to be safe. But lately, things have been looking a little shaky.

The S&P 500 could plunge as much as 70% this cycle as markets hit a 'motherlode' of FOMO extremes, famed fund manager says All-time highs in the stock market give the impression of a runaway rally, but it's a bull run that will eventually come crashing down, John Hussman said in a new note.

    SORRY, Loyal New Nation News followers or occasional Browsers...
(POSTED last Wednesday 29 May)
[This website has been not updated since last Saturday May 25th]

[only a few days but I had promised a contributor that I would post by Sunday night]
I do like to post something new and of I hope some interest daily

There was a mysterious total breakdown of my desktop computer (the artificial 'womb' of this 'New Nation News' website that I have been intravenously feeding for about 25 years ["No Joke" - frequent interjection by our 'Beloved President "Babylon Biden" '])

Well, enough of this technical 'shoptalk' - pehaps will detail later, anyway
'back in non-profit business' :)

    The U.S. Government paid for the creation of the DEADLY COVID VIRUS in CHINA
The U.S. Government demanded that everyone be injected with this DEADLY POISON.

"Cong.-man Jordan reports what they've un-covered on Fauci and the covid disease-scam fm China"
Posted by Apollonian

There are latin phases for the murder of one's brother, father, mother, children
what is the latin phrase for murder of one's countrymen?
"Americacide"? - Biden and those that control him - GUILTY of AMERICA-CIDE!
"genocidia Americae"

    President of the U.S. George W. Bush LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE
personally declaring an illegal war on IRAQ - killing thousands of people



Did not God kill more jews than Hitler?

Israeli flag
[Man with 'jewish name' says] ISRAEL, YOU ARE CREATING ANTISEMITISM
by Eric Margolis

New York – What exactly is Israel’s strategy in Gaza? Behind all the clamor about antisemitism, films about the 1940’s Jewish Holocaust and western politicians chanting about Israel’s ‘right to defend itself’ lie some ugly facts that are not spoken of in polite society.

I know antisemitism when I see it. While still a boy, I was sent to a rustic summer camp in New Hampshire. At dinner, many of the campers would chant ‘all you guys with long, long noses, come and join the fight for Moses!’

A close Jewish friend of my fathers bought a resort hotel on New Hampshire’s Rangeley – only to be informed that it refused to rent to Jews. That was the virulent antisemitism of the 1950’s.
[more at link above...] Posted by Apollonian

Bible   The Body of Christ will NOT go into the Tribulation - Dr. Dave Reese

    WHITE female kept unwashed clothes she wore when nigro Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs allegedly drugged, sexually assaulted her in 2003: lawsuit
black suspect The latest woman to come forward with disturbing sexual assault allegations against music mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs claims she kept her unwashed clothing from the night he allegedly assaulted her wrapped in a plastic bag for more than two decades.

Crystal McKinney, a former model and TV star from Georgia, alleges that she was drugged and sexually assaulted by Combs in 2003, according to the suit, filed in the Southern District of New York.

McKinney, who first rose to prominence after winning MTV’s inaugural “Model Mission” beauty pageant show in 1998 when she was 17, was an up-and-coming model when she was invited to attend a Men’s Fashion Week event in New York in 2003.

The then-22-year-old was told by a person referred to only as “the Designer” in the filing that Combs could help “advance her modeling career” and arranged for a meeting.

The designer made sure McKinney got her roots touched up to look “platinum blonde,” arranged for her to get hair extensions and decked her out in a revealing outfit so she’d look attractive to the rapper, according to the lawsuit.

McKinney was dressed in “a black leather coat with a fur hood, a translucent chiffon beige v-cut shirt, fur-lined handbag, and jewel-encrusted jeans,” the suit said.

“Due to the traumatic events to occur later, Plaintiff saved the unwashed clothing from that night in her closet where they remain in a plastic wrap,” the filing states.

McKinney was taken to see the rapper at Cipriani Downtown where Combs, the designer and others were eating and drinking.

“Once seated, Combs made a very public display of coming on to Plaintiff in a sexually suggestive manner which continued throughout the dinner,” the suit claims.

He told her she was “beautiful” and even whispered to her at one point that she “was going to make it big” as a model, according to the filing.

Combs explained that he had significant pull in the fashion world and the two exchanged numbers.

Throughout the dinner, Combs was “flirtatious, bordering on leering” with McKinney and continually refilled her glass of wine. When the meal ended, Combs said he wanted to get to know her better and told her to call him later.

They met up later that night at his studio on West 44th Street in Midtown, where she found Combs and other men drinking and smoking weed. When offered the liquor and pot, she accepted — but after she said she didn’t want any more, Combs pressured McKinney to keep drinking and smoking.

Noticing her heavily intoxicated state, in which she said she felt like she was “floating,” McKinney alleges he pulled her into a back room and began to forcibly kiss her, according to the suit.

The mogul then forced her to perform oral sex on him despite her protests.

“As she was being assaulted, Plaintiff felt panicked and physically sick,” her lawyers said.

Combs led her back to the studio, where she lost consciousness. She later came to inside a taxi heading back to the designer’s apartment and realized she had been sexually abused.

McKinney, who attempted suicide in 2004 when her modeling career “began to dwindle and evaporated entirely” after she believes Combs “blackballed” her, has demanded a trial by jury.

Since November, Combs has been slapped with several other lawsuits accusing him of rape, sexual misconduct and other crimes, including a suit filed by his ex-girlfriend Cassie Ventura.
Posted by The Bobster

    BIDEN: "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN"! - You lyin' dog-faced pony solder!

    Tucker is FURIOUS! FIRES back at Russia TV Rumors, War IS coming to America | Redacted News Live

    [NEGROID 'african-american'] Creep with rap sheet sought for repeatedly raping girl, 12, in NYC: cops
black suspect A creep with a rap sheet is wanted for repeatedly raping a 12-year-old girl inside a Bronx building late last year, cops and sources said Wednesday.

Thomas Barnaby, 30, is suspected of raping the pre-teen inside a residential building at East 165th Street and River Avenue in the Concourse neighborhood between Dec. 19 and Dec. 23, 2023, authorities said.

The sick crimes were reported on Dec. 30, cops said.

His exact relationship to the the young victim is unclear.
Posted by The Bobster

    Oh SH*T! This is why they're INVADING America, it all makes sense now | Redacted w Clayton Morris
ß What this DHS guy said TERRIFIED me to the core - Redacted with Clayton Morris
Alex Jones on Chinese Invasion of USA

    Americans are DYING and this is a DISASTER unfolding before our eyes

    Does Joe Biden have Dementia? | What is Dementia?
Does acting president Biden have dementia, Alzheimer's or just decomposition of the brain
or is he just an evil 'genius' that is faking it?

    The Adventures of Captain John Birch
John Birch

John Birch Society

    Over a dozen victims ambushed by NYC teen robbery crew at Bronx park in months-long spree: cops
Posted by The Bobster

Teen accused of firing 26 shots from AR-15 at car is released on bail by ‘woke’ judge​
Posted by The Bobster

NYC high school administrator busted for inappropriate contact with 17-year-old girl: sources​
Posted by The Bobster

Former Bethlehem, Pennsylvania school police officer charged with sexually assaulting student​
Posted by The Bobster

Man, 34, stabbed at Lower East Side subway station​
Posted by The Bobster

Suspect arrested; 2 others wanted in connection with robbery, assault of off-duty Philadelphia officer, police say​
Posted by The Bobster

    You can have a peaceful orderly society
or you can have blacks, you cannot have both.

Posted by Arheel's Uncle
Chlamydia has most likely infected this black thing's brain through the bloodstream. Probably from putting nasty hand to mouth, and smeared everywhere else. American 'medical' won't tell you that because they're dumbasses. 4 out of 5 black women and girls have CHLAMYDIA left untreated.
Posted by Arheel's Uncle
NIGGER WAR MUSIC is what all RAP MUSIC really is.
It ought to be banned from the airwaves forever.

Posted by Arheel's Uncle
1,402 farm attacks and farm murder incidents ​ More than 95% of all farm attacks and murder incidents still unsolved​
Posted by Arheel's Uncle
BLACKS: Police charge McKees Rocks teen in Stowe killing of man at his home
Posted by Arheel's Uncle
Police charge McKees Rocks teen in Stowe killing
black suspect Police have arrested a McKees Rocks teen who they say fatally shot a Stowe man on Thanksgiving eve.

Cy-Miar Amari Woods, 16, was charged as an adult Thursday in the Nov. 22 death of Michael Dean.

Dean, 26, was killed at his house in the 800 block of Benwood Avenue, according to a criminal complaint in the case.

Woods is the second person arrested in the case. Arrmon Hagans, a 43-year-old ex-con from Wilkinsburg, was arrested in December in connection with the shooting.

Allegheny County Police arrested Woods this week on multiple charges, including criminal homicide, attempted burglary and firearms offenses.

Police said that Hagans, who drove a jitney, told them that he was bar-hopping on Nov. 22 in a gray Dodge Charger before picking up Woods and another young man near Sto-Rox High School for a ride, the complaint said.

Hagans told police he wanted to buy marijuana so he drove to the home of an alleged drug dealer in Stowe, according to the complaint. Posted by Arheel's Uncle

    ABC’s Stephanopoulos Declares ‘The Deep State Is Packed with Patriots’​
Posted by Apollonian

(London Climate Professor: Only Way To Stop Climate Change Is ‘Culling Of Human Population By Pandemic With Very High Fatality Rate’​
Posted by Apollonian

Kamala Harris: Supreme Court Is a Threat to ‘Fundamental Freedoms’​
Posted by Apollonian

Dr. Peter McCullough Reveals How Much Doctors were Bribed to Push COVID Vaccines – And Leaked Insurance Documents Back Him Up (VIDEO)​
Posted by Apollonian

Top Doctor: Covid Shots Have ‘Highest Kill Rate in History’​
Posted by Apollonian

    WWIII Threat: Putin Ally Warns UK, United States Face Nuclear Response if NATO Intervenes in Ukraine
WWIII Russia has issued a stark warning to NATO, threatening to unleash a devastating nuclear response against both Britain and the United States if Western troops are deployed in Ukraine, according to a new report.

Dmitry Kiselyov, a prominent figure in Russian media and a close ally of President Vladimir Putin, delivered the ominous message.

Kiselyov, known for his role as a TV presenter and his leadership within Russia's media landscape, emphasized the dire consequences of NATO intervention in Ukraine.

He cautioned that any attempt by the West to achieve a strategic victory over Russia would trigger catastrophic retaliation, including the deployment of advanced nuclear weapons such as the Satan-2 missile, the Mirror reported.

While French President Emmanuel Macron has suggested that sending troops into Ukraine should not be dismissed, other NATO leaders have shown restraint.

Kiselyov's warning serves as a reminder of the high stakes involved in the conflict and the potential for escalation to a global catastrophe.

The Satan-2 missile, also known as Sarmat, represents a formidable nuclear arsenal in Russia's possession. With its unparalleled speed and destructive power, it poses a grave threat to enemy targets, according to Putin's claims.

Additionally, the Avangard hypersonic missile system, capable of striking at speeds 27 times the speed of sound, further enhances Russia's offensive capabilities.

Kiselyov's statements also highlighted the underwater drone Poseidon, which he suggested could be used to inundate Britain with a devastating tsunami carrying radioactive fallout. His remarks underscore the severity of the consequences that could result from any escalation of tensions between Russia and the West.

In addition to his role as a media figure, Kiselyov holds influential positions within Russia's state-controlled media apparatus, further emphasizing the alignment of his message with the Kremlin's agenda.

    President Biden orders ‘doomsday’ Airforce One plane
[and extra ice cream and Depends for Presidential Plane & Bunker]

Air Force One

APOCALYPSE in the news

Apocalypse now? Alarming number of signs of the biblical end times has almost got me stockpiling tinned goods – Kate Copstick

    "Ukrainians SURRENDERING like never before" & Putin hasn't even STARTED the full invasion | Redacted

    U.S. orders Chinese-backed crypto miner to sell land near nuclear missile base
President Joe Biden issued an order on Monday forcing a Chinese-backed cryptocurrency mining company to sell land near a Wyoming nuclear missile base, citing national security concerns.

The company, MineOne, acquired the real estate in June 2022, placing its operations within a mile of Francis E. Warren Air Force Base, a “strategic missile base and key element of America’s nuclear triad,” according to the White House.

The company’s site contained “specialized and foreign-sourced equipment potentially capable of facilitating surveillance and espionage activities,” the presidential order said.

Biden said there was “credible evidence” to believe that the company, a British Virgin Islands firm that is majority-owned by Chinese nationals, “might take action that threatens to impair the national security of the United States.”

MineOne was ordered to divest from the land in the next 120 days, and to remove certain improvements and equipment at the property. The company did not immediately respond to CNBC’s request for comment.

The move from the Biden administration comes against the backdrop of a wider crackdown on Chinese companies in the U.S. ahead of the upcoming presidential elections, and amid tensions between the world’s two largest economies.

    Biden administration announces new tariffs on Chinese EVs, semiconductors, solar cells and more
President Biden announced new tariffs Tuesday on Chinese EVs, semiconductors, batteries, solar cells, steel and aluminum. The tariffs on EVs will rise to 100%, quadrupling the current tariff of 25%.

Mr. Biden is directing the tariff on solar cell imports from China to double to 50%. Tariff rates on certain steel and aluminum products will more than triple to 25%, up from 7.5% or less. The Biden administration is also doubling tariffs on Chinese semiconductors from 25% to 50% and increasing tariffs on Chinese medical supplies, batteries, critical minerals and ship-to-shore cranes.

These steps together will raise tariffs on $18 billion in imports from China, the White House says, as the administration keeps in place Trump-era tariffs on China under Section 301.

"Cheap Chinese EVs that negatively impact U.S. businesses or workers do not further the cause of EVs in this country," a senior administration official said on a call with reporters Monday.

  Killers in Mexico 'can look like anyone' as cartels use women, kids as assassins, PI warns
With the high-profile murders of three surfers in Mexico grabbing headlines ahead of the busy American summer travel season, a private investigator is warning that killers in the country may not be who you expect.

Cartels are increasingly using women and children to carry out violent acts, Jay Armes III, who specializes in kidnappings in Mexico and works cases all over the world, told Fox News Digital.

Images and videos of cartel members in tactical gear with intimidating military-grade weapons are meant to instill fear, but "the scariest part" of violence in Mexico "is the bad guys don't look like bad guys," Armes said.

"When you capture these people and line them up, and you look at their faces, they look like your gardener, the waitress who served you dinner at a restaurant, the little old grandmother down the street," he said.

Young kids are kidnapped and groomed to be killers, according to Armes, who rattled off names of several infamous Mexican female assassins, like Claudia Ochoa Felix, known as the Kim Kardashian of Mexican cartels.

    Crooked shyster, Cohen, ex-employee of orange-man took stand today to testify about Trump's supposed "crime."
Posted by Apollonian

Ashley Biden Confirms Diary Is Real in Letter to Judge​
Posted by Apollonian

Biggest Study Yet of 99 Million Covid-Vaxxed Individuals Confirms Serious Side Effects — Doctor Says It’s Worse​
Posted by Apollonian

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau’s Brother Exposes Him As Globalist Shill​
Posted by Apollonian

Georgia Election Officials Admit To 2020 Fraud​ The State Election Board admits that Fulton County violated election law​
Posted by Apollonian

Just going-over the events of 2020 election merely emphasizes the corruption of EVERYONE, judges, lawyers, mass-media (owned by globalist-satanists)--everyone. So fools don't grasp the extent of the corruption and take-over by satanists-globalists, morons

Posted by Apollonian

    BLACK: Cincinnati Man accused of armed robbing three gas stations over the course of five days in February is facing Federal charges.
black suspect Posted by Arheel's Uncle

BLACK: Cincinnati mother could get prison time aft toddler shoots himself w boyfriends stolen gun she hid for him, kid found gun while mom took a nap
black suspect Posted by Arheel's Uncle

BLACK: Athens Man Arrested & Charged with WHITE Murder in Tara Louise Baker Cold Case; rape, aggravated sodomy, after, he set her apartment on fire
black suspect Decatur, GA (May 13, 2024) – GBI Director Chris Hosey was joined by Athens-Clarke County Police Department Chief Jerry Saulters, FBI-Atlanta SAC Keri Farley, Western Judicial Circuit DA Deborah Gonzalez, State Representative Houston Gaines, and the Baker Family at GBI Headquarters to provide updates in Tara Baker’s murder investigation.

In September of 2023, special Agents of the GBI Cold Case Unit partnered with Athens-Clarke County investigators to conduct a tireless in-depth review of the ongoing investigation into Tara’s death. In Tara’s case, it was biological evidence and DNA science combined with collaborative investigative work with our law enforcement partners that brought us this result.

“January 19, 2001, was a day that devastated a family, the UGA campus, and the community of Athens/Clarke County, with effects felt throughout the state,” said GBI Director Chris Hosey. “For over two decades, investigators have worked tirelessly to find answers for the family and friends of Tara Louise Baker and bring some amount of closure and healing to this horrific incident. With an arrest in this investigation last week, it is my prayer this process has begun. The recent events in the Tara Baker investigation also sends a strong message that justice has no expiration and law enforcement in Georgia will never stop seeking answers to these tragic events.

Members of Tara’s family also shared remarks, “Last year we watched the Governor sign the Coleman-Baker Act. This bill was not for us, it was for Tara’s legacy. Tara was a friend, classmate, sister, and beloved daughter. We are grateful for this day. To all the families still out there waiting, do not give up, there is hope for answers.” Posted by Arheel's Uncle

Are the Africans still opening up the Transformer cans and using the toxic oil to fry their 'foods' in? YES the dumbasses still are.
Posted by Arheel's Uncle

If readers followed earlier posts re the drought in 'coastal' states and in the Western 1/3 of the USA,
Coastal California and coastal Mexico extends down from those states, it has the same issues of less to no rain, excess use of water by their WSAC systems, using both surface waters and geothermal to generate clouds from land. Those WSAC generated clouds rarely if ever benefit their area, because their generated clouds are blown East where the rain then falls.
IT IS NOT 'CLIMATE CHANGE' and these 'experts' are either lying or are ignorant of the WSAC systems worldwide.

Posted by Arheel's Uncle

Here’s who’s buying panic rooms and bullet-proof doors amid crime fears in NYC — and it’s not who you’d think​
Posted by The Bobster

Teen killed, another seriously hurt after shooting outside Concord Mall in Wilmington​
Posted by The Bobster

Suspect arrested for assaulting off-duty Philadelphia officer, stealing gun, police say​
Posted by The Bobster

NYC man opens fire in subway station, faces attempted murder charge​
Posted by The Bobster

    United States DEBT CLOCK

Visit USADebtClock.com to learn more!

    Current [alleged] US Inflation Rates: 2000-2024 - US Inflation Calculator
The annual inflation rate for the United States was 3.5% for the 12 months ending March, compared to the previous rate of 3.2%, according to U.S. Labor Department data published on April 10, 2024. The next inflation update is scheduled for release on May 15 at 8:30 a.m. ET, providing information on the inflation rate for the 12 months ending April 2024.

[at link above] is a chart and table displaying annual US inflation rates for calendar years from 2000 and 2014 through 2024. For inflation rates in prior years, please refer to historical inflation rates. If you would like to calculate the accumulated rates between two different dates, you can use the US Inflation Calculator.

P.S. - what is the REAL inflation rate?
- not the Biden & Company Crime Family Public Propaganda Inflation rate...

Why the Official US Inflation Rate is a LIE

Why The Official Inflation Rate is a LIE, Here’s YOUR REAL RATE…

Did The U.S. Government Just Manipulate The Inflation Rate?

CPI Inflation Report a Disaster: Inflation Re-Accelerates

They Are Lying To You About US Inflation

You Are Being Lied to About Inflation | Robert Reich

US Inflation Is A Scam

Inflation is Taking Down the U.S. Economy as Many Prepare for Another Great Depression Thumbs Up!

True inflation is 2-3 times higher than CPI, government is 'gaslighting' us - Michael Wilkerson

Is Hyper-Inflation Around The Corner? | Michael Burry Explains

    Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund - Fidelity Investments

YTD Returns
7-Day Yield as of 05/10/2024 is +3.1%


Hmmmm.... so if the [ALLEGED] Big Brother BIDEN INFLATION RATE is really only 3.5%
Well, even though that is most obviously an OUTRIGHT LIE to 'calm the sheep'
certainly do not want to have any "bank runs" or little Monopoly Mustached capitalists wearing black top hats jumping out of high wall-street office buildings...
might endanger a homeless encampment on the sidewalk below [:)]

Mr Monopoly well, as I was conjecturing... let's go along with the 'deflated' inflation rate
then your projected yearly loss on your emergency and retirement savings
would only be -0.4%
which would not be too bad, unless

1. your bank goes bankrupt
2. your investment firm goes bankrupt
3. the U.S. government goes bankrupt...
4. the powers that be in charge trigger a nuclear holocaust
5. the "END OF THE WORLD" scenario described in the bible
proceeds a prophesied (images)

    Virginia school board votes to restore Confederate school names; members explain why
A county school board in Virginia decided this week to restore the original Confederate names of two schools previously deemed offensive.

Following the death of George Floyd * in 2020, the Shenandoah County School Board voted to change the names of two schools in their jurisdiction named after Confederate generals.

Stonewall Jackson High School, named after Gen. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, became Mountain View High School. Ashby Lee Elementary School, named after Gens. Turner Ashby and Robert E. Lee, became Honey Run Elementary School.

On Thursday, the school board held a public hearing to consider a proposal restoring the original names of the two schools. Ultimately, the board voted to restore the original names derived from Confederate generals.

Bible      “Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set.”


Worthless negro career criminal and drug addict George Floyd had ‘violent criminal history’: Minneapolis police union chief
black suspect white martyr
George Floyd * had landed five years behind bars in 2009 for an assault and robbery two years earlier, and before that, had been convicted of charges ranging from theft with a firearm to drugs, the Daily Mail reported.

pretty much peaceful except for the unwarented EXECUTION of an UNARMED WHITE WOMAN, ASHLI BABBITT by a BLACK capitol 'police officer' that was never repremanded, let alone executed for UNWARENTED murder.

    Ukraine: Ghouls at the crash site - scavengers REMOVE bodies and LOOT from MH17 flight victims
Disturbing reports have emerged of [alledegly] "pro-Russian rebels" rifling through the wreckage to steal from the 298 victims who were believed to have been killed by separatists who shot down the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777.

Meanwhile drunk guards have reportedly fired guns in the air when international investigators move out of the strict search parameters put in place.

Cameraman Demjen Doroschenko saw soldiers carrying AK47s searching passengers' luggage.

He told The Sun: "They were rifling belongings with torches 50 yards away. Once they had gone I went over to the body where they had been and found wallets left open, purses empty and papers all over the ground. It's awful."

Posted by Apollonian

The death toll in Ukraine

US-created puppet-proxy Ukraine-regime kidnaps men off street to fill ranks of decimated army

"Ukrainians, Israelis harvesting organs fm trafficked children in Ukraine, suckers"

    Teacher had baby with underage student — while on bail for sex with different boy, jurors told​
Posted by The Bobster

Suspects in dramatic carjacking of NYC man on first date seen in new photos​
Posted by The Bobster

(Long Island pastor charged with sexually abusing teen in church basement​
black suspect A pervy pastor was busted for sexually abusing a teen in a church on Long Island, authorities said Thursday.

Preacher Clinton Bucknor, 71, allegedly molested a 15-year-old girl in the basement of the Huntington Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Huntington Station in March, according to the Suffolk County Police Department.

Bucknor, of Huntington, is also accused of sending an inappropriate text message and photo to the alleged victim.
Posted by The Bobster

Horrifying video shows masked fiend choke woman with belt on NYC street, drag body between cars to rape her​
Posted by The Bobster

(MEXICAN: Nampa Police arrest Gustavo Sanchez Jr for accessory to murder and destruction of evidence
black suspect An 18-year-old Nampa man is behind bars in connection to a February 2024 murder. The Nampa Police Department reports that 18-year-old Gustavo Sanchez Jr. was arrested on May 8, 2024 on charges of accessory to first-degree murder and destruction of evidence.
Posted by Arheel's Uncle

Bryson Jacoby Walton
Posted by Arheel's Uncle

AFRICAN OUTPOST - Houston, TX restaurant releases statement after [BLACK] employee accused of putting genitals in food arrested for child pornography
black suspect Posted by Arheel's Uncle

If Trump really wanted to be mean he could talk about the criminals coming across our border the same way that Biden spent the 90's talking about a certain group of Americans.
Posted by Arheel's Uncle

Two 15-year-old boys stabbed outside McDonald’s as more youth violence erupts in NYC​
Posted by The Bobster

Attorney shot dead after Houston McDonald's order row explodes into savage violence​
Posted by Arheel's Uncle

Crash kills woman, baby; Milwaukee man found guilty at trial​
black suspect MILWAUKEE - A Milwaukee man was found guilty at trial on Wednesday in a crash that killed a woman and her baby.

The January crash just west of 76th and Brown Deer killed Monique Stewart and her baby. A jury convicted Akol Riak, 19, of six felonies in the case.

Court records show Riak is scheduled to be sentenced in July. Posted by Arheel's Uncle

Latest commentary on the Trump legal persecution
Posted by Apollonian

Re-Forging America [by Lothrop Stoddard]
Posted by Arheel's Uncle

He has 'transitioned' on Wednesday, August 10, 2022 to the eternal plantation.
Posted by Arheel's Uncle

    “Scarf Lady” Dr. Deborah Birx Now Says Thousands of Americans Could Be Vaccine Injured by the COVID Shot (VIDEO)​
Posted by Apollonian

Top Professor Testifies: Covid Pandemic Was a Hoax​
Posted by Apollonian

Biden Sexual Assault Victim Tara Reade Tells Tucker Carlson She is in Danger of Being Indicted by DOJ for Speaking Out Against Joe Biden (VIDEO)​
Posted by Apollonian

Simple, brief expo on gold-standard, suckers--for gold has REAL value, morons, recognized by all races, cultures, peoples, all throughout history, even though morons just refuse to grasp

Posted by Apollonian

NIGHTMARE BOMBSHELL: Bill Gates Confesses to Illegally Testing Nanobots on Humanity Via mRNA Injections​
Posted by Apollonian

Moderna Stops New mRNA Vaxx Trials after High Rate of Side Effects​
Posted by Apollonian

Covid Vaccine in the Pregnant Causes Brain Damage in the Offspring — Study​
Posted by Apollonian

The Fed Is Already Political​
Posted by Apollonian

OBGYN Doctor Calls On Attorneys to Sue Institutions That Forced ‘Dangerous’ Covid Shots on Babies & Pregnant Women​ Posted by Apollonian

Biden Goes Off-Script and Admits Real Reason Why He’s Allowing Illegals to Invade US During Interview with Spanish-Language Radio Station (AUDIO)​
Posted by Apollonian

U TOTAL brainless idiots doubt satanism RULES Jew S A?--Israel-first TRAITOR, Trump, says death-penalty appropriate for lack of Jew-worship, suckers

Trump says DEATH PENALTY a proper punishment for “antisemitism” in America​

Many people, including his supporters, missed it, but about five years ago Donald Trump spoke at a rally about how he believes the punis...​

To a crowd of cheering supporters, Trump appears to have been referring to a deadly shooting at a local kosher grocery store in New Jersey that he described as an "evil antisemitic attack" that he called "an assault on all of us" – or it could have been about the synagogue shooting that happened around the same time.

"It's an assault on humanity," Trump continued – watch the video below.

"It will require all of us working together to extract the hateful poison of antisemitism from our world. This was an antisemitic attack at its worst. The scourge of antisemitism cannot be ignored, cannot be tolerated, and it cannot be allowed to continue – we cannot allow it to continue."
Posted by Apollonian

  ARROGANT Illegal criminal alien invaders in Denver sent Mayor Mike Johnston list of their 13 demands as they refused to clear encampment, move into shelter
invasion invasion invasion invasion Migrants in Denver submitted on Monday a list of 13 demands that they say the city must obey before they leave their packed encampment and head into shelters.

The group refused to budge until their extensive list, which includes access to a free immigration lawyer and fresh cooking ingredients, is met as they battle with Denver Human Services, according to Fox 31.

The migrants, consisting of families living under a bridge and near train tracks, issued their demands after Mayor Mike Johnston petitioned to have the group moved.


[Recent NNN forum post]:

Foreign agent: “Judas” House Speaker Johnson received more than half a million dollars from pro-Israel PAC, FEC report reveals
Posted by Apollonian

[Who is U.S. Congressional Democratic Replublican House Speaker Johnson?]
The Voice of the hard-working loyal Patriotic, mostly Christian remnant of European immigrants that came to the New World
for Freedom from the degenerate warring kingdoms that emerged out of the remains of the Satanic Roman Empire????

Passing on the Dream of the Founders of the American Repulbic
to create a new peaceful prosperous New Worldl Garden of Eden and not another colony of the failed Tower of Biden Babel
black suspect

Mike Johnson, Self-Crowned ‘Most Conservative’ Speaker, Fights for Political Life, Democrats Rush to His Rescue

Besides our beloved elderly president - are 97% of all of our congressional representatives and senators (besides the thousands of dedicated appointees in the FDS (Federal Deep State) on the TAKE from FOREIGN INTERESTS and/or the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX)?

[just wondering]
...you know, those aluminum foil MAGA hat conspiracy theories about the alleged Kennedy assassination by the CIA, the 'Military Industrial Complex', the 'DEEP STATE, the SWAMP and "The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men - Gang aft agley,"
since the Tower of Babel the secret [dark] "Powers that Be" - have been scheming to "Save the Planet" or the Proletariat or [fill in the blank]....

    (Black) West Haven man sentenced to two and a half years in Norwalk attempted murder, time he already served
black suspect STAMFORD — A West Haven resident was sentenced to more than two years in prison Tuesday — which he already has served — after he pleaded guilty to attempting to kill a man during a shootout on a residential street in Norwalk in 2017.

Marquel Middleton, 31, appeared at the state Superior Court in Stamford Tuesday clad in gray sweatpants and sweatshirt to receive his sentence, which came as a part of a deal offered by Superior Court Judge Gary White.

After he is released by the Department of Corrections, Middleton will begin five years of probation. If he violates his probation, he faces up to an additional 17.5 years in prison.

Before being led away by court marshals, Middleton declined to comment on the case.

In January, Middleton pleaded guilty to attempted murder, illegal discharge of a firearm, carrying a pistol without a permit and first-degree reckless endangerment as part of his agreement. In return, Middleton was handed 30 months in prison, all of which he has already served, according to his attorney Frank Bevilacqua.

    QUEER FAGGOT DEVIANT PERVERT SODOMITE FILTH Idaho man, Alexander Louie, sentenced to prison for purposely trying to spread HIV through homosexual violation of men and boys

  Weekly Update RON PAUL LIBERY REPORT --- The Great Ukraine Robbery is Not Over Yet

    NATO and Russia are Prepping For TOTAL War, Putin orders Nuke Test | Redacted with Clayton Morris

    Netanyahu: ICC warrants would be unprecedented antisemitism​
"The possibility that they will issue arrest warrants ... is a scandal of historical magnitude," said the Israeli premier.​ Posted by Apollonian

Moderna Stops New mRNA Vaxx Trials after High Rate of Side Effects​
Posted by Apollonian

SPARS 2025 – 2028: Government Knew COVID Shots Would Kill​
Posted by Apollonian

Cancer ‘is our new Covid’ – Pfizer CEO​
Posted by Apollonian

No Saudi defense pact without Israel deal – White House​
Posted by Apollonian

BREAKING--Seattle, King County Reports 18.5% Increase in Cardiac Arrests from Pre-Pandemic Years​
Elite EMS System Discloses Alarming Rise after COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout​ Posted by Apollonian

Blinken Blames Social Media for Israel Losing PR War; Romney Agrees, Confirms TikTok Ban is to Help Israel​
Posted by Apollonian

White House SQATTER Biden Gives Illegal Immigrants Access To Obamacare​
Posted by Apollonian

Big Pharma Caught Spiking Transfusion Blood with HIV​
Posted by Apollonian

Israeli organ-trafficking network busted in Turkiye​
Posted by Apollonian

    HOUSTON, TX is an African Outpost.
bank robbery! He's a black male, about 6'2", with an average build and a beard. Arheel's Uncle Senior Reporter

Fugitive ringleader of NYC migrant moped gang caught after 3 months on the run — because of helmet violation: sources​

Globetrotting jewelry thief caught after swiping nearly $300K from NYC Cartier, Tiffany shops​
Posted by The Bobster

Career criminal arrested for randomly attacking woman on NYC subway — only to be set free next day​
Posted by The Bobster

Don't like it? Deal with it.
Posted by Arheel's Uncle

Jason Bowman & wife packed up and left niggertown of Baltimurder.
The cowardly nigger writers at BET nigger news never mentioned the baby was WHITE.

Posted by Arheel's Uncle

The NYPD has described the attacker as a man with a dark complexion
Posted by Arheel's Uncle

Posted by Arheel's Uncle

Federal hate-crime trial continues in Allendale trans murder case​

Posted by Arheel's Uncle

Corrupt NY judge now considers whether he might put Trump in jail for contempt, violating his illegal gag-order


  ANTI-american, anti-christian, pro-muslime terrorists vandalize WWI memorial, burn American flag after cops block group from reaching star-studded Met Gala in NYC
Anti-Israel protesters vandalized a World War I memorial in Central Park on Monday and burned an American flag after a mob of more than 1,000 marchers was blocked by cops from reaching the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where the star-studded Met Gala was in full swing.

At least one America-hating vandal torched Old Glory at the site of the 107th Infantry Memorial, the base of which was defaced with graffiti reading “Gaza” in large black letters.

Others plastered the statue’s bronze soldiers with stickers of the Palestinian flag that read “Stop the Genocide. End the apartheid. Free Palestine.”

Some of the protesters climbed atop the infantrymen and waved Palestinian flags or draped them over the figures.





A Man arrested after trying to shoot pastor during sermon in North Braddock

A man is facing charges after Pennsylvania State Police say he tried to shoot a pastor who was giving a sermon at a church in North Braddock.

Video taken at the church shows Pastor Glenn Germany preaching at the Jesus’ Dwelling Place Church on Lobinger Avenue at 1:09 p.m. on Sunday.

A man then walks up and points a handgun directly at him.

Police say the man tried to fire the gun but it did not go off.

The pastor quickly dives behind the pulpit and the man walks after him.

A deacon then quickly takes the man with the gun to the ground. The weapon is then wrestled out of his hands.

Pennsylvania State Police say the gunman was Bernard Junior Polite, 26, from Braddock.

Polite is facing attempted homicide charges. owfullscreen>

    What have these Demon-rat psychopaths done?--trying to set-up Trump for fake prosecution(s) which they're now trying to cover-up, suckers
Jack Smith's Prosecution of Trump is a Coverup Wrapped in a Setup...​

Posted by Apollonian

WEF Admits Pandemic Was a Hoax to Eliminate Cash​
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has admitted that the Covid pandemic was a globalist hoax that sought to eliminate cash and force the public to accept central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and digital IDs.
The WEF revealed that the global pandemic was merely a step toward ushering in the organization’s plan for a worldwide “cashless society.” Interstingly, globalists have revealed that the coming single digital currency will have two tiers.
There will be one CBDC system for the general public to use and another that only global elites, corporations, and politicians will be able to access.
Posted by Apollonian

The Utterly Corrupt Biden Regime Used Intimidation to Force Media to Prevent Publication of Accurate Information Concerning the Laboratory Creation of Covid- 19
Posted by Apollonian

    (6-year-old mugger busted for punching Queens grandmother down church steps had 9 prior arrests​
Posted by Arheel's Uncle

Man shot multiple times at Crab Du Jour in North Philadelphia, police say​
Posted by The Bobster

Man shot multiple times at Crab Du Jour in North Philadelphia, police say​
Posted by The Bobster

Creepy Joe is determined to bring more sh*t-skins into the country, suckers
Posted by Apollonian

Posted by Arheel's Uncle

ASIAN FEMALE Florida day care owner arrested after ‘sickening’ child abuse:
Rong Liu arrested after alleged abuse at Children's Land of Imagination Academy in Odessa, Florida​
Posted by Arheel's Uncle

BLACK: Missouri day care worker accused of breaking infant’s leg
Posted by Arheel's Uncle

“She’s not a monster. She’s not an evil person. She was frustrated,”
Posted by Arheel's Uncle

BLACK: Indianapolis daycare worker sentenced to 30 years for child molestation of 9 y.o. girl
Posted by Arheel's Uncle

(UPDATE: Boynton daycare teacher faces more child-abuse charges​ Posted by Posted by Arheel's Uncle

    Iowa ‘will not back down’ after TRAITOR Biden administration threatens to sue if state arrests, deports ILLEGAL CRIMINAL INVDER 'migrants'

The Biden administration warned Republican Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds on Friday that legal action will be taken if it enforces a new law that allows authorities to arrest migrants who were previously denied entry or deported from the US — as she and the state attorney general vow they “will not back down.”

In a letter to the Hawkeye State governor, a Justice Department Deep State lackey official called the measure unconstitutional and gave the state a May 7 deadline to suspend enforcement of Senate File 2340, which Reynolds signed into law earlier this month.

“SF 2340 is preempted by federal law and violates the United States Constitution,” Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Brian Boynton wrote, according to the Des Moines Register.

Iowa’s new law, which goes into effect on July 1, makes it an aggravated misdemeanor offense — punishable by up to two years in prison — for migrants to be in the Hawkeye State if they have outstanding deportation orders, were previously deported or were at one point barred from entering the US.

The law elevates the crime to a felony offense if the person’s previous removal orders were related to misdemeanor convictions for drug crimes, crimes against people or any type of felony conviction.

Police are barred from arresting suspected migrants in violation of the law at places of worship, schools or medical facilities.

Arrested individuals may be allowed by a judge to leave the country and not face charges, according to the law’s text.

Convicted migrants could also be forcibly deported by judges.

“The only reason we had to pass this law is because the Biden Administration refuses to enforce the laws already on the books,” Reynolds wrote on X, signaling that she has no plans to not enforce the new law. “I have a duty to protect the citizens of Iowa,” she added. “Unlike the federal government, we will respect the rule of law and enforce it.”


    2022: Colin Flaherty, RIP.

Colin Flaherty

Thanks to post by Arheel's Uncle

Videos on YouTube featuring Colin Flaherty

while Mar Mari Emmanuel was preaching in his church in Australia
although he did survive and forgave his demonic bloodthirsty mu-slime assassin
he has apparently lost an eye

Sydney bishop speaks of losing sight in one eye after being stabbed in church by mu-slime assassin.

    "Final Warning: America's Last Chance Before Collapse" | Victor Davis Hanson

Leaked Government Report Exposes Unthinkable Crisis on the Horizon - [inflation]

(Did 🇺🇸 Congress BAN the NEW TESTAMENT? Dr. Taylor Marshall Podcast

"Full Blown Marxist" - George Soros Pays MILLIONS To Fund Anti-Israel College Campus Protests

Three Quran Verses Every Jew Needs to Know

The “Deep S tate” Explained

    black suspect

Ho ho oho, creepy Joe will bring-in the Gazan Palestinians to Jew S A, suckers
just MORE protesters, more bedlam and turbulence, morons

BREAKING: President Biden's controllers will have him bring in thousands of radical muslim Palestinian refugee 'migrant' guests from Gaza into the United States as refugees.
And house, feed and give them enough money to acquire guns and explosives.

Federal U.S. agencies are figuring out how to resettle Palestinians from Gaza.

According to the report, one proposal would use the United States Refugee Admissions Program to bring in Palestinians with U.S. ties who may have escaped into Egypt.

Those who pass the eligibility requirements would then fly into the United States with refugee status, receive housing assistance and have a path towards citizenship.
Posted by Apollonian

    Joe Biden labelled a ‘weak, puppet president

Houston is infested with lawless negro criminals.
Posted by Arheel's Uncle

They put the negro in the cell with the White man, while knowing the details of why the negro was in the jail to begin with.

Posted by Arheel's Uncle

They put the negro in the cell with the White man, while knowing the details of why the negro was in the jail to begin with.

Posted by Arheel's Uncle

BBC reports: MULATTO: Brown Clee Hill: Moses Christensen jailed for walker's murder, WHITE 70 y.o. man out walking
Posted by Arheel's Uncle

SAGGIN w orange briefs is BLACK: Man with orange briefs among 2 suspects wanted in shooting that killed dog owner near The Heights
Posted by Arheel's Uncle

UK: 2019: WHITE Male dog walker blinded in one eye afer being whipped with belt in 'unprovoked' negro attack
Posted by Arheel's Uncle

snicker snicker

Posted by Arheel's Uncle

Mississippi Burning of 2 Jewish Civil Rights workers, 1 black male... American Thinker
heavily snipped Todd Mitchell had not watched the movie but joined the group during the discussion and asked, “Do you all feel hyped up to move on some white people?” When Reddick walked by across the street, Mitchell pointed him out and said, “There goes a white boy; go get him.”

Posted by Posted by Arheel's Uncle

VERSION [1927] The Jazz Singer Lithuanian Jewish actor Asa Yoelson (“Al Jolson”), specialized in “coon tunes” scored by Jewish composers Jerome Kern, Irving Berlin and others. In the Jewish produced movies, Mammy, Big Boy and The Jazz Singer, Jolson was the most prominent in a long line of recent Jewish immigrants to America, such as Sophie Kalish-(“Sophie Tucker”) and Edward Israel Iskowitz (“Eddie Cantor”) who made their mark as “coon shouters.”

William N, Grimstad, in his magisterial work, Talk About Hate, states that these “recent arrival(s) from the East European ghettos...immediately began ridiculing American Negroes--some of whose forbears had been in North America since’ the seventeenth century.”
Posted by Arheel's Uncle

Way of the World @wayotworld Blacks discover that bowling balls can also be used to knock down people. It appears that nowhere is safe from them.
Posted by Posted by Arheel's Uncle

    NEW YORK City Hall is taking candy from spicklets to end subway peddling as parents plead, ‘I need to work'
Posted by The Bobster

Department of Education Chancellor Carmen Fariña
Obama era 'No Child Left Behind'; Bill DeBlasio appointee. She ran a Diploma Mill. The reality is, Farina failed at everything.
"Principal Hid Fraud on Tests in Brooklyn, Officials Say". The New York Times.

Posted by Arheel's Uncle

Decrepit Harvey Weinstein appears in NY court handcuffed to wheelchair — as prosecutors say they’ll be ready to re-try him for rape before 2025​
Posted by The Bobster

Shoplifter attacks NYC Trader Joe’s worker with garbage can lid in vacancy-plagued Flatiron​
Posted by The Bobster

DNA identifies child found in duffle bag as missing Philadelphia 4-year-old Damari Carter, police say​
Posted by The Bobster

Taliban Grizzly pleaded guilty in Prince George’s County, Maryland, to attempted robbery in 2011, and in January 2017, he also claimed guilty to two counts of possessing dangerous controlled substances. Prosecutors allege Taliban had a “number of firearms” last month on a trip from Miami to D.C.


Posted by Arheel's Uncle

Mentally ill man killed at Ohio airport shot his mom in 1999​

Jan 9, 2015 Hashim Hanif Ibn Abdul-Rasheed broke into his mother's house in Cleveland on Sept. 22, 1999, shot her two or three times, then stole her car. He was a diagnosed schizophrenic.

Posted by Arheel's Uncle

How about 70% of all new HIV cases are blacks, the highest of all other sexually transmitted
diseases are among the black community?

Posted by Arheel's Uncle

2017 BLACKS: Meanest looking black I ever saw: Arrest made in September murder of Baton Rouge man
Posted by Arheel's Uncle

When four suspected burglars tried to make off with her belongings, Gentry and her
sons outfoxed them by fashioning a tripwire out of a fishing line

The Odd Truth, July 26, 2004
A Whole Lot Of Hemingway; Yawning Chimps; Donkey Mayor; Dog CPR

Posted by Arheel's Uncle

and falsely claiming that “the first plantation owner in Florida was a Black woman.”

SPLC is dead wrong,
black 'free woman' Anna Kingsley ran the Kingsley's plantation [which was the 1st FL plantation] while her supposedly 'white' husband Zephaniah Kingsley Jr. was absent, which was most of the time. Anna also owned her own plantation with many slaves across from her husbands plantation.
I have an educated suspicion that Kingsley was a Sephardi Jew, as he owned and ran slave ships which caused him to be away for months, he'd often dealt with and had a lot of connections with higher ups in Spain who also profited off black slavery.
Posted by Arheel's Uncle

The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government​

When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu demanded that the protests against Israel be stopped, the US government complied because our members of Congress have all been bought and paid for with tax dollars given to the American Israeli Political Action Committee, known as AIPAC.

AIPAC openly brags about this on their official website, because they don’t have to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, which requires agents of foreign principals to register and provide transparency.
Posted by Apollonian

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    Find more free resources including thousands of articles and lessons on our website:

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    Hope Bible Church on YouTube
    At Hope Bible Church we believe that the King James Bible is the inspired and preserved word of God (2 Tim. 3:16) and that "rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Tim. 2:15) is the key to understanding the Bible.

    All scripture is for us, but it was not all written to and about us. To rightly divide the word of truth is to recognize and consistently maintain the clear divisions that God put in the scripture.

    The main division in the word of God is between the prophetic kingdom program of Israel (concerns that which was spoken by the prophets since the world began, Acts 3:21) and the mystery program of the Body of Christ (concerns that which was kept secret since the world began until it was revealed through the apostle Paul, Rom. 16:25).

    Christ chose Paul to be the pattern and spokesman for the Body of Christ to follow in this present dispensation of grace (1 Cor. 4:16-17; 11:1; Phil. 4:9; 1 Tim. 1:12-16).
    Hope Bible Church Website

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    We believe salvation is by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ’s death on the cross for our sins, his burial, and resurrection the third day.

    We love sinners enough to share the gospel of the grace of God with all men. We believe God’s power unto salvation is in the gospel of Christ (Romans 1:16), and his power to stablish believers is in Paul’s gospel, the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery, and the scriptures of the prophets.

    We believe the great enemy of God’s power in his word is the traditions and wisdom of men, which make the word of God of none effect. (Mark 7:13, 1 Corinthians 1:17, and Colossians 2:8-23).

    Therefore we hold to true biblical ministry of preaching Christ crucified to sinners, and building up the saints in Christ through good doctrine, obtained only through studying and teaching the King James Bible rightly divided (2 Timothy 2:15)
    Hillview Baptist Church website

    Shorewood Bible Church on YouTube
    We are an independent, self-governing, self-supporting, self-propagating local body of believers. We maintain no organizational affiliations with any other group, although we gladly fellowship with others of like precious faith.

    Our purpose as a visible, localized manifestation of the Body of Christ is to glorify God by promoting "the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery" committed to the Apostle Paul (Rom. 16:25, Eph. 3:1-9) and carrying out "the ministry of reconciliation" committed to our trust as Ambassadors of Christ (II Cor. 5:18-20, II Tim. 1:13,14).

    To this end and following the ministry strategy of the Apostle Paul (Acts 14:21-23), we have established three Biblical priorities for our ministry:
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